Skepticism Must Be Doing Well

We are starting to see a few skeptics launching turf wars, which is a sure sign that skepticism is doing well, and will soon become as corrupt and useless as the alarmists are.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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21 Responses to Skepticism Must Be Doing Well

  1. omanuel says:

    I agree with your assessment.

    Selfishness, self-centeredness is the root of most of our problems. The problem will be solved by everyone, at death if not before.

  2. I’m pretty sure Brandon wants to have your babies, Steven. He’s just too shy to ask in a straightforward manner.

  3. Colorado Wellington says:

    It’s a big teepee, Steve.

  4. garymount says:

    I’m curious, what prompted this post?

  5. geran says:

    It’s kind of hard to stake out your turf when everything is covered by snow….

  6. Poptech says:

    ROFLMAO, I just read the comments over at Brandon where he goes all “Moderator Nazi” on you,

    “…but as a moderation policy, when a person on this blog is told they’re wrong on factual matters, they must address that criticism.”

    Yes sir, right away sir!

    I cannot imagine how Steve will survive being banned from Brandon’s blog.

    • I just stumbled upon this post, and I wasn’t going to comment, but I saw this remark and had to clarify something. I have no intention of ever banning anyone from my blog. I have never threatened to do so, and I don’t imagine I ever will.

      The only way I can ever see banning a person is if they refuse to stop posting obscenities or similarly offensive material.

      • Andy Oz says:

        Brandon said above:
        ” I have never threatened to do so, and I don’t imagine I ever will.” Well if that is not an outright lie, then you changed your mind very fast. This is your comment from your own blog, that I will not read again. “Steven Goddard, I specifically informed you of my moderation policy, and you immediately proceed to flout it. If you violate it again, I’ll enforce that moderation policy.”

        You act like all the alarmist trolls who come on to Steven’s blog with the sole purpose of denigrating all and sundry. Steven rarely bans alarmist trolls. Perhaps it is because they are like whack-a-moles. It’s a fun game to keep smacking them around. If you want to be a troll, proceed. Just don’t whine after you don’t get the respect you seem to crave, and yet will not give respect in return.
        Steven’s blog has a massive amount of information if you were inclined to look. You demonstrate that you are not. Cool. No more need be said.

        • Andy Oz, I commented on this post for one reason, to inform people Poptech’s comment about my moderation was wrong. If you want to use that as a springboard for personal attacks, you may, but I won’t respond to any such comments on this post from here on.

        • Poptech says:

          His Nazi moderation policy is the equivalent of Skeptical Science – “say what we want or be censored”.

          In any event, if you wish to keep posting here, I suggest you try to respond to the things said in this post. You’re welcome to also discuss my response to your comments, but as a moderation policy, when a person on this blog is told they’re wrong on factual matters, they must address that criticism.” – Brandon

          “Steven Goddard, I specifically informed you of my moderation policy, and you immediately proceed to flout it. If you violate it again, I’ll enforce that moderation policy.” – Brandon

          The confusion his he believes anyone cares about commenting at his blog.

      • Poptech says:

        I have no idea how I misinterpreted this then,

        In any event, if you wish to keep posting here, I suggest you try to respond to the things said in this post. You’re welcome to also discuss my response to your comments, but as a moderation policy, when a person on this blog is told they’re wrong on factual matters, they must address that criticism.” – Brandon

        My apologies.

    • omanuel says:

      Selfishness, self centeredness is the root of our problem.

      We all suffer from the same affliction. To escape the ego cage is goal of life.

      We will all succeed – at death if not before – while there is still time to enjoy life.

  7. Kepler says:

    Brandon reminds me of the new employee in the office who, on his first day, comes in and starts criticizing everything while the seasoned pros sit there shaking their heads and rolling their eyes.

    My advice to Brandon is to first “watch, listen, and learn” here at this blog.

    • Poptech says:

      So true. You have to understand something about Brandon, he like Steve Mosher believe themselves to be PERFECTLY objective and the rest of us are here to be corrected by their great wisdom.

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