Monthly Archives: August 2014

Reggie At Work!

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US Has Had The Fewest 90 Degree Days, And The Fifth Most 0 Degree Days In 2014

The US is having its coolest summer on record, after one of the coldest winters. Heidi Cullen says we are burning up, and anyone who disagrees should be decertified.

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Michigan Has Had Both Their Coldest Winter And Summer On Record This Year

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Predictions Don’t Get Worse Than This

James Hansen will likely go down as the most laughable scientist in history

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More Fine GISS Handiwork In The Arctic

That 1940’s blip, just has to go way.

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Understanding The Hiatus

The global warming hiatus is easy to understand. It is much harder for NOAA to tamper with post 1979 global data, because we now have satellite data – which restricts the amount of cheating which they can do.

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ISIS Appears : IRS Disappears – Benghazi Disappears – Immigration Disappears

Through my entire life, every time a president got in serious trouble – he started a war. Only exception was Nixon – and look where it got him.

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Nothing To See Here – Move Along

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Hiding The Decline In Greenland

Like in the US, temperatures have been falling in Greenland for over 80 years. Data.GISS: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis NASA knew about this until a couple of years ago, when they turned the cooling trend into a warming trend. Data.GISS: … Continue reading

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1976 : New York Times Debunked The Entire Climate Change Scam In One Paragraph

TimesMachine: June 29, 1976 – There are two very important concepts here: Colder weather is more extreme The well documented US cooling trend from 1930 to the present, is not compatible with the hockey stick. Hansen wrote this in … Continue reading

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