NCDC’s Completely Fake US Temperature Graph

NOAA wants everyone to believe that the US is heating out of control since the 1970’s

ScreenHunter_30 Feb. 14 21.41

But their graph is complete BS. The blue line below shows the actual thermometer data. The post 1970’s hockey stick is 100% political BS, and has nothing to do with the climate or science

ScreenHunter_33 Feb. 14 23.15


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to NCDC’s Completely Fake US Temperature Graph

  1. ozspeaksup says:

    and these lying turds say sceptics are bringing down belief in truth in science?
    well with such rosy examples of their truth….and science..
    any trust anyone has would appear to be something needing question on every front all the time
    so many illussions our society has erroneously based itself on are shown to fraudulent
    this just the latest n greatest con -of far too many.

  2. Andy Oz says:

    CSIRO surveys Australians to see how their propaganda is performing!
    WTF is the premier scientific body in Australia doing that for? They should be solely concerned with scientific discovery and technological advancement, not what Australians think about CAGW. This single act shows they have turned into a political organisation and have dropped the pretense they are scientists anymore.
    Even worse is have the worlds top banker wanker chiming in with her 2 cents worth.

  3. Michael Mason says:

    If we pick a narrow slice of time, we may justify whatever we choose. Looking at a broader history (last 800K years) gives a historical image of climate change. Thus, we can note that during the last 3 interglacial (warm) periods, the average high temperatures were higher than in the present (Holocene) interglacial period. Political expediency informs the ignorant that we are overheating the earth. HOWEVER, look at the real trend of our current interglacial period. Real science indicates that the descent into another glacial period may have begun. – – Michael Mason, CES, PG (geophysicist)

  4. Gail Combs says:

    Darn, I lost my reply as I was about to hit post when the power went out for three hours. GRRrr.
    On a slightly different topic there is a hilarious example of what we have to fight over at WUWT HERE

    The following comments are great.

  5. globalcooler says:

    Reblogged this on Globalcooler's Weblog and commented:
    I once had a short Email series with Tom Wigley. I asked him for an email interview. I even gave his the final word on whether it would be published. He agreed, right up until the time he got my questions. Never heard from him again. One of my questions was concerning his paper showing hurricanes increasing compared to the 1970. I asked why he didn’t go back to the 50’s. The answer was obvious.

  6. globalcooler says:

    I once had a short Email series with Tom Wigley. I asked him for an email interview. I even gave his the final word on whether it would be published. He agreed, right up until the time he got my questions. Never heard from him again. One of my questions was concerning his paper showing hurricanes increasing compared to the 1970’s. I asked why he didn’t go back to the 50’s. The answer was obvious. The rest of the questions were equally embarrassing.

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