“By denying scientific principles, one may maintain any paradox.”
– Galileo Galilei
“In questions of science, the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual.”
– Galileo Galilei
“It is surely harmful to souls to make it a heresy to believe what is proved.”
– Galileo Galilei
“When the war of the giants is over, the wars of the pygmies will begin.”
– Winston Churchill
“We don’t let them have ideas. Why would we let them have guns?”
– Joseph Stalin
Disrupting the Borg is expensive and time consuming!
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- conrad ziefle on On the Cover Of The Rolling Stone
Witch is the dumb one?
Is this all the Elite can field for the presidential run?
Looks like Bernie’s doing this: [youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0eVJyYXailw&w=640&h=360%5D
It is US freedom bernie plans to crush.
From an entertainment perspective, this election is so far unprecedented. I’m hoping that a Cruz birth certificate surfaces showing his race as North American.
“Witch is the dumb one”
No, the witch is very smart.
Yes she is. (glad you caught the play on words.)
“Witch is the dumb one”?
Is that Hillary, cackling after killing Gaddafi?
That SOB Gaddafi is pushing up cactus and I’m glad of it. He damn near got me. When I was making my permanent change of station move back to the states from Germany I departed on the next flight out of Frankfurt from the exact same gate that flight 103 had departed from hours earlier. Heard about PanAm flight 103 going down on the car radio as my German friend drove me to the Airport.
Besides the SOB caused us no end of security hassles while I was stationed at Bad Tolz because of the constant terrorist threats after the bombing of that night club in Berlin.
And it isn’t going to get any better.
Time to defund higher education. Most of the cost is overhead anyway. I would not be surprised if ‘administrative staff’ now out number professors and are heading towards out numbering students.
Do we really need several salaries dealing with hurt feelings? (Micro-aggression)
Higher education is already funded to the gills. Let’s look at endowments…
Harvard University (MA) $36,429,256,000
Yale University (CT) $23,858,561,000
Stanford University (CA) $21,466,006,000
Princeton University (NJ) $20,576,361,000
Harvard has roughly 21,000 students who pay on average just under $46,000 for a 4 year degree. Harvard could pay for every one of its student’s educations for the next 37 years with what it currently holds in endowments. So why do these institutions get tax breaks, and why are we mad at banks?
Defunding higher education, means the end of churning out liberal/progressive Democrat voting useful idiots. This won’t happen anytime soon.
You are correct about the administrators. At our local college, Arizona Western, there are 96 administrative staff members and 93 instructors.
My daughter is an instructor at IVY Tech and it seems to be the same for them. They just built a nice new building here about 3 miles from me and half of it is for administration.
I give everyone a pass on global warming..
Most people had never given it any thought, the terminology was foreign, and it was almost believable….
But when that didn’t happen and it changed to climate change..and now extreme weather
….and they are still falling for it
I recently went on a Carnival Cruise.
My Wife and I enjoy, more than anything else, meeting and conversing with different people.
Carnival does not discourage Crew members from talking to customers, especially on shore.
Employees are from all over, but from our experience, mostly from Europe and heavily from Serbia. The economy is very bad there,
Some comments
1) Most often they feel the United States has let them down.
2) They hesitate to say it, but if conversations get lengthy, they will state that Obama is a Muslim, just as sure as we sail on water.
3) Several from Great Britain have stated that there are areas in the North of England that are completely controlled by the Muslim community. That, in and of itself would not be so bad according to them, but the fact is no one else dares to go there, not even members of law enforcement.
4) Any thoughts of AGW, climate change or whatever never occurs in their thinking or even in their awareness, except for perhaps a few. When I stated that Climate Change is the cause of Terrorism, I got a bewildered look and of course they did not want to offend me, so there would be mostly silence. When I would continue with ‘that has been the pronouncement of our President’ the comment about him being Muslim or Islamic was more likely to be made.
I do not want to offend anyone who are honest and genuine in their faith and who feel terrible about terrorism, but a few have used the faith as an excuse for terrorism. Sadly, it has also happened in the historical events of Christianity.
It is the Islamic terrorists who are honest and genuine in their faith. They are adhering strictly to what the Koran says about their dealings with non-Muslims. In fact they can lie freely to non-Muslims, kill or enslave them as long as it is done in the name of Allah.
One commenter at WUWT illustrated the lying of non-muslims. He had a muslim coworker he thought was a friend. He was in a booth at a pub, back to door, when the coworker and some other muslims came in and sat in the booth behind him. He got a real ear full of what the candid thoughts of the muslims actually were and they were not nice.
He gave the muslim guy the hairy eyeball before he left the pub so the muslim would know he overhear and never spoke to him again despite several overtures.
Re: “the smart one”. W was not glib and facile in public, but he is the only CIC that we’ve had that was smart enough to fly 20 million dollar warplanes…
Anything is better than what we have now except maybe Hiltery or Hitler or Stalin… Not that there is much difference.
It’s amazing what you can accomplish when your competition underestimates you. (Perhaps that should be mis-underestimates)
Saw “The Big Short” last night. Read the book years ago when it first came out so I knew the story. Excellent movie. The CAGW cabal are the banks and brokerage firms riding high on an illusion. NOAA and NCDC are doing to the temperature record what S&P did to the bond ratings.
Read another interesting book, “The Emperor of All Maladies,” the history of cancer. The book hit home with me since last June I was diagnosed with CML. There are a couple of chapters on the cancerous carnage of tobacco and the tobacco industry. CAGW tries to demonize skeptics as similar to the tobacco industry. Sounds like transference to me. It is the CAGW crowd on the defensive, trying to choke off debate and discussion, fabricating, falsifying, climate gating.
CAGW is a scientific bubble with a needle in the future, possibly near future. Too bad we can’t figure out who and when to short sell and make a billion bucks.
“… Too bad we can’t figure out who and when to short sell and make a billion bucks.”
10/04/12 Al Gore Walks Away From Green Energy
Warren Buffett is Betting Big on Coal
Coal’s not dying — it’s just getting shipped abroad
Warren Buffett’s Coal Problem: — To run his coal trains, the billionaire investor needs to seize land from a bunch of Montana cowboys. That’s not going over very well. WELL, WELL, well that certainly explains some of the actions of the BLM [Like burning out ranchers] now doesn’t it?
BLM Burns Ranches and Destroy Cattle, but Ranchers Get Charged with Terrorism
Railroading Racism: Warren Buffett vs Northwest Indians
George Soros is not about to be left out.
Is George Soros Betting on the Long-Term Future of Coal?
Most politicians don’t have a clue about climate science, but they influence the minds and the opinions of huge numbers of people. And, since that wasn’t bad enough, they are the ones who often decide which type of research to sponsor or to offer financial aid. I’m thinking, right now, about COP 21 and about what a waste of money it was, since they didn’t talked about the most important factor in climate change – the oceans!
“In questions of science, the authority of a thousand is not worth the humble reasoning of a single individual.”
Man, I am storing that one; so many people attempt to use the reverse argument these days. I guess the problem has always been around; it’s probably just far worse, now.
Perhaps Einstein was Galileo reincarnate?