Summer temperatures in the US were much hotter during the 1930’s than in any recent years.
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Seems a lot hotter on some summer days now than when I was doing two-a-days in August in North Carolina 50 years ago.
Well Bob, I am only 57, but I have much less heat tolerance now, then I did in the 6o s and 70s.
That’s because you are out of shape. Try doing it in Houston during two-a-days. I was very used to the humidity then I moved away. When I came to visit family, I went for 15K run in early morning in the summer, that was much worse than I had experienced in less humidity…
The 1930’s were long before time began! At least for most of us, because we were not yet alive. You can’t rely on ancient low tech, primative artifacts, such newspapers or handwritten relics, like temperature records. Those are extremely unrelliable compared to today’s satellites and computer models in the hands of capable NOAA scientists!
NOAA is composed of politicians not scientists.
what matters more is average daily not peaks
What matters is that you have no idea what you are talking about.