I’m just back from two car-free weeks in Maryland/Washington DC. My local transport costs.
- $24 round trip (fossil fuel powered) bus fare to DIA
- $20 round trip (fossil fuel powered) Metro fare from DCA
- $60 (fossil fuel powered) taxis
- $10 (fossil fuel powered) Marc train
- $10 Bicycle brake pads
Total $124
Had I used cars :
- $20 round trip driving to DIA
- $120 parking at DIA
- $500 car rental DCA
Total $640
I saved over $500 and was happy on my bicycle vs. miserable in the traffic. Plus the airport buses are much more convenient than driving.
How much longer does it take to get from A to B ?
Hey, time ain’t worth nothing, unless you are paid for some activity.
My time is priceless, no amount of money can ever buy it back.
It is worthless only to the young and stupid.
He’d have been quicker without brake pads….. & would have saved $10 (:~()
Exactly. Another way to shave seconds of the bike leg would have been to catch a peloton, especially if he would save strength and go for a break before the finish line.
Airport trips are much faster by bus
And you don’t have to find and pay for parking !!
Amen to that. We did rent a car in September of 2014 after flying into BWI. Car rental was horrendous at the airport with a huge additional fee and we had a 20 minute bus ride from the terminal to the car rental place both coming and going. Driving to actual terminal parking appeared to be a suicide run to me. We should have taken a bus to Laurel at the terminal and rented the car we needed locally there. Our trip from the BWI area by car was no faster than the bus ride would have been due to ridiculously heavy traffic. Without our Garmin I don’t think we would have ever found Laurel.
Next time we visit Williamsburg we will fly into and out of Raleigh or Richmond.
The legislature here in the Emerald state added fat fees to car rentals to pay for a stadium to give free, to Paul Allen, the billionaire. To exempt oneself from this Billionaire charity, travelers must grab a bus into town, and rent a car – I just checked…for half as much. Parking fees are just as bad. I started parking my car in Renton, near the bus facility. Then I grab a bus to the airport. This works well when your stay is long.
I saved at least four hours by not riding my bike today. Now I have time to do chores and maybe even a little target practice before it gets dark.
Today I didn’t take out a gaggle of cyclists clogging the road on a blind curve with my truck and trailer.
Given the twisty country roads the cycle clubs choose to ride on around here and the fact they run in packs of 25 to 100 close packed bikes, I am expecting to read that a driver managed to kill and injure several of them. The roads are marked 55 mph and have a decent amount of traffic so it is just a matter of time before someone has to decide on whether to have a head on collision with a combined speed of 110 mph, flip his car in the steep ditchs and jam it into the big pines that line them or take out a bunch of bikers like they were bowling pins. Or a combination of the three.
Coming around a blind curve and seeing a group like this stretched out in front of me for a 100 feet or more scares me witless!
Bicyclist injuries in 2013 were 48,000 with an increase in bicyclist injuries between 2001 and 2011 of 8.9 percent. The average age of bicyclists killed in crashes with motor vehicles continues to increase, climbing to 44 years old in 2013. 83 percent of those killed were male. 20 percent of bicyclists killed had blood alcohol concentrations of 0.08 g/dL or higher.
The data is pretty rotten since much is never actually reported.
Both my husband and I used to do a lot of cycling but the roads are now too crowded and the drivers too nasty. I would certainly never cycle with in a crowd like that. It offers false security and allows no room for error.
I am fortunate that even as remote as I am, I still have a wonderful network of bike trails available to me, just a few country miles from the house. My road has very little traffic and is too rough for driving fast, which makes it a good safe route that is used by bike clubs on weekends. My state’s largest park is just 7 miles up the trail from me, I enjoy recreational cycling, and have no issues with other cyclists except when they insist on playing in traffic. The main trail here follows a National Scenic Byway and is a terrific ride, yet some cyclists insist on sharing the road with 18 wheelers, a road which is on average about 6 feet from the damn trail. Given the number of rubbernecking winery visiting tourists and cyclists sharing this road, I am surprised more people don’t end up spandexed roadkill.
Gator, I was driving home from my daily run around the reservoir in Rochester NY which had a great path for running. Not a half mile from that trail I watched the driver coming toward me take down a runner.
There was a stone wall going up the hill at one edge of the road and a stone wall going down on the other edge with barely enough room for two cars to pass without exchanging mirrors and that fool was running in bumper to bumper rush hour traffic.
The car just took out the guys leg but I felt very sorry for the driver. I am afraid some people deserve the Darwin Award it is just too bad they traumatize someone else when they earn it.
This is the Reservoir
Joanne Nova asked on her climate blog for this one-sentence summary of my book and paper on core and surface temperatures:
There is more detail in this comment and in comments starting here on the previous Weekend Unthreaded. Also see my blog: https://itsnotco2.wordpress.com
Until the gov bans private transpo, I will drive my own vehicle no matter how inconvenient, or how much it costs. Since I was a child, driving meant freedom. I’ll take freedom til my last breath.
There is no ‘freedom’ in driving a car. Big Brother is following you wherever you go here in Europe.
Of course in the name of ‘safety’. The world wide Big Brother spider web.
China now owns significant public infrastructure in the contiguous United States and has requested public land and “special economic zones” free from U.S. labor controls as collateral on future loans. — http://www.ft.com/cms/s/0/18f4530c-1e54-11de-830b-00144feabdc0.html
You need to go to the wayback machine for the article
This is not the first article I have seen that the USA is selling off its public works.
(May be on wayback but server is down)
THE RESULT of the World Trade Organization Agreement on Ag that bans quarantine:
In response to the importing of TB infected cattle the USDA CUT testing to one tenth!
A chart shows how USDA cut back testing after WTO was created and addressed farming in 1995.
………….Summary of Tuberculosis Surveillance in California Cattle
# of Cattle Tested……..1995…..1996 …..1997…….1998……1999.. …2000…….2001
By Health Officials..10,576….5,100…..2,861.. .. 3,530…..1,425. …1,967…….2,500
By Private Vets……..15,921…17,100…19,930.. .18,189…22,863. .19,930…..19,587
at Slaughter……………….39……….58………64………..39……….58……….64……… 385
Additionally, it is anticipated that both New Mexico and California will lose their TB “free” status in 2008, from AGENCY STRATEGIC PLAN: FOR THE FISCAL YEARS 2009-2013 PERIOD BY TEXAS ANIMAL HEALTH COMMISSION
One more reason not to live in Europe. Looks like my ancestors were right.
Gator, they just put up those cameras on the I-540 loop around Raleigh NC so they are in the USA
Here are the locations of cameras in the Raleigh area:
They call them ‘public safety cameras’ — Phillipsburg NJ Police Department
That’s nice, we have none of that nonsense out here. I chose wisely, just like my ancvestors.
My brother lives near DC, and has to put up with Big Brother’s monitoring on the roadways. You could not pay me to live on either coast.
Gator, it is even worse than I thought. I just stumbled over this.
Did the UN Really Install a Global Police Force at the Local Level?
October 2 2015 — Obama Administration and UN Announce Global Police Force to Fight ‘Extremism’ In U.S.
This is NOT fighting TERRORISM but EXTREMISM. The US defense department defined EXTREMISM.
The whole document was obtained by Judicial Watch.
So it is all about making patriotic, anti-globalization, Anti-illegal immigration people criminals.
VERY, VERY, scary. We are to be shoved into a world government whether or not we wish it with no say and no vote.
Once again, where I live that will not fly. I moved out of the city many years ago because I saw the writing on the filthy alley wall. If people are intelligent, have the means, and love their liberties, they will move away from the communist bedlam of the urban jungles.
Possibly the most horrifying thing I’ve ever heard from the leader of a supposedly free nation:
“For too long, we have been a passively tolerant society, saying to our citizens: as long as you obey the law, we will leave you alone.” – David Cameron
Gator, my question is how long can Flyover Country hold out against a corrupt government with international backing?
Canada-U.S. pact allows cross-border military activity — Canada and the U.S. have signed an agreement that paves the way for the militaries from either nation to send troops across each other’s borders during an emergency,
…More recently, the Obama administration even invited “Airborne Assault” terror troops from Russia to train on U.S. soil in Colorado last year. “The Russian soldiers are here as invited guests of the U.S. government; this is part of a formal bilateral exchange program between the U.S. and Russia that seeks to develop transparency and promote defense reform,”
Legislation mandating the establishment of “national emergency centers” to be located on military installations.
The purpose of such facilities is to provide “temporary housing, medical, and humanitarian assistance to individuals and families dislocated due to an emergency or major disaster,” the expansion of which under FEMA is codified under HR 645, otherwise known as the National Emergency Centers Act.
January 30, 2004, Bush signed Homeland Security Presidential Directive-9, “to defend the agriculture and food system against terrorist attacks, major disasters, and other emergencies.” USDA’s Jeremy Stump, says, “It’s from farm to fork.” The order covers animals and crops – the entire food supply chain – and includes shared operations with the CIA. http://www.cbsnews.com/stories/2004/02/04/terror/main597948.shtml
Executive Orders don’t define what specifically constitutes a national emergency.
More here: Can Our Government Really Tell Us How Much Food and Supplies We Can Keep? — The short answer is YES
SWAT teams are now ROUTINELY used often on “misdemeanors and nonserious felonies.” SEE: Who’s to Blame for Battlefield America? Is It Militarized Police or the Militarized Culture?
Comment a few years ago from another site
The further out you move, the longer you have. I will likely die a relatively free man.
That is my hope too.
I also am hoping the rank and file is not as brainwashed as the Nazi youth was.
Big problem for the Regressives is the military is mainly Fly-over country patriots and not pansywaist leftists. The troops may be inner city types serving in the military instead of prison but they are usually apolitical and not in favor of removal of the right to bare arms.
They are hoping to redirect the loyalty of the police via Fusion Centers.
The Soviet Union found the best bet was using troops foreign to the area so there was no sympathy for the civilians. With the internet, that is not as easily done.
… the right to bare arms.
Surprisingly, Michelle is a big proponent of the right to bare arms.
It occurs to me the drive in the USA to control ALL frontage on rivers under the guise of wildlife corridors, may have military implications…
Gail, it is far more sinister and simpler than that. In fact you stated it in your comment, it is about “control”. Period.
Pat Connell let’s fly
Shooters Grill has the answer to the problem Pat is talking about
And of course CNN is Outraged Over Armed Waitresses
Love the first comment.
“And this is why I always say no to going onto TV, you will get ambushed with bullshit like this. Reporter went full retard.”
Note that CNN is owned by Prince Alwaleed Ibn Talal the Saudi billionaire
AOL Time Warner is owned by Prince Alwaleed Ibn Talal the Saudi billionaire. Alwaleed already has high-profile stakes in media groupsNews Corp, Time Warner (CNN’s parent company), and Walt Disney.“
Now wonder we get fed the islam is the religion of peace pig feces!
Seen this, Gail?
Replacement Migration:
Is It a Solution to Declining and Ageing Populations?
United Nations projections indicate that over the next 50 years, the populations of virtually all countries of Europe as well as Japan will face population decline and population ageing. The new challenges of declining and ageing populations will require comprehensive reassessments of many established policies and programmes, including those relating to international migration.
Focusing on these two striking and critical population trends, the report considers replacement migration for eight low-fertility countries (France, Germany, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Russian Federation, United Kingdom and United States) and two regions (Europe and the European Union). Replacement migration refers to the international migration that a country would need to offset population decline and population ageing resulting from low fertility and mortality rates.
I am aware of the low birthrate problem. The Regressives created the problem with all their Population bomb preaching.
E.M. Smith has several essays on the subject.
Grumble that did not display well.
Summary of Tuberculosis Surveillance in California Cattle
# of Tested……1995…..1996……2000…..2001
By Officials…10,576….5,100…..1,967….2,500
By Vets……..15,921…17,100….19,930…19,587
So much for the food SAFETY modernization Act. As usual the name is the opposite of the intent.
And what do you know… it wasn’t a lie.
Thursday they just released the 5,544-page text of the Trans-Pacific Partnership The agreement involving 12 countries comprises nearly 40 percent of global economic output and is modeled after the European Union that destroyed national sovereignty in Europe.
I did read ALL of the Obummercare bill and the Food Safety Modernization bill but I just don’t have the will to read this monstrosity.
Instead I read Synopsis FROM THE US GOVERNMENT This of course will gloss over the really nasty stuff but it is bad enough.
The enforcement applies to ALL treaties the US has signed and probably any presidential agreements since those are considered treaties under international law even if they are not under US law.
The Trans-Pacific Partnership has not yet been ratified so we still have time to scream bloody murder.
The Trans-Pacific Partnership: The Uncertain Path from Agreement to Ratification to Implementation
It clinches the CAGW low carbon deals too BTW. In other words it is an agreement to implement Agenda 21 dressed up to look like a trade treaty. They just call Agenda 21 “…conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity, and transition to low-emissions and resilient economies. “
This treaty literally strips the USA of sovereignty and allows totalitarian rule by Corporations and bureaucrats with a bit of help from NGOs to add a veneer of ‘democracy.’
God just needed 3 tablets.
America’s Ruling Class — And the Perils of Revolution
Best article I have seen that describes American Politics.