US Experiencing Very Little Sea level Rise

I took five randomly selected and approximately equidistant locations along the US Pacific and Atlantic coastlines, and calculated the average sea level rise rates for each coast based on University of Colorado sea level data.

The West Coast showed a slight decline since 1993.

WestCoastStations WestCoastSeaLevel

The East Coast showed a rise of 2.1 mm/year, well below the claimed global rate of 3.2 mm/year.



Bottom line is that claims of the US being threatened by sea level rise are nothing but the usual bullshit from the usual suspects.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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3 Responses to US Experiencing Very Little Sea level Rise

  1. Olaf Koenders says:

    Tipping over, just like Guam. It’s worse than we thought!!

  2. Same around the UK. There are ten sites with long term records, and most show falling sea levels in the last decade.

  3. edonthewayup says:

    Reblogged this on Edonurwayup's Blog and commented:
    Tell it to Telemundo and The Weather Chanel.

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