Monthly Archives: August 2014

2001 Hansen Paper Highlighted The Spectacular Corruption Of The US Temperature Record

Hansen’s 2001 paper exposed how NOAA and NASA massively corrupt the US temperature record. The image below shows the various steps of data tampering.. Before they start tampering with data, 47% of US rural stations cooled from 1900 to 1999, and … Continue reading

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1896 : Scientists Excited About “Taking” America’s Rarest Owl

Scientists love of decimating raptor populations extends back to long before they discovered wind farms.  

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New Attribution Research

For the first time in science history, I have been able to distinguish between natural sea level rise, and Mann-made sea level rise. I accomplished this through careful research into the standard practices used by climate scientists looking for attention and … Continue reading

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“No Hesitation” Training Works

Police are being trained to shoot children using these “no hesitation” targets. Apparently the training works, because last night a Virginia cop shot his 16 year old daughter – who was sneaking back into the house after being out with … Continue reading

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Understanding How To Distinguish Between Mann-Made Ice Melt And Natural Melt

This video explains the difference between “shaken” ice melt and “stirred” ice melt. [youtube=]

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Shock News : Climate Scientists Weren’t Always Morons!

In 1935, scientists understood that Arctic ice was controlled by the Atlantic Ocean, and planned for regular freight and passenger traffic through the Northeast Passage TimesMachine: September 22, 1935 –

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Making Progress!

Scientists are starting to admit that glaciers have been melting for over 150 years, but say it was “natural” melting as opposed to Mann-made melting. Scientists found that while much of the melting a century or more ago was most probably … Continue reading

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Ezra Levant Interview

Ezra Levant is the most insightful political commentator on the planet, and I had the opportunity last month to chat with him about my work, . The great climate debate : Prime time : SunNews Video Gallery

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After 110 Years, The Northwest Passage Is No Longer Open

Amundsen saw the Northwest Passage open in 1904 FRANCE HONORS AMUNDSEN. – Explorer Says Northwest Passage Is Not Practicable for Trade. – View Article – This year it is closed The tardy opening  of the Northwest Passage, and the … Continue reading

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Learning To Think Like The Obama White House

A leaked document from the Department of Homeland Security’s Office of Intelligence and Analysis predicts increased “anti-government violence over the next year.” The document says the inspiration for violence is Cliven Bundy’s Bunkerville standoff with the Bureau of Land Management … Continue reading

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