Global Warming Is Ruining The Minnesota Winter – Greg Laden’s Blog
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Who keeps releasing massive amounts of carbon into the atmosphere? Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds?
The abolsute BS these crooks are coming up with in their brainstorming sessions is amazing and they have no shame in their lies. Big $$$ working here.
You are very confused, Greg.
Carbon is released into the atmosphere as soot. In most of the modern countries, it’s release is heavily regulated. You will do jail time if you don’t curtail it. Come on, Gregg, you can say it, you know, carbon dioxide, that thing plants need to live. That thing that makes life possible on this planet. That thing that has absorbed all the long-wave radiation there is to absorb 40 feet off the ground or ocean. You can say it.
Unfortunately for you, thinking individuals know all that is needed to brand you a fool when you use the term warm winter when it is currently 5 degrees below zero in Minnesota mid-day, which has not been unusual for the entire winter. This makes you sound foolish and one can only assume you are a fool if not a liar for the progressive agenda. Don’t be surprised when most thinking individuals reject what you have to say.
While what you say about fish in Minnesota lakes is sad, one can only say welcome to really long, cold, snowy, winters again in Minnesota. With a little luck this will be a short weather event of a few years and not long term climate change. In that case, dead fish may be the least of your worries.
Yes, soot is carbon and diamonds are carbon, but CO2, not so much. I can understand how soot could leave a carbon footprint, but CO2 is a colorless gas that will float away, leaving no footprint at all.
Girl s ? Carbon
Trees ? Carbon Dioxide!
Boys love Girls who ? Carbon