Understanding Gun Control

Over the past 140 years, there have been no mass murders committed by members of the Ntional Rifle Association. During that same time, governments have murdered 200 million civilians.

Government says the NRA is evil and dangerous.

ScreenHunter_1725 Aug. 06 22.54


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Understanding Gun Control

  1. Eugene says:

    Very astute observation. If Hillary Clinton gets elected there will likely be more of her UN gun control bullshyt or finishing the job Bubba started. Lawsuit and tax gun & ammo manufacturing out of business. What a decade to be a gun maker. Cha ching$$

  2. au1corsair says:

    So much easier to bravely gun down “sub-humans” when you have all the guns…

    Just ask the American Indian how America’s first gun bans worked out for them.

    • nielszoo says:

      It wasn’t the aboriginal population that was the target of the first gun bans (leaving aside that little tiff with King George at Lexington and Concord) it was the newly freed slaves int he 1860’s. Our gun ban friends in the Democrat Party and the Progressive movement don’t want you to remember that the Democrat passed gun bans after the Civil War were designed to make it easier for armed Southern Democrats to control the now unarmed former slaves.

      You can’t force people to do things they don’t want to do if they have the means to fight back… and the Prog’s can’t have anyone fighting back against the creeping (or should I say galloping) oligarchy they see for our future.

  3. Mark Luhman says:

    Don’t use the American Indian as you example, they are only a example how a less technology race fares against a superior technological, and it has nothing to do with race, the simple fact is on the European continent had to beast that allowed them to domesticate one was the aurochs, which lead to the bovine and the other was the horse. It does not take much imagination to understand if you have no domestic animals to eat or to be a beast of burden where that going to lead when you run into a society that has both, then add in a intolerance for alcohol it the lesser society is domed. Gun control applies more to the European model where the elite tried and to the most part was successful in keeping are form the lesser people or folks as O’reilly like to use.

  4. Tel says:

    It might be worth pointing out that the three Jewish kids who were abducted and murdered (setting off this recent round of violence) were not harmed by Hamas. Indeed it was a different Palestinian group who deliberately did it to provoke a response against Hamas… and Israel was only too enthusiastic about getting provoked.

    Israel immediately blamed Hamas, and quickly went to war, where in retrospect showing a bit of restraint in this particular circumstance would have been the just thing to do. Not saying Israel cannot defend her children , but spend a moment to punish the genuine perpetrators.

    I agree that an armed society is a polite society. In order for an armed society to exist, the citizens must show responsibility with their weapons and be slow to anger.

  5. Eric Simpson says:

    The climate change pushing amnesty shill Lamar Alexander (R-TN) has his primary… TODAY (Thursday).

    Vote Carr, Not Lamar! Lamar Alexander voted for Rubio’s amnesty bill. Send him packing. For that reason alone.

    My hotair comment:

    There was just an ad above the comment box against Lamar Alexander (R-TN, primary Thursday Aug 7th), talking about Lamar’s votes for gun control like measures (I’ve just skimmed it, but I saw Alexander voted for the dubious “Toomey-Manchin” gun registration scheme and to take away your right to defend yourself in National Parks [like against bears?]). I don’t know if you all are getting the same ad but this is the link for the ad: http://nagr.org/2014/Issue/tn1a.aspx?pid=lam3a&gclid=CNCqiOvG_b8CFahaMgod9lcA5A

  6. Brad says:

    “If they find it, they will play with it.” I know, I know. Anyway, this gave me a belly chuckle.


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