Their culture contributes much to Europe, and deserves mention.
Disrupting the Borg is expensive and time consuming!
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It may be true that not all Muslims are terrorists but where I live, it would appears that most Muslims do not speak up and condem atrocities such as this latest one. My opinion is that unless those Muslims who are not terrorists do condem such atrocities and actively do something about it, then I will be suspect and leary toward these complacent Muslims.
If these people are really serious about living amoung us in peace, then they need to do much more as a group to help eliminate these radicals from our midst.
@PeterK “If these people are really serious about living amoung us in peace, then they need to do much more as a group to help eliminate these radicals from our midst.”
The West has been waiting for that since 9-11-01. Over 14 years, with no signs of co-operation in this regard.
Not all Muslims are terrorists, but most of the world leaders are insane.
We live in the dangerous world that George Orwell told us we would awaken to in “Nineteen Eighty-Four“
Most of us didn’t start awakening until Climategate emails startled us in late Nov 2009 . . . sixty-three years after the internal composition of the Sun was arbritarily changed from:
_ a.) Mostly iron (Fe) in 1945 to
_ b.) Mostly hydrogen (H) in 1946
Sir Fred Hoyle “spilled the beans” on this unsavory turn in “science” on pages 153-154 of his 1994 auto-biography, Home Is Where The Wind Blows
The greatest threat to humanity today is the insanity of those who try to retain power by inciting hatred of AGW believers for AGW doubters, of Muslims for Jews, for Christians, for Hindus, etc., etc.
The inhabitants of planet Earth will hang together or die separately.
Oliver, I wonder how well you read the things you post …
Yes, I recognize Avaaz as promoters of consensus propaganda and do not agree with Avaaz on many things.
But I agree that the inhabitants of planet Earth must find a way to avoid being manipulated by insane and power-hungry world leaders who incite hatred of AGW believers for AGW doubters, of Muslims for Jews, for Christians, for Hindus, for Buddhists, etc., etc.
The inhabitants of planet Earth will either hang together or we will die separately.
Washington Post now says at least one of the Paris attackers came to France through Greece. For all the Al Gore supporters out there, that means they were a “refugee”.
Now two have been confirmed.
Paris Jihadis sneaked into France as fake Syrian refugees: Authorities reveal three teams of killers including a 15-year-old prowled the streets wearing suicide vests
But you claimed Muslim immigrants have ethnically cleansed Jews in Paris and have destroyed the French culture. Where is your evidence for that?
[SG : I have no intention of rewriting blog posts for the private audience of one particular whiner]
You might do some reading:
Yes, that’s evidence of anti-semitism, which is unambiguously wrong. However, it is not evidence of ethnic cleansing. Steven should post evidence of ethnic cleansing.
What would you call it? People flee from France because they are Jews.
It’s just that, when you write a blog post, it’s supposed to be self-contained, which means it has to contain all the evidence required to support your claims, or it must contain links to that evidence. That’s just expected of any scholarly work. You almost never include actual evidence, or links to actual evidence, to support your claims. You are still trying to prove data adjustments are wrong by showing evidence that data adjustments have been made.
Even if 99% of Muslims are peaceful, if even 1% are radical jihadists, willing to die to take some infidels with them, that makes them a highly dangerous element for any civilized society and thus they need to be kept out at all cost. It may not be the fault of the other 99%, but you have to do whatever needs to be done to protect your society, even if it means keeping all of them out!
We can tell the ones that are not peaceful! This one is cocky and combative. Looking straight into a male photographer’s eyes!
“That’s just expected of any scholarly work.”
As far as I know this blog makes no claims of being “scholarly”. As for “evidence”, I really like your “No, it isn’t” arguments: simply brilliant.
Says Martin who has never linked to one piece of evidence to back up anything he says.
Bizarre !!
It may not be “Muslims” that are entirely to blame, or Islam. We have to be careful we aren’t like lemmings running off the cliff together being terrorized by global elitists who manipulate our perception of people and the world. Like climate alarmists trying to frighten us for possible other agendas, what if ISIS is such a plan for other certain agendas? Check out this opinion if you wish:
Mark Steyn has been warning of what is happening in Europe and around the world for years. Merkel has just advanced the fall of Europe with her insane welcome of illegal immigrants. Paris, Madrid, London, New York were all major Islam attacks on the west. There are continuous small attacks, Toulouse, Copenhagan, Brussels, Fort Hood, Sydney, Paris again, and it is not going to stop because our leaders can not overcome their PC hangups and recognize that Islam is a 12th century religion which hates Western culture. Obama is the worst president, the most lackluster leader we have ever had. His comments about ISIS being contained are just a sample of how clueless he is.
Merkel is a bumbling fool who has assured Germany will disappear from the face of the earth. Native German women have a birthrate of 1.3, you do the math. ISIS doesn’t have to attack Germany to bring them into the Caliphate, all they have to do is wait.
Merkel is no fool. She is doing the same job as Obama, Cameron, and other Globalist leaders The goal is to ruin Western civilization so the Globalists can offer a solution with them in control. The EU is a step to collectivize, destroy, and put them under United Nations rule called the Euro Zone. Dear Angela is just following orders.
For thousands of years the Germans or the Germanic tribes have tried to destroy Europe and bring it under their control. From Roman times this has been going on.
Looks like this time Germany has hit on a novel and effective idea. Simply replace the Europeans (birth rate per adult woman1.4) with Muslims (birth rate per adult woman 4.2) and within one or two generations the destruction will be complete without firing a shot.
Only issue the Germans have not taken into account is they too will be gone. Replaced by Middle Eastern madmen.
Islam is not a 12h century religion, it began in the 8th century. It is a heresy, taking and perverting parts of Christianity and Judaism and adding some of Mohammed’s own personal weirdness. Lying is permitted if it can promote Islam. Killing (murdering) the “infidel” will get you to heaven, where men will be rewarded with virgins; or some say this reward is translated as “white raisins”. Saudi Arabia is behind most of the terror and the US and Europe refuse to do anything about that. All quite absurd.
Time to boot MS he is a looneytooney
He’s a leftist. All leftists love Islam and hate Jews.
I love everyone, darwin. Even you.
From my experience leftists are excellent liars … to themselves and others.
Yea, you love us so much you want us all to have to live like the Israelis. That is with the constant threat of barbarism when we go out and fear and distrust of our neighbors.
Martin Smith stepped into the light, realized he was like Jesus. His heart was swelling with love for everyone. Even Darwin. He wondered how much he loved that Tony guy people kept talking about, whoever he was. He wondered what Jesus would do. Would he love the Tony guy even if he didn’t know him? Suddenly he knew what to do. Show them the real Jesus. Even to those who weren’t like Jesus at all. That will make it neat, self-contained. That will show them.
That’s why your your posts are implicitly abusive, you patronising, passive-aggressive little creep.
Of course Islam is a major problem for leftists. On the one hand, they cry about “Islamophobia”. But Muslims hate homosexuals and even kill them in some places, and so you have “homophobia” v. “Islamophobia”. A great illustration of the self-destruct mechanism hidden in group pandering politics.
Don’t Forget the Islamist also HATE WOMEN!
Gail, from what I’ve read…they also hate young boys
everyone has their pet scare that they just NEED to pump up beyond all proportions
And your point is?
Did you think before you added the comment? Or did it just coming flooding out, cryptic and nonsensical, while your mind was elsewhere.
Iceberg structure. Terrorists are like the top of the iceberg, then you have criminals, then fraudsters, then those who support all of the others. You just have to look at the height of the top to realize the probleme. In fact criminals and fraudsters are so numerous that they appear above water, as if the water was very dense…
We are told that the bad guy are a minority of muslims, but first of all it’s not obvious, and then if a population have 10 to 20 times more criminality than the other, it’s quite problematic.
Moreover, these guys are not only violent and stupids, they are destroying our civilization by imposing their stupids laws.
As a french i’m worried to see muslims take over my country. We have nuclear weapons, a relatively strong army… Which is already infiltrated and governed by Saudis interests.
Hilary’s Arab Spring has sprung!
That must have been some Youtube video.
Lots of u tubes of Merkel welcoming without discrimination Muslim immigrants.
Immigration has always been hard on countries…
…who doesn’t remember the great Irish Jihad?…the Italian fatwa
they made three great movies about the Italian Jihad, in fact
great….so let’s repeat it
When push comes to shove, ALL muslims have to obey their holy book. This means, when the word goes out, that nice muslim lady who has a kid in your son’s kindergarten has to kill you and your son. . . unless you are a muslim.
Actually she doesn’t kill you . She just helps strap the suicide bomb vest on her 7 year old son.
Look at the picture, Islamic women are not the problem
Islam is not a religion. Islam is a religion plus a government. Western concepts of natural and personal rights is based on a differentiation between religious and secular structures.
You can have freedom and individual rights, or you can have Islam. Take your pick.
People said the same of Christianity for many centuries
mostly muslims…
It was true about Christianity for many centuries. That time is now long past. Jason’s point is that Islam has yet to move from theocracy to independent religion, as Christianity has.
erm…Christianity established the separation of Church and State after several centuries and countless wars, not to mention the dead and the atrocities.
The difference can be starkly illustrated by the founders. One taught us to love one another and never laid a hand on anyone. The other was a warlord who personally decapitated prisoners of war, while preaching submit or die.
No comparison.
Correct. And Islam has yet to do it themselves. They’re still in the “countless wars” stage.
Does anyone else see the Irony of Muslims calling for a separation of church and state?
..oh wait!
Christianity established the separation of Church and State after several centuries ….
Guess that means Islam is still a very backward religion
Actually that separation was established by the founder…
“Jesus said to them, render unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s, and unto God the things that are God’s”
-Mark 12:17
Which is the complete and total opposite of what the Koran says..
Koran is the government, state is inseparable from religion…..Muslims can not be ruled by non-muslims….Muslims must obtain political supremacy….everyone must submit to Muslim rule
The caliphate is the wrap up of muslims taking over the world….before the end
Funny how we revert to the same point. The founder of Christianity as we know it is Constantine, and he saw no separation between Church and State.
Wow. Sorry my friend, but the founder of Christianity is Christ. It’s not called “Constianity”.
(Shaking head…)
you’re digging your hole here….
You are saying that Christianity evolved and became a modern religion…
….and Islam didn’t and is still some backwoods throwback religion
I’m saying there’s nothing special about Islam
Actually there is. Can you name another of the “great religions” that was founded by a murderous pedophile warlord who taught total submission or death?
Ah right, the paedophile slur. It’d been missing.
If you call historical fact a slur, then yes.
omnologos: “Ah right, the paedophile slur. It’d been missing.”
Mohammed consummated his marriage to his child bride Aisha when she was nine, this is a matter of historical record.
Further, there is no stricture in Islam concerning sexual intercourse with children of any age, including infants, although there are certain rules concerning the actual methodology. No less an authority than the Ayatollah Khomeini wrote quite prolifically on the subject.
I suggest you educate yourself before you accuse posters of promulgating slurs.
Oh, and tell me, when was the last time a gang of Christian terrorists placed a bomb on an airliner, or donned a suicide belt and blew themselves up on a school bus, or machine gunned a night club? Or a gang of Buddhists, or Scientologists even?
I seem to have missed those reports.
I stand enlightened by the plethora of Koranic scholars around my Internet life. Not to mention their expertise in International Relations and terrorism
Jesus wrote nothing. We’ve got Paul and the Evangelists, very little by the first Pope. It’s not by accident the religion went from one Council to another. And it became State religion before the Middle Ages started.
It’s called “Christianity”, and it is based solely upon the life and teachings of Christ. It really is sad to see an intelligent person make such a mockery of themselves, especially in defense of a death cult founded by a murderous warlord.
(Shaking head in utter disbelief and sadness)
I could say the same of you. You’re denying the existence of St Paul, not to mention countless Fathers of the Church, Councils, the Eastern Schism, the Reformation etc etc. Christianity is definitely not solely based upon the life and teachings of Christ.
What did the apostles teach? Do you even know/? They taught of Jesus and His message, because He is the founder.
Omnologos, we have known each other through this site for years now, and you are normally a thoughtful and logical person. What is it about Islam that makes you act like a fool?
Yeah right. ..what is it about Islam that makes YOU act like a fool? Ps Christians were killing people already in 415AD
Christians kill in defense of innocent lives, just like anyone else who is moral.
When a “Christian” murders, it goes against the teachings of Christ and that person is a sinner in the eyes of God.
When a Muslim murders in the name of Allah, it is in keeping with the teachings and customs of Mohammad, and is rewarded by Allah.
You have a real problem omnologos.
No no Christians have been killing for political reasons since the time they got political power. Muhammad got it immediately. And anyone can read anything in the Bible or Quran really
You are not this dense!
I am not defending the actions of men. We are discussing Christianity vs Islam.
Islam teaches intolerance.
Chritianity teaches that we love one another.
No more strawmen omnologos. No more wilful ignorance on your part. Enough.
I might add that omno also frequents Peter Sinclair’s site, like Martin does
Birds of a feather. Parrots, Norwegian blue.
Omno, you are admitting that Christianity evolved in form from Tyranny to elective choice, but Islam is stuck in the dark ages. How can you not see this?
And yes, Christianity was originally apolitical, and all about a personal relationship with God. When Rome became “Christian” it was the worst thing for the church. Islam, on the other hand, was always about political power, initially perhaps an attempt to unite the warring tribes, a failed attempt.
omnologos says:
November 15, 2015 at 8:31 am
I’m saying there’s nothing special about Islam
Then you would be 100% wrong….
Islam is not compatible with our religions, our society, and the way we live.
The Koran spells it out, in detail.
The Koran is also specific about there is no wiggle room…
…and what to do with people that claim to be Muslim and don’t follow the Koran exactly.
According to the Koran…there is no such thing as a “moderate” Muslim.
Calling Muslims “radical” “terrorists” etc is just a ruse….Truth is…..Those are the true followers of the Koran. And there is no way any of them will go to their “heaven” unless they are true followers.
Strangely this Truth only dawned upon the world around 1971. Wow.
I for one appreciate when a real theologian and Islamic scholar takes on the radical Christianist Islamophobes here. They need to listen to Fahad Qureshi, the Chairman of Islam Net, at the Islam Peace Conference in Oslo 2013 (ca. 4,000 attendees):
“These are general views that every Muslim actually has. Every Muslim believes in these things. Just because they are not telling you about it, or just because they are not out there in the media, doesn’t mean that they don’t believe in them.”
“So I will ask you, everyone in the room: How many of you are normal Muslims – you’re not extremists, you’re not radical – just normal Sunni Muslims? Please raise your hands.”
“Everybody, M? sh?? All?h! Subh?n All?h. OK, take down your hands again.”
“Next question. How many of you agree that the punishments described in the Qur’an and the Sunnah – whether it is death, whether it is stoning for adultery, whatever it is, if it is from Allah and his Messenger, that is the best punishment ever possible for humankind, and that is what we should apply in the world. Who agrees with that?”
“All?hu Akbar! Are you all radical extremists? Subh?n All?h. So, all of you are saying that you are common Muslims, you all go to the different mosques in Norway. Or are you like a specific sect, like the Islam Net sect, or anything like that? Are you like that? No. Is it … Are you like that? Please raise your hand if you are like that extreme Islam, that sect, or anything like that? No one, All?hu Akbar.
“How many of you just go to these normal mosques in Norway, the normal Sunni mosques? Please raise your hands. “
All?hu Akbar! So, what’s the politicians going to say now? What’s the media going to say now? That we are all extremists? We are all radicals? We all need to be deported from this country?”
“Subh?n All?h. All?hu Akbar!”
“All?hu Akbar!”
“All?hu Akbar!”
“All?hu Akbar!”
“May we have the next question, please.”
And why not. Hearsay and anecdotes are what we need
omnologos says:
November 15, 2015 at 5:26 pm
Yeah right. ..what is it about Islam that makes YOU act like a fool?
because according to the Koran…..either you follow the Koran exactly….or apostasy
Which means there’s no such thing as a moderate Muslim, a Muslim terrorist, a radical Muslim…..
No. Nobody reads the Koran directly. It’d be analogue to apostasy, because in Islam the Revelation doesn’t happen in the individual believer. Every mainstream Muslim follows one of three or four schools of thought.
so they are not really Muslims then….the Koran says you can’t have more than one leader, have to follow the Koran exactly…and elect a caliph
Exactly. The book says one thing in an old language, the practice is something else.
Actually, I’ve always said Islam is a political movement, they only claim it is a religion. If it really was a religion, violence would not be part of it. We have been fooled for hundreds of years and yet we have never learned anything. Fight fire with more fire and eliminate once and for all this cancer. I just hope we wake up before it is too late.
Of course it’s political….the Koran says it’s political
The Koran is the law, the government…..
Normally you have the thug on Horseback and the Shaman (priest class) backing up his rule. Mohammad just decided to get rid of the possible competition and combined the two.
Even in the USA 60% of Muslims reject the concept of Freedom of Speech. 12% believed in the application of the Sharia-based punishment “blasphemy” and feel that Americans who criticize or parody Islam should be put to death. Nearly one-third (32%) of American Muslims polled believed “…Shariah law should be the supreme law of the land in the US.”
It’s Not the ”Radical Shaykh” it’s Islam – Fahad Qureshi
(Speech by Fahad Qureshi, transcript)
He sure makes it pretty clear that their culture IS NOTt compatible with the culture here in the West AND the muslims are not about to change that culture. Instead the muslims expect us to adhere to THEIR SHARIA LAW since they consider it the received the Word of God and are therefore in the right.
“… Fight fire with more fire and eliminate once and for all this cancer…”
How can we fight a “cancer” that has so much oil in their lands?
It would cause so many more problems to fight those rich bastards…
Oh no, let’s calm down and let the terrorist attacks continue, and the beheading, the whipping, child abuse, acid attacks, etc…
If only those bastards were not so rich!….
Well said.
What does any of this have to do with climate change?
I know from personal experience how hard it is to stay current on climate science, John. Here is the update:
Charlotte Church: Climate change caused Syrian War
She was such a talented little girl. Incredible voice. It’s sad to see what she’s become.
She has social scientists on her side. And social engineers. It’s this holistic planetary thing.
The reaction from most of the western world’s leaders still seems to be essentially, we need to smile more as we hold the gate open.
Prepare yourself for the truth!
Not all Muslims are terrorist, but nearly all terrorists are Muslim.
Godzilla is great.
I have always regretted the Ronald Regan didn’t follow through in Lebanon. I fully understood why at the time, but still thought it was a mistake. Perhaps if we had taken on the Radical Islamic beast more directly back then things would be different now.
Rah, there are so many times in history like what Reagan faced in Lebanon. Hell, just go back a few years to our Iranian Embassy, better yet, read to what Rocky Sickman has to say about it…
“I had my finger on a sawed off shotgun and they had broken through the basement of the embassy and they brought Iranian women in black shadoors and used them as shields. And I tell you what, I regret – thinking back thirty-three years ago – not ever pulling that trigger because my orders were don’t fire.”
– Rocky Sickmann, former Marine guard at the US embassy in Tehran in 1979.
Extremists are the main threat to a lasting peace, be they religious, political or cultural extremists….you know who they are, they’re always saying ‘we’ll only put ours down if you do first’…….or ‘I am only protecting myself -just in case’ .
Fearmongering weak spined extremists deserve the paranoia they must surely be living with…..and deserve all the ridicule which they attract 🙂
Lest we forget….
“Naturally, the common people don’t want war; neither in Russia nor in England nor in America nor, for that matter, in Germany. That is understood. But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy or a fascist dictatorship or a Parliament or a Communist dictatorship. … [V]oice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.”
? Hermann Göring
Mahatma Gandhi on Muslims: “the Mussalman as a rule is a bully”
Yes, “ahimsa” non violence is a deep subject, and not what the progressive crowd thinks
Ahimsa means removal of the desire to kill, but in this world one may be compelled to act.
One ought to strive to remove the hate, but still act and fulfill duty. (it is deeper then that, but I will not take the time here.)
Obama on the other hand appears to enjoy his drone hunting, and Hillary cackeled when she bragged about killing Gadhafi, with zero plan for follow up, just letting thousands die and Islamists take over.
It is the difference between ‘Good’ and ‘Evil’
‘Evil’ LIKES to cause pain and suffering. Therefore the sadists are going to be attracted to a ‘religion’ or a political point of view that sanctions their desires to cause pain and suffering. An Excuse, to quiet what ever vestiges of civilization they absorbed. Both Islam and Marxism are such justifications.
“The Collective Farm Policy was a terrible struggle, Ten million died. It was fearful.” — Joseph Stalin
‘Good’ will use violence to defend or if necessary remove a threat but nothing more.
In Islam (and Marxism) removal of non-aggressors even children though death is seen as ‘good’
This reversal of what is seen as ‘Good’ and ‘Evil’ is why both Islam and Marxism can not co-exist in a society that honors personal freedom and property rights. It is also why totalitarians LOVE both.
Islam is ABOUT conquest period.
There is no peace except when an entire are has been converted. If the muslims are to few they LIE. Their prophet TELLS them do do so. Once their numbers increase they switch to aggression. They might allow non-muslims to exist but only if they crawl on their bellies and lick the feet of the muslims.
We can see that those in the UK of the leftest PC persuasion have decided that they should start crawling on their bellies and licking the feet of the muslims.
Multicultural Surrender has Turned Britain into a Third World Country
2014/07/23 The Islamist ‘Trojan Horse’ Plot: Why Lessons Won’t Be Learned
2014/08/27 This is just ONE town in the UK where this IS going on:Rotherham: 1400 Children Groomed, Drugged and Raped by Multiculturalism
AHHHhhhh, the problems PC
journalistspropagandists have reporting on this (IF they bother to.)Modern Britain’s apathetic, inadequate response to child sexual abuse
2014/09/07“>Islamic Rape Gangs: Rotherham is Just the Tip of the Iceberg
2014/08/29 Muslim Rape Gangs: the Disturbing Role of Britain’s Leading Child Welfare Charity
2014/09/01 Multiculturalism: What the Left Would Prefer You Didn’t Know…
2014/11/01 Labour’s PCC Victory In the Rape-Gang Regions of the North Is Proof that Turkeys Do Vote for Christmas
2015/02/19 Britain Is Getting More Dangerous. So Give Us Our Guns Back
2015/05/14 Surge in UK Terror Arrests as Scotland Yard Warns of ‘Massive Threat’ to Britain
Actually it is Muslim fundamentalists that are the main threat. Radical Muslims are those that do not follow the teachings and examples of Mohammad.
gat, according to the Koran…there’s no such thing as a radical Muslim.
Someone that doesn’t follow the teachings of the Koran to the exact letter…is not a Muslim at all……..apostasy
True. But I was illustrating the fact that violent Muslims are not radicals, they are fundamentalists, strictly adhering to the literal example set by the founder of their “religion”.
exactly…I was just saying the Koran gives no wiggle room……Muslims that do not follow it exactly are not Muslims at all….Claiming to be moderate Muslims, according to the Koran are not Muslims at all…..radial, terrorist is a ruse describing true Muslims that follow the word of the Koran.
On a related note. Have I ever mentioned I am a giant midget? 😉
A giant midget. Rough. Do you work with Noah?
I used to do some charity events with Noah, until I discovered he was a fraud. I walked in on him in a public bathroom backstage, and caught him using a standard height urinal. Besides, at 5’6″ he is not really all that tall for a 21st century midget. It’s the lifestyle that #matters.
That’s sickening. I know people who swear they saw Noah pissing on a wall between a midget and standard urinal and crying in humiliation. So he was faking it! You can’t trust anybody these days. Fake midgets. Fake Africans. Fake reporters. It’s all fraud.
What a total crock of S***……why didn’t they bomb this crap sooner
French fighter jets have dropped 20 bombs on the Islamic State (IS) stronghold of Raqqa in northern Syria.
The planes hit a jihadi recruitment centre, training camp and arms depot run by the group, according to the French defence ministry.
It would have interfered with their drive for a “multicultural Europe” you know.
They couldn’t bomb sooner, because it took many months for those pilots get permission to use French airspace. 😉
That picture of everyone in “black” [looks] Satanic ! It looks like Demons walking with their children !! Always “hiding” their faces !!! In the mean time, Muslim preferred way of execution is “be-heading”, funny that the Beast, upon arrival (And “it’s” coming soon!) will execute “all” not faithful to It by means of “Be-Heading” ? Strange now isn’t it ???
As Ronnie James would say (If he were still alive), “It’s the sign of the Southern Cross”…
I thought about the beheading aspect lastnight….there could be some irony in the fact that during the Reign of Terror (1793-1794) some estimates place the number of those beheaded in France at over 40,000……and a great many countries have histories of beheading as a systematic ‘solution’, to various problems.
The islamists are really only a couple of hundred years behind the rest of us….by the time they catch up with the rest of us and read this they will be wishing we hadn’t used up all the oil 😉
Thinking about it some more, once they get over their beheading stage they’re likely to discover the delights of torture…….and go on to build the worlds largest Guantanamo.
I’m investing in steel bar stock as we speak, sooner or later they’ll need to buy….
Regarding the dress sense…where to draw the line ?–/YXBwaWQ9c3JjaGRkO2g9Mjc2O3E9OTU7dz00NjA-/
I’m only being a little tongue in cheek here….recently, I was involved in a discussion regarding the wearing of the Burkha in court…the. general census of opinion was that ‘you need to be able to see the face of the person in the dock’
When i asked ‘ So do you support a ban on all blind or partially sighted people from serving on juries ?’ the discussion ground to a halt…..
I really don’t know what the answer actually is but i do feel that whats good for the goose is good for the gander
‘you need to be able to see the face of the person in the dock’
The reason for that is because it is easier to ‘read’ a person. Body language and facial expressions are very very much a part of what a person is saying. Being able to read that language is what makes a good poker player. It is also why I never used a phone or e-mail at work if I could help it.
I was very uncomfortable talking to someone if I can not read their body language too. I still prefer in person in business dealings.
The other question is should a man be able to walk into a small store at night wearing a ski-mask?
The burka is EXACTLY THE SAME! How do you know that ‘it’ is a woman? Heck how do you know there isn’t a sawed of shotgun under there too?
Why has a burka suddenly become an item of dress to be worn in public AFTER 9-11?
When I went looking for that illustration I found it came with this headline: Gunman disguised in burka and sunglasses robs cash courier
Belgium became the first European country to impose a full ban on wearing a burka. Gotta protect those EU bureaucrats now don’t we?
When I ride my motorcycle I am asked to remove the helmet to pay for fuel at the cashiers desk….I refuse, put the cash on the desk and wait for them to serve me.
By your reckoning blind or poorly sighted people should not be allowed to serve on juries.
Using the telephone must make life hell for the deeply mistrusting who feel the need to see facial expressions
“The burka is EXACTLY THE SAME! How do you know that ‘it’ is a woman? Heck how do you know there isn’t a sawed of shotgun under there too?”
I don’t need to know if it is a man or a woman. We see plenty of Muslims fully covered up in Edinburgh in the holiday season….Why should I need to know if it is a man or a woman….I also see men kissing men,, women kissing women……is gender the real issue ?
“Using the telephone must make life hell for the deeply mistrusting who feel the need to see facial expressions….”
It is a matter of gathering ALL information and that can not be done over a phone or via e-mail.. As far as poor sighted or blind, some of those people are much more keyed into verbal signals than the sighted are.
Someone dependent on visual clues plus lack of visual clues = at a disadvantage.
“When I ride my motorcycle I am asked to remove the helmet to pay for fuel at the cashiers desk….I refuse…”
And one of these days someone is going to call the cops on you because of that refusal.
I certainly would even if you put money on the counter. But then I have had a gun pulled on me twice. Found the guy living down the street was a mass murderer who targeted women. Not to mention the woman knifed to death beneath our window. This was all in GUN FREE areas BTW.
Definition of a Conservative:
“A Liberal who has been mugged.”
Definition of Brain Dead:
“A Liberal who has been mugged., beaten or raped and STILL thinks it is Their Fault because they were born white.”
So here you are speaking quite lucidly with me, without seeing my face or hearing my voice, trying to argue how essential it is for you to see someone’s body language….doh
“And one of these days someone is going to call the cops on you because of that refusal.”
The police can do nothing…a contract for a sale does not imply a certain dress code should be adhered to. Making a fair attempt to pay is the only requirement to secure the contract on my side…….are you so afraid of authority that you forget that it is there to protect everybody’s rights ?
Chris Barron: “The police can do nothing…a contract for a sale does not imply a certain dress code should be adhered to.”
Oh, that’s where you are wrong, the police can do a very great deal, sunshinel.
Tell you what, just try to pay for fuel at a filling station wearing a full-face motorcycle helmet and refusing to take it off, or even better, try cashing a cheque at a bank.
Your collar will be felt and you’ll be sitting in a cell so quick your feet won’t even touch the ground.
“In theory there is no difference between theory and practice. In practice there is.”
“So here you are speaking quite lucidly with me, without seeing my face or hearing my voice, trying to argue how essential it is for you to see someone’s body language….doh”
No, you are twisting my words.
Body language adds additional signals that can be read to determine what the person means by his words AND if he is trying to con you. For a jury this is VERY VERY important.
Lying Is Exposed By Micro-Expressions We Can’t Control
Research into tiny muscle movements proves useful in anti-terror investigations
Since I have been working with and training horses since a very early age, I am very good at ‘reading’ a horse. Dogs are a snap compared to horses BTW. Therefore I automatically look for the nonverbal clues when talking to people.
Catweazle posits…
“Oh, that’s where you are wrong, the police can do a very great deal, sunshinel.”
No, they cannot. But I live in the UK where the police cannot do anything if you walk into a filling station with a helmet on and a willingness to pay….where do you live ?
Once again Gail I need to ask you, would you support the banning of blind and restricted vision jurors ? If they cannot see the ‘subtle fleeting expressions’ then they are not suitable (by the thrust of your argument) because assessment without visual clues is unreliable.
Assuming of course, that the evidence they are giving (perhaps of being raped) is not supported by evidence collected by the authorities or given by other witnesses.
What if, for example, they wear a burkha, give evidence that they were raped, and the police say they have substantial DNA evidence to support their claim…..what you are suggesting is that, on the broad scale, the fact that she is wearing a burkha and nobody can see her face (assuming no blind jurors) then her defence is still a weak one.
It makes me now wonder, in Gail world, should evidence given by someone who has used botox to prevent facial movement be treated as suspicious, just because they’re trying to hide natural non verbal clues ?
Chris Barron: “where do you live ?”
I live in the UK, and I can assure you that you haven’t a clue what you’re talking about.
“….What if, for example, they wear a burkha, give evidence that they were raped….”
If they refuse to remove the burkha in a court of law then let them go home to the middle east where they will be STONED TO DEATH FOR THE CRIME OF ALLOWING THEMSELVES TO BE RAPED!
They don’t like the customs in western countries? Well they can GO HOME!
THIS IS MY COUNTRY WITH MY CUSTOMS! So they AND YOU can shove it where the sun don’t shine.
Don’t ask me to be ‘sensitive top their needs’ when thanks to their murderous brothers I now have to have some butch shove her hand up my vagina if I want to fly here in the USA and I have a new bureaucracy targeting Americans because we are patriots aka as ‘Extremists’
3 Women Say TSA Screeners Groped Vaginas During Pat-Down
Gail I sincerely hope that you weren’t one of the Americans who supported the actions of the IRA, like so many Americans did.
I spent much of my youth being subjected to the effects of bomb threats, shopping in town, at school, and so on
There were many high profile American celebrities and politicians who declared themselves sympathisers to the catholic republicans, and many admitted to funding the IRA, to enable them to buy guns and explosives
Are you singing a different tune on terrorism now that it has reached your own shores ? Or did you vocalise your distaste for those who supported the IRA …not just the Libyans who helped them, but their many American friends too ? Just curious….
The subject of USA support for the IRA is discussed by many Brits here
Catweazle “I live in the UK, and I can assure you that you haven’t a clue what you’re talking about.”
As an ex constable (West Yorkshire) I assure you the police have no cause to force anyone to remove a helmet to pay for fuel…if helmet removal is a condition of sale set out by the vendor and they ask a biker to remove the helmet before fuel is pumped then they can refuse to turn the pump on I suppose. once the fuel is pumped it is the rider’s responsibility to attempt to make a reasonable attempt to pay…by walking to the counter and offering payment they achieve that aim.
I believe you must be misinformed. Perhaps you thought the failed ‘Face Coverings (prohibition) Bill had become law ?
You probably need to update your view on civil liberties….the UK police have no interest in being involved in anybody’s terms and conditions of sale, where the sales of goods or services are concerned. …. a constables duty is very straightforward and involves dealing with crimes. Refusing to remove a helmet is no crime….faced with a cashier who refuses to accept payment unless the rider removes their helmet, where the rider is offering to pay, only plays into the rider’s hands.
If pressed for time the rider can acknowledge that the garage does not want to accept payment (preferably in front of a cctv camera) and inform the cashier to advise the owner that they should write to the rider to arrange for future payment to be made, at the rider’s convenience (although the rider actually doesn’t even have to be so kind)
‘Making off without payment’ is covered in an amendment to the theft act
S.3 Theft Act 1978 provides:
…A person who, knowing that payment on the spot for any goods supplied or service done is required or expected from him, dishonestly makes off without having paid as required or expected and with intent to avoid payment of the amount shall be guilty of an offence.
The police would most likely only advise the garage to refuse to pump fuel until their conditions of sale have been met…the rider is free to leave after honestly trying to make a payment.
Feel free to explain , if you still wish to contradict the law of land, why a police officer would throw you behind bars for not removing your helmet when pumping fuel