February 1977 : Experts Hoped The Cold US Winter Would Convince Government To Take Action Against Global Cooling

In February 1977, experts hoped that the cold winter in the US would convince government to take action against global cooling

ScreenHunter_130 Feb. 04 04.54ScreenHunter_133 Feb. 04 05.00

The winter of 1977 was very similar to this winter. Snow in Florida and warm in Alaska


Same polar vortex as 2014

ScreenHunter_224 Jan. 21 20.19

The Lewiston Journal – Google News Archive Search

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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18 Responses to February 1977 : Experts Hoped The Cold US Winter Would Convince Government To Take Action Against Global Cooling

  1. omanuel says:

    Current leaders of the United Nations and the world scientific community use science as a disguise to control people with false information.

    Real scientist would address the three figures of precise experimental data that falsified their “settled scientific” conclusions on the force that powers the Sun and sustains our lives [See Figures 1-3, pages 19-27 of Chapter 2].


  2. Greg Locke says:

    What else is the same is that both 1977 and 2014 are several years into a cold PDO cycle.

    • David says:

      Also a weak solar cycle though this one is more similar to the Dalton minimum than solar cycle 20. We are also closer to the end of the Holocene and much colder than when the little ice age started in the 1300s. So what could possibly go wrong with a huge population and limited ability to grow food.

      • X says:

        You mean ” .. what could possible NOT go wrong …” with the present mindset of political “leaders”.

      • X says:

        Your point about “closer to the end of the Holocene” is escaping the analysis of “97%” of the analyses everywhere. People think in terms of global for “space” and forget the long term trends in “time”, of which the progression of the Holocene is probably the most important.
        Same “forcings” displaced in time towards the end of the interglacial necessarily have different results. The atmosphere is drier now, Earth’s magnetic field is weaker and we’re just starting another Bond cycle, etc.

  3. David says:

    Its why I have 2-3 months of canned goods. 100 pounds of beans and 100 pounds of rice and 3 months of freeze dried in the house. You don’t have to be faster than the bear just faster than the average American boobicanis

    • Ernest Bush says:

      I wouldn’t announce that publicly even to friends and neighbors. When SHTF conditions occur you may be engaged in a shooting war trying to defend your right to keep it and your life. However, be sure you have the water and means to cook it with no utilities available, as well as the ability to decisively defend it.

  4. gator69 says:

    “February 2014 : Experts Hoped The Cold US Winter Would Convince Government To Take Action Against Global Warming”

  5. Gail Combs says:

    Steve G. I have several comments still in moderation since yesterday in the Just Hit The NOAA Motherlode thread addressing citizenschallenge’s idiocy.

    They give a lot of the scientific background for the sun/solar wind/polar wind (loss of atmosphere) Jet stream connections and what we are seeing happening now.

    Trying to find information is a real pain because scientists esp. at NASA tippy toe around the sun’s variability and its effect on climate.

    The Solar Wind/Cosmic Ray/ UV ====> changes in ozone ====> changes in the jet stream at the poles is known but not talked about in Politically Correct company it seems. (I was going to say polite but they are the opposite of polite.)

    • Shazaam says:

      If you have a ton of links, I think posts get automatically tossed into a moderation heap. And I am not sure Dorthy’s pup knows where those moderation buttons are….. I had one post like that many moons ago……

      • Gail Combs says:

        I am aware links cause WordPress to toss the comment into the snow pile. That is why I am alerting Steve he might want to get a snow shovel and start digging.

        It is also why I now use the title and author instead of a link but with citizenschallenge’s level of understanding I thought I better provide the links.

        • Eric Simpson says:

          It seems that you can give two links.

          Anything more than 2, and your comment gets tossed into the void. I’m not absolutely sure about that 2 number, 2 just seems to work, while more than that, it needs “testing” so someone can provide the exact answer.

          If you are over your link limit, you could say “dot com” as an alternative. For example, I think wuwt’s weekly climate news roundup is not given enough attention for all the good it gives. We’ll see if this causes any issues: I could say go to wattsupwiththat dot com + /2014/02/02/weekly-climate-and-energy-news-roundup-122/

  6. Robertv says:

    In 1977 the world scientific community did not recognise this sign of future global warming. They wanted governments to prepare for the wrong stuff. How could it be that they made such a huge mistake.

  7. Eric Simpson says:

    “We are on the brink of disaster. Urgent action by the government is needed.” -Econuts and Democrats, 1960s
    “We are on the brink of disaster. Urgent action by the government is needed.” -Econuts and Democrats, 1970s
    “We are on the brink of disaster. Urgent action by the government is needed.” -Econuts and Democrats, 1980s
    “We are on the brink of disaster. Urgent action by the government is needed.” -Econuts and Democrats, 1990s
    “We are on the brink of disaster. Urgent action by the government is needed.” -Econuts and Democrats, 2000s
    “We are on the brink of disaster. Urgent action by the government is needed.” -Econuts and Democrats, 2010s

  8. Curt says:

    Don’t just do something, stand there!

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