Understanding Increasing Confidence Levels About Global Warming

There has been no global warming since this article appeared in the Canberra Times almost twenty years ago, other than the rebound in temperatures after the Mt. Pinatubo cooling. The complete failure of the theory over the last 20 years, has caused IPCC confidence in the theory to increase to 95%.

NoProof MWPChickenLittle

15 Jun 1994 – No proof of global warming There is no clear evi…

h/t to Ivan 

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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5 Responses to Understanding Increasing Confidence Levels About Global Warming

  1. Andy DC says:

    This scam is dying a slow, miserable death.

    • X says:

      They still have time to “repent”… but not much really! 🙂
      Actually I believe they’ll die with the scam, especially the older ones.

  2. aeroguy48 says:

    Who is John Daily? Oops I meant Gault.

  3. Andrew McIntyre sure did get it right way back in 1995. This was an interesting read.

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