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Evil Denier Vs. Climate Hero
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And it your utility company is anything like my utility companies, you are paying more for the “privilege” of being a customer (monthly fees) than for the energy you are using.
I turn the natural gas off in my commercial space every summer to escape 7 months of $25 a month for nothing.
They have to pay for all that Green Energy they are NOT GETTING some how.
I cannot say I am proud of my energy usage. But then very few compare to big Al.
I can thank him for getting me on the road to becoming a ‘denier’
I watched and then watched again his ‘Inconvenient Truth’ That helped get him award?
It was not about climate change, it was about Al Gore.
How can a scientific mind not see thru the obvious hypocrisy in it?
Consumption isn’t an issue of morality. Use as much as you want. You’re paying for it, and energy is extremely abundant. There is absolutely no reason for the guilt trip they’re throwing out.
I have a large yard, and I live in the NW, where you can get enough rain on your rooftop to supply you with water all year. The city decided they like to sell connections to the system and they like getting more people sending them money every week, but they didn’t think about supplying all those customers. So now we’re on rationing. It’s insanity.
They came by and saw my lawn was green so the eco-nazis are zeroing in on me. They sent me a questionaire about my usage which I found fit nicely in my trash bin. Next they’ll be here with UZIs and flak jackets.
Could I ask why you use more electricity in july than in may ?
Because I moved into the apartment on May 20? LOL
Hah, that works too.
Probably because his refrigerator is working slightly harder.
That’s almost certainly a huge part of it. I’ve considered moving the fridge to the basement, as it’d add up to decent savings long term, but the wife won’t have a part in it.
Check the efficiency rating on your fridge. I had one that was at least 20 years old. I scrapped it and bought a new one that was way more efficient. My electricity bill went down by $100.00 per month.
If you have a modern, efficient, refrigerator it probably isn’t worth the effort. I have a large expensive Samsung with separate compressors for the refridge and the freezer. The most it draws instantaneously is 3 amps. The average is probably less than an incandescent 100 watt light bulb. I’ve considered putting it on a large solar panel and battery. It would only be for the novelty, however. I’ll be dead before the scheme pays for itself, even on the Arizona desert. Besides, solar panel efficiency falls off as temperatures seriously climb. So does battery capacity, for that matter.
I have a nice comfortable house. Much bigger than my wife and I really need; but you know what, I don’t give a crap what anyone else thinks. I worked hard for 40 years after getting a good education. Raised my children and sent them to college. I did not work for 40 years to be rewarded by spending my life living in a cracker box or driving a Prius. I am the one who chooses my reward for the hard work and savings I’ve accumulated. And I choose to pay to keep my house comfortable.
I’m doing what I choose and I don’t believe in telling other people how to live their lives. Al Gore, and most of the Progressives, are sanctimonious bastards who would rather tell us how to live our lives without following their own lead. In their view everyone but themselves need to fit into the same Harrison Bergeron mold without including themselves.
For some good reading I recommend “Harrison Bergeron” by Kurt Vonnegut jr. You’ll find it in his collection of short stories in the book “Welcome to the Monkey House”. Read the story, don’t watch the video. And for an added bonus read Ayn Rands’ Atlas Shrugged. These should be required reading for everyone.
soon in every town
Same situation here, although our youngest is only second year at college. Long Island is oppressively humid in the summer. It went down into the 60s last night so we turned off the air and opened windows but today the house was 77 inside. We don’t get a good breeze and have no trees to shade our house. I can’t wait to get off LI and move into the mountains of PA.
Last month I bought all of Ayn Rand’s works and have read We the Living and Anthem. I’m going in publication order.
I’ve got the lowest energy use in the neighborhood and I’ve got the biggest house, too. That’s because I invested in conservation measures that made economic sense when I built the house.
Did I see that the US has recently banned the incandescent bulb ? They were banned in Australia 7 years ago and I now import large globes for our home from the UK – Great energy saving there – ship globes halfway round the globe.
Great legacy for Edison – banning what was one of the most important inventions leading to great leaps in scientific endeavour.
Imagine attending University without light bulbs – or living for that matter.
The greens are nuts !!!
Intelligence gathering continues.
Even if you use zero product, you still have to pay for the infrastructure that provides that utility. If you don’t drive your car for month you still have to pay that car payment, insurance premium, garage or storage fees, set asides for maintenance, etc. That’s the demand charge. Then when you do drive you have to buy gas and that becomes the energy charge.
So, Steve, what’s your rate, $/MWH? What’s the difference in the monthly bill from 300 to 500 to 1,000 kWh? Is it high enough for most of us to even notice or care?