Worst Storm Ever Knocked A Tree Over



Fortunately, the Porta-Potties didn’t tip over in the Jeff Masters 195 MPH winds.

ScreenHunter_146 Nov. 08 14.59

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Worst Storm Ever Knocked A Tree Over

  1. Fred from Canuckistan says:

    Any land station data available for locations where the storm came ashore ?

    • Karl W. Braun says:

      According to the Philippine weather agency, PAGASA, maximum sustained winds were recorded at Guiuan, Samar, the initial point of landfall, at 235kph with gusts up to 275kph. The strength of the winds diminished during subsequent landfalls.

      • That is 50 MPH below Jeff Masters’ claim.

      • Bill says:

        Saw someone on TV (CNN I think) answering a question about exaggerations of this storm. He said there may have been stronger ones that formed at sea but this was the strongest to come ashore. Then he said (or at least the writing on screen said) how could you expect to see anything stronger than 245 mph winds. mph, what an idiot.

  2. tony says:

    I have a friend who lives in Southern Sogod, Leyte, which is about 20 miles south of the centerline path. I called her right after the eye passed through her area. I was surprised that the call even went through, since much lesser storms routinely knock out cell service and electricity in that impoverished area. She told me it was very windy, and held the phone so I could hear the wind. She also told me that she was about to go to the store to buy some food. I had to remind her that she was at ground zero of the most powerful storm ever on Earth and she should wait a few hours for the 200 km/hr sustained winds with 300 km/hr gusts to die down. She ignored my advice.

  3. Gamecock says:

    I have found zero reports of measured central pressure. Zero. “Greatest Storm Ever” and they don’t know what the central pressure was. I saw a few estimates, but no measurements.

  4. Tom Harley says:

    Having seen what a Category 4 and a 5 Hurricane (Orson, Ilona, Vance, Rosita) can do, this looked tame. Those storms in Australia’s North West had no leaves left on ANY tree still standing. The houses were mostly built to withstand these cyclonic winds. Cyclone Vance hit Exmouth and destroyed a lot of cyclone proof houses however.

  5. Climatism says:

    There’s only one thing more certain than socialism and Carbon Tax’s : Philippines typhoon history (or any climate history) WILL NOT be discussed at the upcoming #COP19 propaganda summit http://www.typhoon2000.ph/stormstats/12WorstPhilippineTyphoons.htm

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