Unprecedented Global Warming Comes To The US

Greens hope to cut off the fossil fuel supply and thus freeze tens of millions of Americans to death this winter. They believe that “carbon” is overheating the US.


10-Day Temperature Outlook for the Conterminous U.S.

In a few days the climate frauds will abandon the global warming story again, and return to the “climate change makes it cold” story. They might even try out the “missing Arctic ice makes it cold” story once again.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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One Response to Unprecedented Global Warming Comes To The US

  1. chris y says:

    The color scheme for these plots has not been consensized.
    You should properly use complementary colors for these temperature ‘extremes’.
    For example, blue becomes orange, red becomes green, yellow becomes purple, etc.

    The technique of flipping the polarity of data when necessary has already been shown by Mann to be highly robust, when he applied it to the Tiljander silt dataset to tease a hockey stick out of the muck.

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