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Sometimes, Correlation Is Causation
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Sadly, the apparent decline after 2009 are much like the Mann adjustments.
Nice Hockey Stick!
That does not include the millions of people who have given up looking for work.
I just posted that chart below.
Haven’t you hear? They’re not unemployed. They’re just choosing to not be working.
Steve, Take a look at Shadow Stats Unemployment
It makes your chart look wimpy.
Also the chart for: Payroll Employment by Sector – Changes from Dec 2007 to Oct 2011
Total non-farm jobs lost 6.5 Million
One in six working age males out of work. 50 million on food stamps, the list goes on and on and on. This is utopia?
If you a government bureaucrat, yes.
Remember Socialism works until you run out of other peoples money. Greece found that out.
I think it should be pretty obvious that both parties are at fault here. The jobless rate was the result of the federal reserve propping up markets, allowing what essentially amounts to betting and then trying to cover up the original bailout via AIG which was a stealth bailout for the big banks.
We only have one party now, the Progressives. Libertarians need to get organized, and be recongnized as the only alternative.
Seconded. Only I am an unaffiliated independent–little “i”–and always will be…I am simply not a joiner (they are all going to have to join me).
That is the problem with true Libertarians, we just want to be left alone, and aren’t big on group activities. The opposite is true of leftists, who need constant supervision, and love being a part of something larger and all controlling.
We need to capture the hearts and minds of the true liberals, who have been swept up by the Progressive movement. I have met very few human beings that recoil at the idea of liberty.
Unfortunately you are correct but a vote for the ReBoobs is marginally better that a third party vote that really goes to the rabid progressives.
That is the only reason the reboobs have stayed in power. It is also why they want to crush the Yea Party (No I am not a member) am am a GDI.
That was only part of it. Clinton sold out the USA BIG TIME!
Chasing the Dragon: Clinton’s China Policy
This is a glimpse in to how the World Trade Organization actually works.
WTO, GMO and Total Spectrum Dominance
WTO is all about the ‘needs’ of transnational corporations and the heck with the workers or the country.
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Well, you can’t argue with charts! lol