No Hesitation : Ohio Police Murder Wal-Mart Shopper


Surveillance video from an Ohio Walmart shows that a man fatally shot by police earlier this month had his back to officers and was talking on a cell phone, an attorney for the man’s family says.  John Crawford III died Aug. 5 after Beavercreek police responded to reports of an armed man at a Dayton-area Walmart. Crawford was not armed — he had a pellet gun with him, which he had picked up in the store’s toy department.

Beavercreek Police Sgt. David Darkow, one officer involved in the shooting, returned to duty last week. The other officer, Sean Williams, remains on administrative leave.

Cops Who Killed John Crawford III At Ohio Walmart Shot Him ‘On Sight’: Attorney

Look for the industry standard police cover up.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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65 Responses to No Hesitation : Ohio Police Murder Wal-Mart Shopper

  1. Paul in Sweden says:

    Attorneys for the Crawford family believe releasing bits and pieces of evidence to the public, SUCH AS THE RELEASE OF DISPATCH AUDIO AND VIDEO ON THE DAY OF THE SHOOTING, IS ONE-SIDED AND BIASED TOWARD THE STATE’S CASE.

    • Paul in Sweden says:

      So the smiling somewhat fun loving looking kid in the photo above took a good replica of the FN SCAR® Mk 17 Military Rifle out of its packaging at Walmart, held it in his hands and moved around the store which terrified customers so that they called the police about a man armed with what appeared to be a military rifle. The police confronted the suspect, ordered the suspect to disarm, the suspect refused and the police shot him.

      All this will be confirmed or refuted by the video tape that the family and lawyers of the victim do not want us to view. I’m willing to wait until the facts are confirmed and presented before condoning the lynching of a police officer.

      John Crawford Shooting: Ohio Man Shot Dead By Police While Holding Toy Rifle In Walmart
      Crawford was holding a Crosman MK-177(good replica of the FN SCAR® Mk 17 Military Rifle) air pump rifle as he walked through the store, WHIO, Dayton, reported. The weapon, which can shoot both pellets and BBs, had been removed from its original packaging. April and Ronald Ritchie told WHIO they were in the hardware section of the Wal-Mart when they saw Crawford walking with the (good replica of the FN SCAR® Mk 17 Military Rifle) air pump gun in his hand. They became alarmed and called 911 to report him.

      Once on the scene, Beavercreek police Officer Sean Williams and Sgt. David Darkow located Crawford and instructed him to put down the replica rifle. When he didn’t comply, he was shot by the officers. Crawford died at a local hospital shortly after the shooting. The Montgomery County Coroner’s Office ruled Friday Crawford died of a gunshot wound to the torso and listed his death as a homicide.

  2. Charles Sandberg says:

    See what this “toy” looks like, MK-177.

    • Paul in Sweden says:

      It looks just like the real one:

      Running into a store and facing someone with what looks like a military 7.62x51mm(basically a .308) what would people like police officers to do?

      The police state that the officers confronted the suspect, ordered him to disarm, the suspect refused and the suspect was shot and neutralized. I seriously doubt this was a long process (with two commercial interruptions and Public Service Announcements regarding Graphic Details) it most likely happened in seconds.

      As the sports announcer Warner Wolf was fond of saying: “Let’s go to the videotape!”

  3. Brian D says:

    What the hell is wrong with some of these cops. Are they turning schitzo/paranoid or what?

    • slcraignbc says:

      You bet your booty they are……..every time they, the Law enforcement officers, go on a call there’s some nut case with a chip on his shoulder or a bag of dope in his pocket with warrants in the system and hyped up ready to rock n roll…….and they ALL look alike, black, brown, yellow and white, they ALL look alike, just like the cops in the locker room out of uniform……

      • Ernest Bush says:

        What planet do you live on? Increasingly, the people getting shot are unarmed. Like in the case of a grandpa who got shot to death while puttering around in his own garage. The two rookie Dallas policemen had used a GPS which took them to the wrong address. They merely assumed he was a burglar they were looking for and casually shot him. His grandchildren and daughter were in the house at the time. I could go on for thousands of words describing other shootings of innocents. But frankly, your idiot diatribe isn’t worth the effort.

    • Paul in Sweden says:

      One Mississippi, Two Mississippi. If you haven’t determined that the item that looks like a gun in the suspects hand is a not loaded, a toy or just a mobile phone gestured in a menacing way as you are finishing your second Mississippi you could be dead already.

      • One Mississippi, Two Mississippi. That car could kill me on my bicycle. I have been hit twice. Does that mean that all drivers should be executed?

        • Paul in Sweden says:

          Tony, ??? All drivers? You wish to include the drivers sitting in parked cars with their engines off and the drivers sitting at their dinner table after driving home from work or just the ones that have been stalking you for weeks and cut across 4 lanes of traffic and appear to be triangulating on your person dead set on killing you? I really don’t see how your reply was appropriate. -Paul

        • Twilight Zone music.
          The victim was shopping at Wal-Mart and holding one of their items for sale. He was not stalking anyone or making any threatening gestures.

        • B says:

          Exactly. Now anything that might happen is worth gunning someone down to stop.

          I’ve had cars deliberately aimed at me when I’ve been bicycling. Deliberately to scare me or run me off the road and on a couple occasions to hit me. If I were a cop and armed I could have opened fire. As a mundane, had I been armed and opened fire, I would be in prison, even for when the driver was trying to kill me.

    • Paul in Sweden says:

      …and the lawyers for the dead suspect states that the family does not want the radio dispatch to the police officer nor the video of the actual events released. I imagine there is more to it. Perhaps the father of the dead man after viewing the video saw that his son would appear like the violent criminal that sparked the Ferguson riots. The fact that it was a pellet gun nor that it was an item sold by the store matters. How was he holding the gun? What was he doing? What initiated the police dispatch? What does the video of the event tell us. So far all we know is that the family of the dead man does not want us to see it.

      • B says:

        following the links, he was using the bb rifle as a cane, leaning against it as he talked on the phone. In other words, even if were real, it posed more a threat to him through mishandling than to the cops.

        • Paul in Sweden says:

          No, the bb rifle was taken out of its packaging and was an accurate replica of the FN SCAR® Mk 17 Military Rifle, once on the scene, Beavercreek police Officer Sean Williams and Sgt. David Darkow located Crawford and instructed him to put down (what turned out to be) the replica rifle. When he didn’t comply, he was shot by the officers.

          This of course will be confirmed by the video tape that suspects family and lawyers do not want you to see because as they stated the video is biased towards the police offers report.

    • B says:

      They have been trained that way. They have been trained as occupiers, as controllers, not as peace officers, not as members of the community. We are all indigs now. I’ll leave it to reader to find out how and why this occurred.

  4. NancyG says:

    I’m no fan of police in general, but to say there will be a cover up? Police are like lawyers, we hate them until we need one.

    Please don’t link to HuffPo, or at least warn us. I don’t go to their site.

    • I’ve learned the hard way (twice) that calling the police is the very last thing I would ever want to do. Call me a slow learner for not figuring it out the first time.

      • NancyG says:

        Don’t get me wrong, I think this situation was handled very poorly by the police. There were customers in that store who also could have been shot, and Crawford does not appear to have been a direct threat to them. The publicity about the recent events involving police will lead toward changes in how police handle calls.

        But if I had someone breaking into my house, or holding me at gunpoint, I would definitely call the police if I was able to. I have called them for non-emergencies and stated first thing that it was NOT an emergency so they wouldn’t rush in like stormtroopers.

        • Why not exercise your second amendment rights and learn to protect yourself?

        • NancyG says:

          There’s no link to reply to Anthony so I’ll do it here. We do have shotguns, and I don’t want to kill anyone, but I would if I had to. That doesn’t mean though that I shouldn’t call the police if my home was invaded. I’d rather cover all bases.

          I wouldn’t rush out to meet the intruder with the intention of shooting. I’d probably lock myself in a room with my shotgun, dial 911, and shoot if the perp tried to get to me behind the locked door. The shotguns are for a worst case scenario, we have an alarm and dogs.

        • squid2112 says:

          I am somewhat in agreement with Steven. As an example, we have a cop (undercover type) that lives 1 house down from us. A very nice guy, wonderful family, they are very good neighbors. However, one night my daughters boyfriends car alarm went off, just at the time our neighbor arrived home and got out of his vehicle. He immediately came running to see what was going on. Which in itself was a great thing. He was (and does) look out for his surrounding neighbors. HOWEVER, he also happened to have one of his guns drawn (he holsters 3, to hip, one shoulder). Lucky for us, none of us were at the car before he was. I shudder to think that one of us would likely be dead right now had we gotten out to the car just seconds before he did.

          I don’t understand what it is that goes through a cops head anymore. Seems to me, however they are being trained is both improper and overkill. There are two problems here, as I see it. I had a sociology class in college that was taught by a lady who used to be a copy and did a lot of study on police behavior. Suffice to say, her standard story was how giving someone a gun and sticking a badge on them changed their personality and their demeanor. Add to that how they are trained to over-react and always within the context of self preservation. They are taught that the average citizen is an enemy, and that their own self preservation demands immediate action before an assessment of the situation at hand.

          Folks, this is a potent and lethal cocktail here. And I believe it has gotten more potent over the years with more and more extreme measures being introduced. Sadly, I am not very surprised by the various extreme police incidents we hear about from time to time. I suspect we hear more about them because of technology, however, I also believe there are more such incidents per capita than there were say 20 years ago. This problem is not getting any better. The two things I mentioned, which I believe to be the greatest contributor to these incidents, need to be addressed and dealt with properly.

          Look, we all need “Peace” officers, we don’t need “Police” officers … understand the difference?

    • rah says:

      I’m a truck driver and I don’t mind them at all. They are people doing an important job. More than in most occupations with the police it is unfortunately usually the bad ones that stand out more often than not. But I have had them help me out. Now DOT? Those guys are terrible! (Sarc).

  5. jst1 says:

    More justification for banning the sale of weapon-like toys.
    They will not stop.

  6. Bob Knows says:

    Cops in the US are waging a war against the American people. They murder many more “civilians” than they so-called “criminals” they pretend to protect us from. Those two murderers and their crime bosses should be hanged in the WM parking lot to restore justice.

    • geran says:

      Bob, it’s not the cops that are out to get us, it’s their bosses, the corrupt politicians.

      Cops are just doing a job, and it is a dangerous one.

      • rah says:

        Your damned right it is.

        Does anyone remember Detective Melvin Santiago ? He was a Jersey City police officer who was shot to death just a month ago, on July 13th. Santiago was white.

        How about Officer Jeffrey Westerfield. He was a Gary , Indiana police officer who was shot to death last month on July 6th. Westerfield was white.

        Perry Renn? He was an Indianapolis , Indiana police officer who was shot to death just last month on July 5th, the day before Officer Westerfield was killed.

        Vermillion Parish Deputy Sheriff Allen Bares was gunned down by two men just last June 23rd in Louisiana . D

        In Killeen , TX , Detective Charles Dinwiddie of the Killeen Police Department was murdered on May 11th, just over two months ago.

        Then, there is Officer Kevin Jordan of the Griffin , Georgia Police Department. He was gunned down just two months ago on May 31st.

        Over the past 60 days, there have been five reported deaths of police officers by gunshot in the US .

        • rah says:

          Sorry this was from a post that was in reference to Ferguson and that is why the reference to race was in there. It was not my intent to make this point but since I blew it when I tried to cut an paste it the fact is every officer was white and his killer was black. In the post the point being made was the the AG, nor Sharpton, or Jesse showed up or even made note of those murders and the press didn’t make it a racial circus. But really my point was that being a cop is dangerous!

        • rah says:

          How can anyone not respect the crap cops have to put up with that has watched a few episodes of Bad Boys. I wouldn’t put up with half of what those guys deal with. Getting in the middle of drugged up or drunk domestic disputes? I am pretty sure I would be up on charges pretty quickly if I had to deal with that crap every shift.

        • I have had some of the most unbelievable dealings with completely insane, out of control police in situations where I presented zero semblance of any threat. Many of them are completely nuts.

        • Gail Combs says:

          Those deaths in the last 60 days are most probably related to the MSM and the Obama Admin. stirring the racial hatred pot. All the reports that the Cops get off scot free after killing doesn’t help. Also the typical number would be two dozen deaths although most are from getting hit by a car. (see links below)

          It would be interesting to see if those officers were involved in killing any one at any time during their career or if they were honest cops and taken down for that reason.

          Gary , Indiana was bad news in 1970 when I was in the area. A teacher was shot in the parking lot of the school and that is why I decided not to teach. A friend who lived in Gary, liked the night and often walked in the park, was “Treed” by a German Shepard. The Owner, with a knife started up the tree. My caving buddy shot the dog and the owner ran.

        • nielszoo says:

          It’s not really that dangerous for 95% of the departments out there. (I reserve judgment for the war zones of Chicago, Detroit, DC. LA and the other urban h*llholes that the Democrats have driven back into the 3rd World.) Common sense goes a long way and like any other dangerous profession, that risk can be mitigated by hiring good people and through proper training and a code of conduct which emphasizes respect for those you work for… the public. I spent about 5 years in that business in West and Southwest St. Louis County (over 30 years ago) and then the biggest problems were boredom and paperwork. Most of the officers I worked with were very good at their jobs and violence was the last recourse. There are always going to be the bad actors, but they were few and far between back then.

          I remember a “riot” call when 7 or 8 of us, from two neighboring departments, had to break up a knife fight with around 10 sh*’bums and 30 “bystanders” in a fairly small space. Not one of us drew our firearms. We did not call Tac Ops. It was done “hand to hand” with nightsticks and saps… nothing but a few extra bruises on the perps and NO injuries to the innocents. I was probably the worst off with a twisted ankle (my fault.) Working like that requires teamwork, trust and proper training.

          I really don’t know what to think about them today. It’s far different as I see stories of abuse of power on a daily basis that would have landed me in jail in ’81. We the People are now the enemy who must be contained and controlled for our own good… that’s how this new generation sees us. The liberals and Progressives controlling the bureaucracies and schools make sure that message is pounded into every new serf, starting in the cradle, so there’s an ample supply of bullies and useful idiots to fill those government shoes

          It’s all a part of making us distrust and hate each other so that our benevolent Progressive politicos and bureaucrats can keep their 6 figure salaries, keep playing their shell games with our money, keep usurping more power over us and keep trying to shove us back into that feudal mold where they’re better than We the People… because they truly believe they were born to rule us. It makes me sick.

        • rah says:

          Gail. No, not at least the ones in Gary and Indy. Gary was murder capital of the US for several years and has remained in contention. The east side of Indy is bad and where the majority of murders in that city occur. Both of those are just plain places you don’t want to drive through on the back roads at night unless it’s really cold or stormy.

      • Gail Combs says:

        “Cops are just doing a job, and it is a dangerous one.”
        Actual that is a fallacy. (I used to think so too.)

        It is actually more dangerous to farm, do ranch work, construction, drive a taxi cab or a Big Rig than to be a policeman.

        In other words RAH and I and several others have more dangerous occupations than a cop does.

        10 Most Dangerous jobs by Fatality Rate:
        Rank Occupation ………………DR…… Total Deaths
        1—–Fisherman ………………..111.8……… 38
        2—–Logging Workers……………86.4………. 76
        3—–Pilots and Flight Engineers..66.7………. 82
        4——Iron and Steel Workers……45.5……….40
        5——Farmers and Ranchers……..38.4………285
        6——Roofers…………………………….29.4……… 79
        7——Elec. Power Line worker**. 29.1………. 30
        8——Drivers …………………………..26.2……….. 908
        9——Recyclable Mat’l Collector.22.8………….18

        DR = Death Rate / 100,000
        ** Installer/Repairer

        Lets look at those statistics on cop shootings:
        Number Of Officers Killed In The Line Of Duty Drops To 50-Year Low

        The go-to phrase deployed by police officers, district attorneys and other law enforcement-related entities to justify the use of excessive force or firing dozens of bullets into a single suspect is “the officer(s) feared for his/her safety.” There is no doubt being a police officer can be dangerous. But is it as dangerous as this oft-deployed justification makes it appear?

        The annual report from the nonprofit National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial Fund also found that deaths in the line of duty generally fell by 8 percent and were the fewest since 1959.

        According to the report, 111 federal, state, local, tribal and territorial officers were killed in the line of duty nationwide this past year, compared to 121 in 2012.

        Forty-six officers were killed in traffic related accidents, and 33 were killed by firearms. The number of firearms deaths fell 33 percent in 2013 and was the lowest since 1887.

        This statistical evidence suggests being a cop is safer than its been since the days of Sheriff Andy Griffith. Back in 2007, the FBI put the number of justifiable homicides committed by officers in the line of duty at 391. That count only includes homicides that occurred during the commission of a felony. This total doesn’t include justifiable homicides committed by police officers against people not committing felonies and also doesn’t include homicides found to be not justifiable. But still, this severe undercount far outpaces the number of cops killed by civilians…

        Look at Seattle. As Reason points out, 20% of its 2013 homicides were committed by police officers…

        The escalating adoption of military equipment and tactics has also contributed to the steady “justifiable homicide” count.

        The escalating adoption of military equipment and tactics has also contributed to the steady “justifiable homicide” count. No S**t Dick Tracy!

        Militarized police overreach: “Oh, God, I thought they were going to shoot me next”
        Local law enforcement’s often using SWAT teams to do regular police work. The results are frightening — and deadly
        Cheye Calvo the mayor of the small town of Berwyn Heights, Maryland, who went through a police swat team home invasion got a Maryland state law passed (despite fierce opposition by law enforcement) “…on how many times the team was deployed, for what purpose, and whether any shots were fired during the raid. It was a simple transparency bill. It put no limits or restrictions on how often or under what circumstances SWAT teams could be used….” Now why would law enforcement fiercely oppose a modest reporting law like that? One would think they might have something to hide?

        By the following spring, the Maryland Governor’s Office of Crime Control and Prevention released the first batch of statistics. They were predictably unsettling. For the last half of 2009, SWAT teams were deployed 804 times in the state of Maryland, or about 4.5 times a day. In Prince George’s County alone, which has about 850,000 residents, a SWAT team was deployed about once a day. According to an analysis by the Baltimore Sun, 94 percent of the state’s SWAT deployments were to serve search or arrest warrants, leaving just 6 percent that were raids involving barricades, bank robberies, hostage takings, and other emergency situations. Half of Prince George’s County’s SWAT deployments were for what were called “misdemeanors and nonserious felonies.” More than one hundred times over a six-month period, Prince George’s County sent police barreling into private homes for nonserious, nonviolent crimes. Calvo pointed out that the first set of figures confirm what he and others concerned about these tactics have suspected: SWAT teams are being deployed too often as the default way to serve search warrants, not as a last resort…..

        So the police are now terrorizing the local citizens, WITHOUT a justifiable reason and in many cases bungling the job and shooting innocents. Like a kid with a toy gun or an old man in his bed.
        “Why did you shoot me? I was reading a book”: The new warrior cop is out of control ….a SWAT team in Virginia Beach shot and killed security guard Edward C. Reed during a 3:00 AM raid on a private club… among several other innocent people. Of course not one of these officers spent one day in jail. Heck the families can not even sue without the permission of the government!

        Who’s to Blame for Battlefield America? Is It Militarized Police or the Militarized Culture?:

        • geran says:

          Actual that is a fallacy.

          I didn’t say the MOST dangerous, I said it was dangerous. And your list of the top 10 made my point for me. So, thanks!

          (And what about bureaucrats? Even paper cuts can lead to infection and death….)

        • Gail Combs says:


          I resent people trotting out the “Its a DANGEROUS JOB” excuse for police who have just opened fire on an unarmed person.

          Note that cops are NOT GETTING GUNNED DOWN! They are just as likely to die on the job by getting hit by a car.

          Here it is again:
          Forty-six officers were killed in traffic related accidents, and 33 were killed by firearms. The number of firearms deaths fell 33 percent in 2013 and was the lowest since 1887.

          As of 2006, 683,396 full time state, city, university and college, metropolitan and non-metropolitan county, and other law enforcement officers in the United States. There are approx. 120,000 full time law enforcement personnel working for the federal government adding up to a total number of 800,000 law enforcement personnel in the U.S.

          Also note that the people producing REAL WEALTH in this country are twice as likely to die on the job as a cop! Heck a garbage collecter has a more risky job!

          OH, and these are just the ‘insurable’ jobs not the really dangerous jobs. If you own/train/work elephants, the most dangerous job in the USA, the insurance companies won’t even talk to you. (I know two elephant handlers.)

        • geran says:

          Do you also resent people that falsely say what you said was a “fallacy”, when it was not? (Your “top 10” list did not include elephant trainers…or bureaucrats.)

  7. Ima Skepticidal says:

    Perhaps before jumping to conclusions it might be a good idea to see the evidence first. The 911 call is now available. The caller said he was pointing what appeared to be a rifle at people. Security cam video will be released after the grand jury allows, a special prosecutor has been appointed.

    • Ernest Bush says:

      It would be easier to not jump to conclusions if the body count did not keep piling up at an increased rate. Too many recent shootings by police involve an innocent Citizen doing what he/she has a right to do. In many cases the behavior was innocuous.

  8. Gail Combs says:

    As far as I am concerned, If a police officer screws up:

    1. breaks into the wrong house

    2. Harms unarmed civilians with no provocation

    3. Kills unarmed civilians with no justification.

    I want that officer PERMANENTLY barred from police work.

    Why? one of two reasons.
    #1. He has proved he is a screw-up and his judgement is off.

    #2. If the officer kills and it weighs on his mind he may hesitate at the wrong moment or worse if it does not weigh on his mind, he may think he has a ‘free pass’ and use lethal force in the wrong situation again.

    In all cases I want him off the force.

  9. Gail Combs says:

    geran says:
    “Do you also resent people that falsely say what you said was a “fallacy”, when it was not?”

    No I figure they are ignorant and brainwashed by the MSM and too lazy to actually THINK for themselves.

    So lets try this again:
    As of 2014:
    56,900 – Loggers
    872,800 – miners (Another dangerous occupation left out)
    2,100,000 – farmers and ranchers
    1,427,600 – commercial drivers
    1,7949,200 -construction workers

    So that is 21,106,500 or TWENTY ONE MILLION people in the USA with jobs TWICE as dangerous as a cops.

    So yeah I still consider it a fallacy. A classic case of the MSMs misdirection/propaganda.

    After all EVERYONE KNOWS a cops job is dangerous but no one bothers to mention it is not nearly as dangerous as many blue collar jobs.

    Do you think people would be as willing to give cops a pass “because the job is dangerous” if the knew those facts?

    ESPECIALLY the cops who gun down little boys carrying a toy or cops who toss grenades into play pens or who repeatedly tazer a kid for refusing to get up because he fell off a bridge and broke his back or cops who upon getting a MEDICAL 911 shoot and kill the person in distress, or cops who shoot and kill someone in a house where they screwed up the address and HAVE no right to enter?

    All I am saying is it is time to quit giving these guys a free pass “because the job is dangerous” With the equipment the cops now have and a dramatic fall in death rates that excuse is way too shop worn.

    Hold these guys to a higher standard. Truck drivers are held to a much higher standard than normal drivers. If they get into an accident their tails are in a ringer unless there was absolutely no other possible outcome. Do the same to cops.

    • Bob Knows says:

      You are right Gail. According to OSHA statistics the job of a cop is only about as dangerous as secretarial office work, and most of their on-the-job deaths come form their own really bad driving. A typical police death was the female Albuquerque police who was hot-rodding her patrol car on a doughnut run and wrapped it around a tree. The municipal street maintenance crew is 3x as likely to die on the job today as the cops. The garbage collector is about 2.5x as likely to die on the job today. What cops do is whine and snivel much more than any real man doing a real man’s job. Whine and snivel. What a bunch of pathetic criminal filth.

    • geran says:

      “No I figure they are ignorant and brainwashed by the MSM and too lazy to actually THINK for themselves.”
      The kool-aid leads to fanaticism, which leads to “cluelessness”, which leads to more kool-aid.

  10. jdseanjd says:

    Cops are being trained in paranoid military fashion to see the civilian populace as the enemy.
    PCR has run a number of recent articles on police.
    His article : Cops run wild… contains the staggering claim that during the period of the Iraq war, cops killed more innocent US civilians than troops were lost.

    The Ferguson killing is being hyped because the eugenicist US Govt want to provoke the blacks to riots. They want any excuse to declare martial law, & lock down the country into one big concentration camp. Look into FEMA camps.

  11. In the Philippines all police officers are enjoined from shooting unless fired upon first. Violators are subject to swift termination and prosecution.

    • Gail Combs says:

      Thanks for those Paul Roberts articles. This is what I was trying to tell Geran on the other thread.

      The police are NOT your friend and the occupation is no longer dangerous except to innocent civilians.

      Also I am very glad to see he clarified his position on Jews. That position had my husband dismissing him as a bit of a crackpot. Now I have a new article to shove in his face.

      Actually it is GOVERNMENT both here and in Israel that is the problem if you think about it.

      • jdseanjd says:

        You’re welcome, Gail.
        PCR is illuminating the lies being spewed re Ukraine also.
        & you’ve got it in one re Govts are the problem.
        They now represent special interests, not the populace, & can no longer be termed democratic.
        “Fascism should be more appropriately be called Corporatism because it is a merger of State & Corporate power” – Benito Mussolini.
        Too few people here in the UK & EU & there in the US have realised as yet that we live in a post democratic society, including most of our dozy politicians, who fail to see they are now 1%s/Banksters puppets.
        Jews are as much victims as anyone. They have been set up in Israel to provoke endless conflict & war, because war generates debts which taxpayers can be milked to repay.
        It is a predatory Bankster mindset which is the problem, not the vast majority of Jews.

      • geran says:

        “This is what I was trying to tell Geran on the other thread.”
        Yeah, boy did I ever learn a lot. 🙂

        Hey Gail, isn’t it true that the “Banksters” own all the tinfoil? So, if we buy more tinfoil to protect ourselves, aren’t we just supporting them?

        Also, a technical question: Whenever I pull the tinfoil hat down over my eyes and ears, to totally block out the “beams”, I notice I cannot see or hear too well. Do you ever experience that problem?

        • squid2112 says:

          geran <== truly a useful idiot …

        • Gail Combs says:

          “So, if we buy more tinfoil to protect ourselves, aren’t we just supporting them?”

          AHHHhhh yes the usual descent into Ad Hom when loosing a discussion.

          Here is more history for you to chew on:

          Congressman McFadden, Remarks in Congress, 1934

          …”These twelve private credit monopolies were deceitfully and disloyally foisted upon this Country by the bankers who came here from Europe and repaid us our hospitality by undermining our American institutions. Those bankers took money out of this Country to finance Japan in a war against Russia. They created a reign of terror in Russia with our money in order to help that war along. They instigated the separate peace between Germany and Russia, and thus drove a wedge between the allies in World War. They financed Trotsky’s passage from New York to Russia so that he might assist in the destruction of the Russian Empire. They fomented and instigated the Russian Revolution, and placed a large fund of American dollars at Trotsky’s disposal in one of their branch banks in Sweden so that through him Russian homes might be thoroughly broken up and Russian children flung far and wide from their natural protectors. They have since begun breaking up of American homes and the dispersal of American children. “Mr. Chairman, there should be no partisanship in matters concerning banking and currency affairs in this Country,…

          For this speech, Congressman McFadden was driven from his seat in Congree. When that did not shut him up he was shot at twice (they missed) and finally poisoned.
          First National Bank of Montgomery vs. Daly (1969)

          …To everyone’s surprise, Morgan admitted that the bank routinely created money “out of thin air” for its loans, and that this was standard banking practice. “It sounds like fraud to me,” intoned Presiding Justice Martin Mahoney amid nods from the jurors. In his court memorandum, Justice Mahoney stated:

          Plaintiff admitted that it, in combination with the Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis, . . . did create the entire $14,000.00 in money and credit upon its own books by bookkeeping entry. That this was the consideration used to support the Note dated May 8, 1964 and the Mortgage of the same date. The money and credit first came into existence when they created it. Mr. Morgan admitted that no United States Law or Statute existed which gave him the right to do this. A lawful consideration must exist and be tendered to support the Note.

          The court rejected the bank’s claim for foreclosure, and the defendant kept his house. To Daly, the implications were enormous. If bankers were indeed extending credit without consideration – without backing their loans with money they actually had in their vaults and were entitled to lend – a decision declaring their loans void could topple the power base of the world.

          For this Justice Martin Mahoney died of poison less than six months after the trial.

          Karl Marx was financed by Banker Benjamin Philips. Notice the actual goal of Marx was a return to a two class feudal system with no annoying middle class challenging their betters:

          The bourgeoisie [Middle class], wherever it has got the upper hand, has put an end to all feudal, patriarchal, idyllic relations. It has pitilessly torn asunder the motley feudal ties that bound man to his ‘natural superiors,’ and has left remaining no other nexus between man and man than naked self-interest, callous ‘cash payment.’ ? Karl Marx, The Communist Manifesto

          Fabian Co-founder George Bernard Shaw. (The Fabians founded the london School of Economics that trains the world leaders in finance, commerce, banking and politics. One graduate said it is not the education but the links to others that are most important.

          George Bernard Shaw wrote: “A government that robs Peter to pay Paul can always depend on the support of Paul.” Is that not what we are seeing happening in the USA over the last century?
          Shaw also gives a glimpse into the future planned for the serfs.

          “The moment we face it frankly we are driven to the conclusion that the community has a right to put a price on the right to live in it … If people are fit to live, let them live under decent human conditions. If they are not fit to live, kill them in a decent human way. Is it any wonder that some of us are driven to prescribe the lethal chamber as the solution for the hard cases which are at present made the excuse for dragging all the other cases down to their level, and the only solution that will create a sense of full social responsibility in modern populations?”

          Source: George Bernard Shaw, Prefaces (London: Constable and Co., 1934), p. 296.

          “Under Socialism, you would not be allowed to be poor. You would be forcibly fed, clothed, lodged, taught, and employed whether you liked it or not. If it were discovered that you had not character and industry enough to be worth all this trouble, you might possibly be executed in a kindly manner; but whilst you were permitted to live, you would have to live well.”

          George Bernard Shaw: The Intelligent Woman’s Guide to Socialism and Capitalism, 1928, pg. 470

          The Fabians were great believers in eugenics (google “Eugenics: the skeleton that rattles loudest in the left’s closet” and “How eugenics poisoned the welfare state.” )
          American Fabian, Margaret Sanger, Founder of Planned Parenthood. In Her Own Words

          “The most merciful thing that a large family does to one of its infant members is to kill it.”
          Margaret Sanger, Women and the New Race
          (Eugenics Publ. Co., 1920, 1923)

          On the extermination of blacks:
          “We do not want word to go out that we want to exterminate the Negro population,” she said, “if it ever occurs to any of their more rebellious members.” Woman’s Body, Woman’s Right: A Social History of Birth Control in America, by Linda Gordon

          Her [Sanger’s] bed became a veritable meeting place for the Fabian upper crust: H. G. Wells, George Bernard Shaw, Arnold Bennett, Arbuthnot Lane, and Norman Haire.

          Julian Huxley another Fabian/Eugenist, was first director-general, the UNESCO

          Structuring society to address fundamental biological inequality
          Huxley contended that understanding biological inequality was important for ensuring that all individuals find their proper fit in society; because humans are not all equal in terms of intellectual ability, he argued, to train those who were unfit at the university level was a waste of both their time and of everyone else’s investment in their progress.

          “[UNESCO] should encourage all studies and all methods which can be used to ensure that men find the right jobs and are kept away from the wrong jobs-to ensure that individuals find outlets satisfying to their temperament, and work appropriate to their talents, while at the same time ensuring that society is not overburdened with people in positions for which they are inadequate or, still worse, which they are likely to abuse” (Huxley, 1946: 62).

          “Those who can profit by working for a university degree of the present type constitute only a proportion of the population, whether the proportion be 20 or 40 or even 60 per cent; for the remainder to attempt it is waste of their own youth, of the time and talents of university teachers, and of public money” (Huxley, 1946: 62).

        • geran says:

          squid says: “geran >>>>>>>>

          Sheesh, poor geran is getting attacked from some great Skeptics!

          Ladies and Gentlemen, we do NOT have to agree perfectly on every issue, so PLEASE slack off, lest you behave like the brain dead Lefties that are TRULY our enemies.


      • jdseanjd says:

        Let me know what you think of the article I’ve just posted in The Most Impressive Hockey Stick, please, Gail.
        John Doran. jdseanjd.

  12. Gail Combs says:

    nielszoo says: @ August 31, 2014 at 12:09 pm

    Thanks for insight from the inside. There is a real problem and if it is not identified and addressed you are going to have an armed war between the government and the rank and file citizens. We are already seeing that with the Bundy Ranch incidence among others.

    Other older cops are saying the same thing that you did.

    ….former Arizona police officer Jon W. McBride said police concerns about being “outgunned” were likely a “self-fulfilling prophecy.” He added that “if not expressly prohibited, police managers will continually push the arms race,” because “their professional literature is predominately [sic] based on the acquiring and use of newer weapons and more aggressive techniques to physically overwhelm the public. In many cases, however, this is the opposite of smart policing.”

    “Coupled with the paramilitary design of the police bureaucracy itself, the police give in to what is already a serious problem in the ranks: the belief that the increasing use of power against a citizen is always justified no matter the violation. The police don’t understand that in many instances they are the cause of the escalation and bear more responsibility during an adverse outcome.

    “The suspects I encountered as a former police officer and federal agent in nearly all cases granted permission for me to search their property when asked, often despite unconcealed contraband. Now, instead of making a simple request of a violator, many in law enforcement seem to take a more difficult and confrontational path, fearing personal risk. In many circumstances they inflame the citizens they are engaging, thereby needlessly putting themselves in real and increased jeopardy.”

    Another former police officer who wished to remain anonymous agreed with McBride and told Balko,

    “American policing really needs to return to a more traditional role of cops keeping the peace; getting out of police cars, talking to people, and not being prone to overreaction with the use of firearms, tasers, or pepper spray. … Don’t get me wrong, I’ve been in more than my share tussles and certainly appreciate the dangers of police work, but as Joseph Wambaugh famously said, the real danger is psychological, not physical.”….

    The Article also says:

    US Police Have Killed Over 5,000 Civilians Since 9/11
    Statistically speaking, Americans should be more fearful of the local cops than “terrorists.”

    Though the U.S. government does not have a database collecting information about the total number of police involved shootings each year, it’s estimated that between 500 and 1,000 Americans are killed by police officers each year…. Because individual police departments are not required to submit information regarding the use of deadly force by its officers, some bloggers have taken it upon themselves to aggregate that data.

    The US government used to keep track of the humans attacked by wild animals. However once “Rewilding” became popular and large cats and wild canines were released the data banks went dormant. Now it is impossible to see exactly how many people are attacked or killed because of the new US government policies. The simple accounting law that mayor Calvo got passed was bitterly opposed by law enforcement. The law “required every police agency in Maryland with a SWAT team to issue a quarterly report—later amended to twice yearly—on how many times the team was deployed, for what purpose, and whether any shots were fired during the raid.” In both cases it smells like the government is trying to hide the results of their actions.

    For the last half of 2009, SWAT teams were deployed 804 times in the state of Maryland, or about 4.5 times a day. In Prince George’s County alone, which has about 850,000 residents, a SWAT team was deployed about once a day. According to an analysis by the Baltimore Sun, 94 percent of the state’s SWAT deployments were to serve search or arrest warrants, leaving just 6 percent that were raids involving barricades, bank robberies, hostage takings, and other emergency situations. Half of Prince George’s County’s SWAT deployments were for what were called “misdemeanors and nonserious felonies.” More than one hundred times over a six-month period, Prince George’s County sent police barreling into private homes for nonserious, nonviolent crimes. Calvo pointed out that the first set of figures confirm what he and others concerned about these tactics have suspected: SWAT teams are being deployed too often as the default way to serve search warrants, not as a last resort.

    So yes the government had a lot to hide. The unreasonable force used by our militarized police departments.

    Back to the first article:

    According to the CATO Institute’s National Police Misconduct Reporting Project, in 2010 there were 4,861 unique reports of police misconduct involving 6,613 sworn officers and 6,826 alleged victims.

    Most of those allegations of police brutality involved officers who punched or hit victims with batons, but about one-quarter of the reported cases involved firearms or stun guns….

    Dissatisfied with police departments’ internal review policies, some citizens have formed volunteer police watch groups to prevent the so-called “Blue Code of Silence” effect and encourage police officers to speak out against misconduct occurring within their department….

    To ensure officers are properly educated on how to use their weapons and are aware of police ethics, conflict resolution and varying cultures within a community, police departments have historically held training programs for all officers. But due to tighter budgets and a shift in priorities, many departments have not provided the proper continuing education training programs for their officers.

    Charles Ramsey, president of both the Major Cities Chiefs Association and the Police Executive Research Forum, called that a big mistake, explaining that it is essential officers are trained and prepared for high-stress situations…
    Radley Balko, author of “Rise of the Warrior Cop,” wrote in the Wall Street Journal in August:

    “Since the 1960s, in response to a range of perceived threats, law-enforcement agencies across the U.S., at every level of government, have been blurring the line between police officer and soldier.

    “Driven by martial rhetoric and the availability of military-style equipment—from bayonets and M-16 rifles to armored personnel carriers—American police forces have often adopted a mind-set previously reserved for the battlefield. The war on drugs and, more recently, post-9/11 antiterrorism efforts have created a new figure on the U.S. scene: the warrior cop—armed to the teeth, ready to deal harshly with targeted wrongdoers, and a growing threat to familiar American liberties.”

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