So far, October-February in Texas has been fifth coldest on record in Texas, and may end up in the fourth position, beating out 2010. Temperatures peaked in the 1920’s and 1930’s.
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After the Climate Lying Scums at NASA/GISS and other places do their magic, it will turn out to be the 5th hottest October- February in Texas history.
Catastrophic warming! We are all going to die! (sarc).
No kidding. While it does seem that we’ve had winter-like condition literally all winter, I’ve never seen anything come even close to what we saw back in 1983 and 1989. Crazy cold enough to freeze outdoor fish pond deep enough to be able to walk on IN HOUSTON. I’ll have to look up weather records for the late 1970s as it’s the coldest one ever. It may have been responsible for meningitis that cost my hearing when I was 20 months old. No sun, no vitamin D.
I moved from Arizona to Houston in January 1990, and remember that all the palm trees were dead from the cold a week or two earlier.
Flatonia (Tx) lives up to it’s name! Flat.
But have GISS been cooling the 1900 – 1930’s a tad anyway?