When the big earthquake hits California, and all hell breaks lose, all the morons who gave up their 2nd Amendment rights are going to be begging for someone with a gun (and ammo) to come protect them.
Disrupting the Borg is expensive and time consuming!
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Agree completely. The LA riots were a good example. Those who do not study history are doomed to repeat it (paraphrase).
I’m ready. Are you?
How you do it:
At 2:40, the talking head offers that “The police and National Guard would be worried…”, Bet she didn’t know that those people would be very UNCONCERNED about THOSE people being armed. That’s the bubblebrain take; anyone armed is motivated in the same direction.
Yeah .. the ‘running commentary’ by the mediots is worthless. It does show their ‘thinking’ on these subjects though …
Off topic and you might already be aware of this but it is the kind of stuff you love Tony … 20% of the bears walking about on ice that “isn’t there”.
Looks like a very good site and I just started reading her posts today.
Those are the CAGW holy poley bears walking on water.
Mystery solved.
The Korean shop owners will be prepared, like they were during the Rodney King riots.
Get to know a Korean shop owner …
A good show-of-force is the only thing some ppl understand … the Korean shop owners would seem to understand this concept:
Does anyone think the police will “be there”, rather than down at the government buildings, or just protecting their own families and inner circle? Yes, a few will, but the vast majority will protect the state.
What the police will be doing is what they did during hurricane Katrina confiscating peaceful citizens fire arms so they can not defend themselves against rioters.
I know _Jim hates G.Edward Griffin because he is a Bircher, but he has archived the stories of Fema’s actions (now disappeared from the net) during Katrina and it is not pretty. He also provides an explanation of the government’s actions that seems to fit.
The links to the cached stories are there so you can decide for yourselves what the government was up to.
Gail, G.Edward Griffin is not credible as an author on the material subjects he writes, unless it is accepted as ‘fiction’ … the factual errors, the misconstruing, the ‘synthesis’ of events according to his ‘whirled’ view renders anything he writes worthless.
In case anyone else is curious where this Griffin character ‘goes off the rails’:
BTW, Griffin is into chemtrails and quack cancer cures … and don’t just take my word for it, do your own due diligence …
Hey Gail! It has been over twenty years since Hurricane Andrew hit Florida, but in some ways the Federal response there was very similar to that at Hurricane Katrina. Afterwards, FEMA management was called upon to testify to Congress. IIRC, Congress was told that only about 10% of FEMA’s budget was devoted to disaster response and aid. The other 90% was devoted to preparation for continuity of government after catastrophic events.
That was over twenty years ago. It may be different at FEMA today, but many agencies perform functions that are not obvious from their names. The last time I checked (a few years ago), about half of the Department of Energy’s budget was production, refurb and storage of nuclear weapons for the military.
The best advice for any emergency is be prepared to defend yourself, and do not wait to be rescued.
As I said _Jim hates Griffin, but you can read the archived stories and make your own decision.
“The other 90% was devoted to preparation for continuity of government after catastrophic events.” sounds about in line with what we now know about government. CYA and grow the government are the real goals.
Griffin is a panderer; look it up. Apparently you do mind ‘sourcing’ material and viewpoints from a clown who makes stuff up according to his belief system … sorta like the CAGW crowd.
Do you see the similarity or no?
He’s into chemtrails now, since that ‘makes money’ for authors like him at the present … are these the kinds of ppl a ‘scientist’ like yourself associates?
Some merchants in Ferguson, Missouri probably wish they had arms to keep the looters out of their stores the last couple days.
Those that were armed had no problems. http://www.shtfplan.com/headline-news/these-two-businesses-did-not-get-looted-can-you-guess-why_08112014
Those that relied on police protection were disappointed.
It appears that in the interests of “officer safety” the police will invariably “protect and serve” themselves first.
The Supreme Court has ruled more than once that the police have “no duty” to protect citizens. Doesn’t that make you feel safe?
After an illuminating term on a grand jury, I expect nothing good from “law enforcement”.
Had a retired sheriff’s deputy on that jury who (in disgust) pointed-out that nearly half of the law enforcement testimony was in fact “testilying”.
A “hypothetical” inquiry about how prosecutor’s office would handle the Grand Jury indicting a particularly open testi-liar for his perjury was quite informative. The prosecutors’ office would “hypothetically” have “other priorities” and would not have time to pursue the matter. The local speedy trial laws would dictate that if no action were taken on the matter, the charges would be vacated as if they never happened after 270 days.
Seeing the “justice system” in action was an eye-opener….
Tell me about it.
I had two semis stolen and got no where though I can give you the thieves drivers licenses, addresses, SS# and point out the trucks behind locked gates (before they sold them to Mexicans)
You are safer from “The Law” stealing cars than you are raising cattle or veggies for food!
Firearms ownership in Missouri is pretty open (IIUC) so if they have problems it’s their own short-sightedness and mushy-headedness to blame.
Maybe you will get lucky and California will break off completely can become a seperate country …
“and” not “can” … damn.
Don’t try and export it to Oz then!
In California’s case, many are not “giving up” their guns. The state is forcibly removing them through unconstitutional means. But challenges to authority take years to play through the courts.
There are worse gun laws in other states. California is probably the largest firearms market, behind maybe Texas. Restrictive laws make things a little more difficult, but that only slows one down a little bit.
Even if you consider it a rural/urban split, the shear numbers people in urban areas amounts to a great deal of firearms owners, in spite of their being a smaller percentage of said urban total.
And I can assure you, rural California is no different from rural anywhere else.
We will be fine as long as we don’t start shooting at eachother 😉
Rural folk usually band together to take care of the problems instead of looting their neighbors.
Last hurricane that came through we all got out with our chain saws and cleared the roads. One tree took my dually truck and a neighbors dual wheel tractor to get out of the road – AFTER we had spent all day cutting it into a couple of pieces with chain saws.
We also used a shallow well (25 feet) to dip water out of with a bucket so we and our animals had water. The generator was used for drinking water only.