Without Global Warming, It Would Be -32.7 Degrees In Fort Collins This Morning

Urgent request for all climate experts at CU/CSU/NOAA. Please turn off your fossil fuel powered heating this morning, and prevent these outbreaks of Mann-made global warming from recurring.

ScreenHunter_167 Feb. 05 06.10

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About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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15 Responses to Without Global Warming, It Would Be -32.7 Degrees In Fort Collins This Morning

  1. stewart pid says:

    Almost -30C (temp – no wind chill nonsense there) in Calgary this AM … bloody cold and both furnaces are working overtime generating large amounts of CO2 but keeping me toasty warm. This has been a long, hard winter and it is far from over.

  2. lanceap says:

    -29.5C at my house this morning

    • Lance says:

      which is just south of Calgary (Okotoks). Wind is not a factor, so no wind chill. Since I wrote that, its still dropping at my house, so shortly, it will be -30…still….bloody cold!

  3. wwlee4411 says:

    Reblogged this on wwlee4411 and commented:
    Let the facts speak the truth.

  4. Robertv says:

    Happy Birthday Rikki Love Dad.
    Stern camera

    Aurora Australis back in Antarctica

  5. Pathway says:

    A balmy 10 F on the correct side of the mountains.

  6. Steve – I see that a Federal Climate Change Hub is coming to Fort Collins.


  7. Andy DC says:

    If it were -31.7 instead, we would all die!

  8. Steve Keohane says:

    Those -30s°C remind me of the early 70s in Ft. Collins.

  9. Wyguy says:

    Gotta move to Barrow , Alaska where it’s a nice warm 17 deg F.

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