Understanding The Difference Between Big Oil Money And Big Government Money

Big oil wants to destroy the planet, and big government wants to rescue the planet from the evil oil companies. That is why government goes to war every few months to keep the flow of oil coming in from the Middle East.

Scientists who take money from big oil are evil, but scientists who take money from big government are pure of heart. Government scientists cheat, lie and tamper with data for your own good – and just don’t get enough respect for their noble efforts.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Understanding The Difference Between Big Oil Money And Big Government Money

  1. Andy Oz says:


    Splashback! This is what US Scientists do with big government money! Seriously!!
    Prof Tadd Truscott and Randy Hurd – sounds like a pair of R rated movie stars.
    The global warming research budget must have been exhausted.

  2. Andy Oz says:

    Global Warming has reached its high water mark and is declining. NASA need a new bogey man to get scare pollies into handing over unlimited government funding. Enter the Global Meteor Strike!

  3. Andy DC says:

    The way the winter is starting, with repeated shots of cold air, there are going to be very few global warming advocates left to raise their banner. Near record to record cold early next week in many places, with a possible snowstorm for the mid Atlantic.

  4. Billy Liar says:


    just don’t get enough respect for their Nobel efforts.

  5. pyeatte says:

    Since the AGW freaks still insist they are right, they should put their money where their mouth is. Start a walking trek to the North Pole, they should do just fine since it is so warm. There must be plenty of agriculture to live off of along the way.

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