Round 2 Of The Mindless Alarmists

After being pummeled senseless in the first round, they are back on their feet for more punishment.

ScreenHunter_512 Feb. 26 13.49

Twitter / SteveSGoddard: @dufussy @evcricket @Bondles …

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Round 2 Of The Mindless Alarmists

  1. Rosco says:

    Work = F x D = MAD – which is why I retired !

  2. Morgan says:

    Maybe they think the wind is a perpetual motion machine

  3. Latitude says:

    Sandy Hook massacre was a “contrived event,” says former state trooper Wolfgang Halbig

    • Gail Combs says:

      On top of Sandy Hook you also have Fast & Furious. Add them together and you have an assault on our Second Amendment. That is what this is actually about

      For what it is worth:
      The national news media reported a major riot at the Big Ten University I went to right after the Kent State Riots. My parents several states away saw film footage of the ‘Riot’ on the news and called me. Mom was scared to death I might have been caught in the riot. I was on the main campus where the ‘riot’ took place from 7:30 AM till 5:30 PM that day. THERE WAS NO RIOT! It was completely contrived. Also my roomy was an instate student. Her parents never saw any film footage or heard a report of the riot. I have never believed the MSM since then.

      Then there were the Ritual abuse cases in day care centers

      Another one where the politicians (Martha Coakley and Scott Harshbarger) involved went on to political glory the Fells Acres Day-care Ritual-abuse case

      The result of these travesties of justice were regulated daycares – Mission Accomplished! Now the US government has control of children from the time they are babies.

      • Jason Calley says:

        “The result of these travesties of justice were regulated daycares – Mission Accomplished! Now the US government has control of children from the time they are babies.”

        Aha! Now that rather sordid bit of history makes sense. I always felt like there was something missing, that it was more than just witch-burning madness. I had not thought of the regulatory fallout.

  4. Andy Oz says:

    A thing that does the same action over and over with no discernible change.
    Pretty much describes alarmists though without the fun factor.

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