125 years ago, Australia was experiencing its hottest month on record. CO2 was below 300 PPM at the time.
12 Feb 1896 – THE HEAT ON MARRA.
07 Jan 1896 – Bush Fires in Victoria. A Big Mining Plant Caugh…
The heat wasn’t just confined to Australia that year though.
18 Jul 1896 – Great Heat in Europe. NUMEROUS CASES OF SUNSTROK…
A tornado in St. Louis killed 138 people.
Fifty people in Paris were killed by a tornado.
And the year ended with extreme cold.
Thanks for this reminder of natural variability in Earth’s climate.
The most existential human crisis the modern world has ever known is not AGW but the 1945 decision to unite nations and the national Academies of Sciences into a worldwide “Orwellian Ministry of Scientific (UN)Truths“ in order to hide from the public the FORCE of creation, preservation and destruction:
A good synopsis to send to every Republican in office or seeking office.
I have been in 113 degree F — and it was so hot that even in my non-airconditioned truck I had to leave the windows closed when I drove on the highway; the wind coming through the open window was so hot that it was painful. But 127 degrees, like they had in Australia? Ouch!
The hottest I have ever experienced was in Phoenix, at 115F. Dry Heat? Yes, just like an oven.
I think I can handle that better than 95F and 95% humidity, occasionally in N. IL. we get that, but not in several years has it been that stifling.
I have experienced both, and 115F was worse. With the Sun beating down, it really felt like an oven.
I have been in the hot room at a OTC pharmaceutical company. It is used to keep chemicals liquid.
It was a long time ago but I think the temperature was kept at 125F (51C) and the max time allowed in the room was 15 minutes.
Now if we are going indoors, I will see your hot room, and raise you a sauna. 😉
Well that is where your going to have to go to get some decent heat because Ole Sol just ain’t putting out.
Solar activity is very low, no C-class flares in past 24h. There are active
regions (NOAA AR 2880, 2481, 2482) capable of producing some in the coming
Solar wind speed at the Earth is 450 km/s with interplanetary magnetic
field magnitudes of 5 nT. Geomagnetic conditions have been quiet and are
expected to remain so, except if the CME from January 6 arrives to the
Earth late on January 10 (20% chances) and elevate conditions to active
This has little bearing or reality on the social media generation, where what was hot and new a couple years ago is now old and forgotten and the attention span is measured in days and hours. The coldest month we’ve ever experienced in Buffalo happened way back in February 2015, nearly a whole year ago!
If it happened before climate science began in 1979, you can’t prove it really happened! Who are you going to believe, today’s experts in peer reviewed publications who agree that 2015 was the hottest year EVER, or naked savages from prehistoric times?
How can you possibly believe Neanderthals who were stupid enough to believe they could accurately read a thermometer with their eyes? Without even applying the peer reviewed adjustments and Al-Gore-Rhythms to their readings that today’s climate scientists do!
This old NFL fan, and what I mean by “old” is remembering the Johnny Unitas, Bart Star days remembers the cold before 1979.
Recently, I can’t remember which thread, Steven posted about some of the coldest NFL games. By some coincidence, Joe Bastardi during the second half of todays http://www.weatherbell.com/saturday-summary-january-9-2016
goes into the two coldest NFL games in history. Makes one kind of wonder if he’s visiting this blog?
Anyway, Joes says that this January may be the coldest for the overall US since 1988. And based on his past forecasts Feb. is also going to very cold for a good bit of the US and well below normal for the SE US. BTW that cold is coming up your way Andy DC.
Joe reads my stuff.
Coldest NFL game ever was the “Ice Bowl” in late December 1967, Dallas at Green Bay when actual temperatures before wind chill was close to -15F. Some of the players actually suffered frostbite. That is when men were men, as now they would no doubt cancel the game.
That was the NFL championship game. We had a Super Bowl then, but the NFL Championship was considered THE championship game, while the Super Bowl was considered almost an exhibition game, because the AFL was considered vastly inferior at that time.
Wasn’t that the first super bowl game evah? Green Bay VS. Kansas City.
It was called “The Ice Bowl” and it was the day I became a Dallas Cowboys fan. I remained a Cowboys fan until the Day the Colts snuck out of Baltimore and became the Indianapolis Colts. Though I respected the Packers it seemed to my that by that time it seemed like everybody in my area was either a Packers fan or a Bears fan and I really liked the look of the Cowboys. But then we had OUR OWN team. I still get to go to a Colts game every once in awhile to this day because my family business has had season tickets since the Colts came to town. BTW my wife was a Steelers fan. Just goes to show that opposites attract.
But Joe Bastardi believes the 1981 AFC Championship game between the Chargers and the Bengals was the coldest because though the temp was -9 the windchill was much worse than the Ice bowl. Based on my own pretty extensive experiences outside in sub-zero weather in the mountains I tend to agree. It ain’t what the thermometer says, it’s what a person actually feels, and when the hawk is out it’s much worse than when the wind is calm. -9 ambient with 35 mph winds makes it -19 degrees. BUT then there is the factor of clothing. Players and fans in 1981 had better cold weather undergarmets and other gear available. So I’d call it a wash between the two games as far as how hard it was on the people outside at that game.
Anyway here is the official NFL video “The Top 3 Coldest Games in NFL History”
I lived and worked in Baltimore during the late 1960’s and 1970’s and those Colt fans back then were probably the most passionate fans in football. I saw multiple grown men cry after the Colts lost Super Bowl III to the Jets.
To show you how times have changed, many of the Colts, even Johnny Unitas worked at the steel mills during the off season to supplement their incomes. But in that way, they formed even a greater bond with the community.
Adelaide, officially, had the hottest day as 108F that year in January.
This is supposed to be the raw data and the newspaper says it was 111F in Adelaide but not 127F.
Still, before the official temperatures start at the BOM site, Adelaide had 116.3F in 1858, 1.3F higher than the highest in modern times at a hotter site (amongst glass buildings whereas the old site was in park lands surrounding the city.)
It appears the 1850’s was a very hot and dry period in Australia as an intense drought occurred throughout 1850 when the continent suffered from extreme heat. Australia’s largest bushfire recorded, the Black Thursday fire, occurred in Victoria on 6th Feb, 1851;
The weather reached record extremes. By eleven it was about 47 °C (117 °F) in the shade. The air cooled to 43 °C (109 °F) by one o’clock and rose to 45 °C (113 °F) around four o’clock. Survivors claimed the air was so full of smoke and heat that their lungs seemed to collapse. The air was so dark it made the roads seem bright. Pastures and plains became shrivelled wastelands: water-holes disappeared, creeks dried up, and trees turned into combustible timber. Clouds of smoke filled the air; forests and ranges became one large ‘sheet of flames’. The hot north wind was so strong that thick black smoke reached northern Tasmania, creating a murky mist, resembling a combination of smoke and fog. Homes, crops and gardens were consumed by the rushing fire leaving a quarter of Victoria in a heap of desolate ruins. The community fled to water to escape the suffocating air around them, returning after everything was over to the sight of ‘blackened homesteads’ and the charred bodies of animals that could not escape. The weather at sea was even .more fearful than on shore’. The intense heat could be felt 32 km (20 mi) out to sea where a ship came under burning ember attack and was covered in cinders and dust.
Shouldn’t that be 120 years ago, not 125?
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It’s no mistake Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology (BoM) starts Australia’s official temperature record from 1910.