NASA Antarctic Temperature Fraud

In 2005, NASA showed that Antarctica had been strongly cooling for 20 years

ScreenHunter_07 Nov. 04 15.52

SVS Animation 3188 – Antarctic Heating and Cooling Trends

Gavin Schmidt (current GISS head) reported that Antarctica temperatures “decreased significantly”

Shindell and Schmidt 2004
Shindell, D.T., and G.A. Schmidt 2004. Southern Hemisphere climate response to ozone changes and greenhouse gas increases. Geophys. Res. Lett. 31, L18209, doi:10.1029/2004GL020724.

While most of the Earth warmed rapidly during recent decades, surface temperatures decreased significantly over most of Antarctica.

Pubs.GISS: Abstract of Shindell and Schmidt 2004

But that story wan’t going to scare anyone into giving up their money, so in 2007 they simply changed Antarctica’s history from cooling to warming.

ScreenHunter_08 Nov. 04 15.53

Disintegration: Antarctic Warming Claims Another Ice Shelf : Feature Articles

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to NASA Antarctic Temperature Fraud

  1. EternalOptimist says:

    Number of molecules in the atmosphere 1*10^44

    Number of CO2 @400 ppm = 4*10^40 molecules

    Anthropogenic CO2 @ 4% = 1.6 *10^39 molecules

    Per person @ 7 billion = 2 * 10^29 molecules produced per person

    CO2 per breath = .036 grams

    CO2 exhaled in a lifetime = 2*10^6 grams = 2.8*10^28 molecules
    1 gram of CO2 = 1.4 * 10^22

    What you are producing in a lifetime (sans breathing) = c. 10 molecules

    Per bottle of beer @ 1.8 grams CO2 = 2.5*10^22 molecules

    Keep a beer in the fridge and save the planet

  2. philjourdan says:

    And no data to contradict them – I think they finally found a way to hide the adjustments.

  3. njsnowfan says:

    Temps have been running -2 to 5C below normal their entire winter so far in 2014. All time record low was recorded a few weeks ago at where the 13 scientists lost power at the one station camp.

  4. Kassu says:

    Antarctica is losing ice-mass and contributing the sea-level rise, though.

    • Jason Calley says:

      Since we have no way of directly measuring the ice-mass of Antarctica, we have to extrapolate estimates of ice mass from other measurements. There are tremendous uncertainties involved, and it might be prudent to not be quite so categorical about it. Still, even if we assume that what you say is correct, should we be concerned? Is current ice loss unusual? What would we expect ice mass to do during an interglacial period? If we really are losing mass, how much (and with what error range)? What amount of sea level increase is that? Is there anything that indicates we are experiencing anything catastrophic?

  5. tom0mason says:

    It is interesting to compare and contrast the difference between the US’s McMurdo Base (by far the largest on the continent) and all others(all much smaller and very compact) say Britain’s Halley bases.
    US McMurdo –
    UK Halley –

    Now I wonder if there is a heat island effect at McMurdo?

  6. Heber Rizzo says:

    Antarctica continues to defy the global warming script, with a report from Meteo France, that June this year was the coldest Antarctic June ever recorded, at the French Antarctic Dumont d’Urville Station.
    According to the press release, during June this year, the average temperature was -22.4ºC (-8.3F), 6.6ºC (11.9F) lower than normal. This is the coldest June ever recorded at the station, and almost the coldest monthly average ever – only September 1953 was colder, with a recorded average temperature of -23.5c (-10.3F).

    And remember that June is the last month of spring…

    Losing ice mass at -22ºC?

  7. Heber Rizzo says:

    Correction, is the last month of autumn. After that, comes the loooong winter

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