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- Russell Cook on Snow Forecast In All 53 States
- Disillusioned on Collapse Of The Antarctic Sea Ice Scam
- Disillusioned on Collapse Of The Antarctic Sea Ice Scam
- Disillusioned on NPR : Cold And Snow Caused By Global Warming
- Disillusioned on NPR : Cold And Snow Caused By Global Warming
- Disillusioned on “Melting ice reveals millennia-old forest buried in the Rocky mountains”
- Laurie on Collapse Of The Antarctic Sea Ice Scam
- czechlist on NPR : Cold And Snow Caused By Global Warming
- arn on NPR : Cold And Snow Caused By Global Warming
- Timo, not that one! on Snow Forecast In All 53 States
Reblogged this on The Arts Mechanical and commented:
“By using hand picked evidence we can prove almost anything in climate.”
That’s unfortunately the way climate science seems to be done.
I’m pretty sure I see a hockey stick on the rightmost 1/128th of an inch of the graph.
The climate was trending warmer in 1937, but from 1940 to 1980 it trended colder. But then from 1980 to 1998 it trended warmer and it has been flat ever since.
So what does that prove? Absolutely nothing. What does it portend? Your guess is as good as mine. But at least I am not siphoning $28 billion a year from the treasury, to make a wild assed claim, based on lies and fabricated data, that something catastrophic is about to happen.
The key Question, is whether people today, are more or less honest in relation to climate reporting & predictions.? Today, the financial incentives along with better tools have made
Climate Fraud attractive to the point of it being the status quo ; obviously they failed ethics.!