Shock News : Scientists Were Smarter In 1909

Climate experts now mindlessly blame icebergs calving on global warming, but in 1909 they understood that it was caused by the action of the tide.

We now know that the calving of icebergs, as the breaking off of blocks from the parent glacier is called, is produced solely by the action of the tide.

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About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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8 Responses to Shock News : Scientists Were Smarter In 1909

  1. They just had a century less unquestioned scientific dogma to break through to find the truth, that’s all.

  2. Robert Kearns says:

    Well, back in 1909, the scientists had to base their conclusions on visual observations and hypotheses. Often, of course, they were fooled by what their senses told them. What they did see is that tides had an influence on calving of glaciers. But they had no way of discovering that that was not the only factor but a small part of many other factors later to be discovered by instruments unimagined by them. As with all scientific knowledge it becomes more complex the more we find out. So these were very smart guys just like Newton or Galileo were smart guys in their time. But Galileo’s tiny telescope could never see what the Hubble sees today. Todays scientist does not see calving as caused by global warming. They only see the rate of increase to be connected to warming. In other words, the warmer the globe, especially sea temperatures, the more frequently calving occurs resulting in very increased number of free floating icebergs. The new data suggests that the calving rate of a glacier comes from the flow rate and volume of water displacing sea water at the front line of the ice shelf. When enough of the fresh glacial water melts and meets a weak or eroded point in the glacier, a crack will occur and an iceberg will cleave away from the main glacial structure. As the temperature of the surrounding Antarctic Ocean has been observed to have increased, the ice flows feeding both the supporting ice shelf and its above-ground glacial mountain have also shown warming as well as faster flow speeds and volume of fresh water. This seems to support NASA’s above-ground observation that the glaciers and their ice shelves are indeed melting from underneath. Read more at Back then they had no means of observing the iceberg calving other than as caused by the push-pull of the tides. Today we can break down the calving process into catagories of causes from the inner cores to external phenomena. It is useful to classify causes of calving into first, second, and third order processes.[9] First order processes are responsible for the overall rate of calving at the glacier scale. The first order cause of calving is longitudinal stretching, which controls the formation of crevasses. When crevasses penetrate the full thickness of the ice, calving will occur.[10] Longitudinal stretching is controlled by friction at the base and edges of the glacier, glacier geometry and water pressure at the bed. These factors, therefore, exert the primary control on calving rate. Second and third order calving processes can be considered to be superimposed on the first order process above, and control the occurrence of individual calving events, rather than the overall rate. Melting at the waterline is an important second order calving process as it undercuts the subaerial ice, leading to collapse. Other second order processes include tidal and seismic events, buoyant forces and melt water wedging. When calving occurs due to waterline melting, only the subaerial part of the glacier will calve, leaving a submerged ‘foot’. Thus, a third order process is defined, whereby upward buoyant forces cause this ice foot to break off and emerge at the surface. This process is extremely dangerous, as it has been known to occur, without warning, up to 300m from the glacier terminus.[11] Date: Sat, 2 Aug 2014 13:04:40 +0000 To: [email protected]

  3. emsnews says:

    It is the Ice Giant’s Ice Cows giving birth to babies! See? And Thor’s Hammer assists as well as the Giant Worm that circles the earth. Cue: Wagner’s Ring Cycle for more information.

  4. 1957chev says:

    Scientists in 1909, weren’t paid huge sums of money, to find any evidence that seemed to promote their agenda. When the climate changes, there is still no proof, the human activity is the main cause of it. Even if they were to find we had played a part in the change, the solutions they have come up with, are ridiculous, and ineffective. Until everyone stops using Climate change, as a religion, and stopping all conversation about it, we will make no real progress. Open up true dialogue, and look at all the angles, and all the options. The way it is now, the behavior and attitude of climate alarmists, has caused massive distrust, from the general population.

  5. Jason Calley says:

    I had a CAGW cultist tell me that icebergs calving off were caused by warming. I asked him, “During the last Ice Age, back when much of the Earth was covered with ice, do you think that icebergs were larger and more common than today, or were they smaller and less common than today?” Of course he would not answer.

  6. B says:

    It’s rather simple in principle, ice must return to the sea or we will have a cataclysm on this planet one way or another.

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