US Burn Acreage 45% Below Normal In 2013

Contrary to the hysterics from Obama and the rest of the climate liars, US burn acreage was the second lowest of the decade in 2013, and 45% below average.


National Interagency Fire Center

The total number of fires in 2013 (42,182) was the lowest in 30 years.

National Interagency Fire Center

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to US Burn Acreage 45% Below Normal In 2013

  1. gator69 says:

    Remember, it isn’t about the acreage, but the number of burnouts.

  2. Ben says:

    Yes Steven, burn acreage was the second lowest, but we (NSIDC-National Smoke and Inferno Data Center) measure burn volume now. Try to keep up.

  3. Chuckster says:

    Ben: Burn volume? You’re measuring by the volume of the conflagrations? Fire has always been measured as area affected for unpopulated areas, or dollar amount. Why the change? Are you having fun?

    • pinroot says:

      Seriously, didn’t you see the /sarc tag? Regarding sea ice, once ice extent started going up, they switched to ice *volume* as the important metric to be followed. That’s what Ben is making reference to. Once a particular metric starts to change in a good way, they find a new metric to piss and moan about. Sea ice extent increasing? No problem, the volume isn’t (yet), so piss and moan about that in the MSM. Surface temps have “stalled” ~17 years? No problem, change the metric to global temps with the heat now hiding at the bottom of the deep blue sea, not surface temps.

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