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The Government Understands That Before You Can Exterminate A Population, First You Have To Take Their Guns And Ammo Away
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Reblogged this on wwlee4411 and commented:
Sound familiar?
That’s very much like when Reagan sold arms to the Contras a hundred years later. There were serious charges brought and felons convicted, but not Saint Ronald.
Don’t forget oh!bummer! and ‘Fast and Furious.’
Nor GW Bush and “Wide Receiver”
Yes, Reagan broke laws, but this has to do with the dangers of government TAKING your tools of self defense.
Yes, Dave, but that sounds really paranoid and just what the gun lobby wants you to think. The government has never made a proposal to take any guns from legal gun owners. The emphasis is always on guns getting in the hands of the wrong people. The sickos, wierdos, mass murderers and so on. Trying to keep the guns away from these people should not affect any law abiding citizen. Do you really think limiting guns to 15 round clips is going to spoil your fun?
…..and another thing, Dave, can you give up your 30 rounder to maybe save some innocent young school children?
Can you give up your big government to prevent a repeat of 200 million civilians murdered by governments over the past century?
By that queer turn of logic, it’s time to disarm the cops. The sickos, wierdos, mass murderers and so on. Trying to keep the guns away from these people should not affect any law abiding citizen. Too many cops taking psych meds. Too many former reservists treating the US population like insurgents from Fallujah. http://agovernmentofwolves.com/2014/08/04/were-all-criminals-and-outlaws-in-the-eyes-of-the-american-police-state/
I’ve always been fond of the quote used in “V for Vendetta”: People shouldn’t be afraid of their government. Governments should be afraid of their people.
“The government has never made a proposal to take any guns from legal gun owners. ”
Really, you say? What about Senator Feinstein’s remarks:
And then there’s this:
There are many other instances.
Finally, did you know that prior to the 1968 Gun Control Act,that just anyone could get guns and ammo, and the violent crime rate committed with guns was far lower than today? And yes: That included prior felons, and your scary ‘crazy people.’ It wasn’t until the advent of psychotropic drugs that violent crime, and mass shootings began.
Something Diane Feinstein said in 1995 knowing she didn’t have the votes? Banning assault weapons at the heart of unprecedented gun violence in Illinois?
Your solution would be what? Get as many guns in the hands of the people as possible. That should stem the violence.
Illinois problem is illegal handguns owned by gang members. Areas with the highest legal gun ownership have the lowest crime rates.
Yes, as many guns in the hands of as many people as possible.
And Illinoiis problem is mostly a Chicago problem, as its rate skews everything. Hate to break it to you, but Chicago is not the whole state.
And yeah, for a few weeks, you’d probably have a massive up tick in shootings…but it would drop off and stay down.
Note the use of the word “savages”. Like selling arms to militant Islamists today? Your wider point still holds, of course.
The Relationship Between Gun Control And Genocides
ROTFL .. quoting something from Michael Redvero’s disinfo site, goooooood one little “b” bob.
Please choose a reputable source, not one with truly shady origins …
Big “J” Jim, here is another source with about the same thing:
Do you dispute the guns/genocide info from Rivera’s website? Are you more of a source rather than content kind of person? The kind that blames the messenger? BTW, Mike puts up lots of S.G. links, doesn’t believe in AGW. What is your problem with WRH?
People like Jim are now paid to make stupid comments. Anyone who knows any world history doesn’t have to go to a website to know that in the twentieth century hundreds of MILLIONS ( Russia, Germany, China, Africa) were murdered by their governments – only after they were disarmed. Unfortunately, most of those who attended a public school were not exposed to history or science.
DEMOCIDE: Death by Government