With Obama’s Collapse, The Communist News Network Sees Chris Christie As Their Best Hope To Keep Democrats In Power


Opinion: Chris Christie is GOP’s lone superstar – CNN.com

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to With Obama’s Collapse, The Communist News Network Sees Chris Christie As Their Best Hope To Keep Democrats In Power

  1. dbstealey says:

    Christie is no different than McCain, Schwarzenegger, Bloomberg, etc.

    All RINO’s.

    We can certainly do better than Christie. If there was a fire-breathing, right wing, CONSERVATIVE attack dog Republican candidate, the voters would follow. Most folks are sick and tired of Obama’s meddling with the economy, his incessant lies, and his never ending tribalism.

    Americans self-identify as Conservative over Liberal by a 2 : 1 margin. Reagan showed it can be done. But the R Party has allowed the media to select its candidates ever since, and they will lose the next election for that reason.

  2. With “friends” like the Republican Establishment Elite, we don’t need enemies. Since Regan, they have repeatedly snatched defeat from the jaws of victory. Even though Bush1 and Bush2 “won”, they were anything but defenders of The Constitution. They caved repeatedly to the Democrat’s assault on our individual rights. The sooner they are dumped the better off we will be.

    • gofer says:

      The establishment didn’t support the race in Virgina and if they had gotten behind him, he could have won. IF the left praises a Republican, then they aren’t really a conservative because the left depises conservatives.

      Latino voters went big for the democrat in Va. I wonder what will happen if 20-30 million are made legal? Goodbye country.

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