Monthly Archives: August 2014

Learning How To Think Like A Progressive

Progressives tell us that all of creation is accidental, and the result of entropy and disorder. “the scientist’s religious feeling takes the form of a rapturous amazement at the harmony of natural law, which reveals an intelligence of such superiority … Continue reading

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25 Years Ago – When Baseball Saved Lives

With the prospect of a Nationals/Orioles World Series looming, I am reminded of the last similar series in 1989 between the Giants and the A’s. Almost everyone left work early which saved hundreds of lives – because the Earthquake hit right … Continue reading

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Understanding The Hockey Stick

In 1904, the Northwest Passage was open – near the bottom of the hockey stick. FRANCE HONORS AMUNDSEN. – Explorer Says Northwest Passage Is Not Practicable for Trade. – View Article – According to our impeccably honest friends at … Continue reading

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Religion Of Peace At Work In Iraq

 ISIS beheads missing American journalist James Wright Foley | Mail Online

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If Barack Obama Had A Son …..

After the Trayvon Martin shooting, President Obama told us that his opinion about the case was based on the color of his skin. In March of 2012, Obama would step in it again. Before all the facts were known, the president injected race … Continue reading

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Reggie Urgently Needed In The Northwest Passage

It has been cloudy all month in eastern end of the Northwest Passage, keeping the ice from melting. However the skies did clear up briefly on August 17, and showed that Reggie still has a lot of work to do to clear … Continue reading

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The Unarmed Little Boy Probably Just Wanted A Bag Of Skittles

 BREAKING REPORT: Officer Darren Wilson Suffered “Orbital Blowout Fracture to Eye Socket” During Mike Brown Attack | The Gateway Pundit

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New Common Core Video

No dark sarcasm in the classroom – hey – Al Gore – leave them kids alone. [youtube=]

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Deja Vu

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Robbie Burns Explains Global Warming Theory

Wee, sleeket, cowran, tim’rous beastie, O, what a panic’s in thy breastie! Thou need na start awa sae hasty, Wi’ bickerin brattle! I wad be laith to rin an’ chase thee Wi’ murd’ring pattle! I’m truly sorry Man’s dominion Has … Continue reading

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