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US Temperatures Peaked In The 1930’s, And Have Never Come Close Again
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Reblogged this on Catholic Glasses.
This is what history says the temperature was.
Things will suck a lot more if/when all the water freezes.
whos going to carry the can if ice increases sea levels drop and all the gmo crapcrops designed for heat stress etc fail worse than they are anyway ..and folks start to starve when cold wrecks what is growing and animals die in snow n ice as many have already?
Oh, all those are amongst the predicted effects of Anthropogenic Global Warming, haven’t you grasped that yet?
So it’s all OUR fault, what else do you expect?
The idiocy is already hitting.
Snow load for roofs, the depth you have to bury waterlines, the depth of road beds all among others depend on ACCURATE TEMPERATURE DATA.
New Jersey already has roofs collapsing from the snow load.
What you plant for crops, the type of livestock you choose, also depend on accurate temperature. Unfortunately saving seed in the USA and much of the rest of the world has been pretty much outlawed. This means you are stuck with the seed the big guys produce. If it is GMO, and genetically identical, you are really $..t out of luck.
I already ran into this a couple of times when the seed I wanted to buy was out of stock. Bad weather and replanting used up all the commercial stock.
More on the WAR against SEED SAVING
5am -20f for us in the up of Michigan 32f is global warming
Reblogged this on wwlee4411 and commented:
But your not supposed to know this.
It wouldn’t be so bad if the side effects would only happen to the ones advocating alarm. Unfortunately, all of us will have to pay the price. In the end, they will try to get away with what they have done by saying: “I didn’t mean THIS to happen. I was only trying to save the planet and not intend to destroy all that makes it worth while for a human to be alive.” Yes they did intend to destroy everything human and humane! Every consequence of every program they have ever advocated has always ended in disaster and always will. They are not innocent in the matter.
Thanks to a few brave souls like Steven Goddard, the real purpose of fudging global climate data has now been exposed:
John F. Kennedy and his brother were two politicians who would not be bluffed into submission.
Both were assassinated before Henry Kissinger and Richard Nixon conceded to the USSR and China in 1971 and ended the Apollo Space Program.
The rest is history.
With deep regrets,
– Oliver K. Manuel
Former NASA Principal
Investigator for Apollo
That recent video you linked with Morano was a good one…. and he mentioned Real Science. Libstains don’t know they’re crazy. They think the real world is the imaginary one. It will take very blunt rebuttals by a legit government to extinguish the lunacy, even for a while. I’m not holding out much hope.
John Kerry is touring South East Asia spruiking Global Warming and how China and the USA are working together. The two greatest communist countries in the world, working together moving forward on climate change. Makes your heart swell!
“By 2014 we’re predicting it will be 0.3 degrees warmer than 2004, and just to put that into context the warming over the past century and a half has only been 0.7 degrees, globally, there have been bigger changes locally but globally the warming is 0.7 degrees. So 0.3 degrees over the next ten years is pretty significant. And half the years after 2009 are predicted to be hotter than 1998 which was the previous record. So these are very strong statements about what will happen over the next ten years, so again I think this illustrates we can already see signs of climate change but over the next ten years we are expecting to see quite significant changes occurring.” —Vicky Pope, Met Office, 13 September 2007
Looks like Vicky Pope is a climate charlatan or so incompetent that paying her salary must be classed as UK government fraud.
Those hot summers will return. Unfortunately, a cooling planet likely causes the jetstream to ‘lock’ in place and when/if it does in summer it will be hot and of course the inverse in winter (2014)