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- arn on “Siberia might stay livable”
Meh, we’re better off without him.
It is imperative you vote for Trump even if you don’t like him.
Why? Because if the Dems or RINOs get in America will continue to be converted into a third world country. Crazy? Well ask the people who live in Dearborn who have to suffer the Muslim call to prayer five times a day. And who have seen their property prices collapse since only Muslims will buy their houses.
And if the Dems get in they will continue with the US destruction. Think that is a fantasy? The left does not really want to destroy the US you say. Well consider this quote from Susan Sontag a darling of the left when she was alive:
“If America is the culmination of Western white civilization, as everyone from the Left to the Right declares, then there must be something terribly wrong with Western white civilization. This is a painful truth; few of us want to go that far. … The truth is that Mozart, Pascal, Boolean algebra, Shakespeare, parliamentary government, baroque churches, Newton, the emancipation of women, Kant, Marx, Balanchine ballets, et al., don’t redeem what this particular civilization has wrought upon the world. The white race is the cancer of human history; it is the white race and it alone—its ideologies and inventions—which eradicates autonomous civilizations wherever it spreads, which has upset the ecological balance of the planet, which now threatens the very existence of life itself.”
The time to save America is urgent. Europe is probably lost. Vote Trump to save your country. It is the last best only chance we have.
You’re a parody, aren’t you? You are worried about the Republican’s In Name Only and touting a guy who’s been Republican for how many weeks? Prior to last year he was bosom buddies with the Clintons, probably still is.
Exactly, and let’s not forget the phone call from Clinton, which was confirmed by both the Trump campaign and by Trump, who freely admitted that the purpose of the call was to tell Trump that he should run, and it was right then that Trump promptly decided to run.
Really, he must think we are incredibly dumb, to fall for such an obvious trick!
(I’m starting to wonder if he may be right!)
When you mention him being a parody, more likely he’s just a Democrat. Trump appears to have an ever-increasing number of hard-left Democrat supporters. I suspect it is now a majority of the support he’s showing in the polls.
And when you consider what he’s offering — universal single-payer health care, raise Social Security taxes to stabilize the system (with no benefit cuts or means testing), no further limitations on Medicare benefits, no overall federal spending cuts, no overall revenue cuts, an increase in ethanol supports, continuing to fully fund “womens’ health”, a “door” in the Trump wall through which anyone can come as long as Trump decides they can, NO opposition to the global-government movement, and now possibly even continuing the ban on Keystone XL — why shouldn’t the Democrats be supporting Trump? From their point of view, he probably looks BETTER than Hillary, and approximately as electable as Sanders!
Trump is an idiot. Did he really think he could blackball Megyn Kelly?
I can’t imagine why any conservative would ever vote for that buffoon. I want a candidate:
* of good character, who does not lie and break promises at a whim;
* who is not grossly unqualified to be Commander In Chief, and who knows what the nuclear triad and a Humvee are;
* who doesn’t babble even more incoherently than the Democrats when asked about climate change (“The big problem we have is nuclear climate change, that’s what our climate change is…”?!?);
* who does not claim he will do things that are obviously impossible (like make Mexico pay to build the wall);
* who is not a casino tycoon and strip club owner;
* who is not a crony-capitalist with four bankruptcies under his belt;
* who does not pal around with vile nutjobs like Alex Jones;
* who does not support Planned Parenthood;
* who didn’t used to call himself “very pro-choice” even w/r/t partial-birth abortion;
* who isn’t associated with a church nearly as far-Left as Jeremiah Wright’s;
* whose familiarity with the Bible is sufficient that he knows how to pronounce the names of the books of the New Testament;
* who has the wisdom and humility to ask God to forgive his failings (Trump said he cannot remember ever asking God for forgiveness);
* who didn’t donate to the campaigns of Hillary, Pelosi, Reid and other liberal Democrats;
* who doesn’t think the solution to ObamaCare is universal health insurance coverage which “the government’s gonna pay for”;
* who didn’t bash the Republicans so unfairly that arch-liberal Wolf Blitzer felt obliged to defend the Republicans’ economic record;
* who does not excuse Putin having recalcitrant journalists bumped off by saying “our country does plenty of killing also”;
* who has not maintained for over five years that Oprah Winfrey would be a great vice-President;
* and who doesn’t think a pro-abortion extremist federal judge would be a “phenomenal” Supreme Court Justice, just because she’s related to him.
dave burton says….
Dave we would all like a decent candidate to vote FOR but there isn’t one so we need to make an intelligent choice best on actual information and not propaganda.
You are trashing Trump. Is that based on reading his books or is it based on what the MSM SAYS about him?
I just bought a couple of Trump’s books so I can make a decision base on what he actually says and not the lies we are fed by the media. Remember the US media is OWNED by J. P. Morgan and friends. Now that Jeb Bush has been sidelined by people’s disgust at the Bush brand they are serving up Ted Cruz as our savior.
The MSM HATES Trump and that includes all the Controlled Opposition ‘right-wing’ media. That alone should make you want to take a closer look.
Note: Barnes and Noble put Trump’s “Crippled America: How to Make America Great Again” on a shelf labeled “books that make you laugh.”
I bought:
The America We Deserve
Time To Get Tough
When I just went looking for those titles @
with the exact same google search it was no longer on the first page of google as it was two days ago, or the second, or the third… or the first fifteen pages….
Remember the MSM has control and can twist everything if they wish as Tony showed with Hope For Brains. If you want another illustration of the Media’s dishonesty:
Rosa Koire has video after video of the actual interview vs what the media did with the interview.
Now are you going to buy his books and see what he actually says or are you going to let the MSM form your opinions for you?
Gail, Bush sidelined himself. He started his campaign by saying he could win without the conservative base and didn’t want them. It looks like even the establishment Republicans, except for the money people, were all that excited.
Bob Greene wrote, “Bush… started his campaign by saying he could win without the conservative base and didn’t want them.”
Bob, where on earth did you get that? Jeb Bush certainly never said any such thing. Someone has been lying to you.
Dave Burton, Several signals from the Bush campaign. For example,
In addition, one will find five or six copies of Al Gore’s “An Inconvenient Truth” in a public library and not one copy of “The Art of the Deal”.
Gail wrote, “Dave we would all like a decent candidate to vote FOR but there isn’t one…”
Are you kidding? We have several truly excellent candidates, and several others who are pretty darn good. (Trump is not among them.)
Gail wrote, “…we need to make an intelligent choice best on actual information and not propaganda.”
Agreed. That’s why I posted actual information.
Gail wrote, “You are trashing Trump. Is that based on reading his books or is it based on what the MSM SAYS about him?”
It’s based on the facts. I posted 18 bullet points. All of them are true.
Is there even one of them that you doubt the accuracy of? Is so, please name it, and I’ll be happy to provide documentation. (Please be specific.)
If you are getting your information from Trump’s professionally edited books, it’s no wonder your opinion of him is too mild.
What do you think Trump meant when, in response to a question about global warming / climate change he said, “The big problem we have is nuclear climate change, that’s what our climate change is…”?
This is my best-guess translation:
I can not see videos.
As far as the other candidates I looked at all of them with 1% or above poll numbers ALL of them fell flat on their faces except Trump.
My criteria:
1. Supports the 2nd Amendment with out Yes-Buts.
2. Thinks Gore Bull Warbling is crap.
3. Support complete control of immigration, illegal AND muslims from terrorist supporting nations.
4. Sees ‘Free -trade’ Agreements for what they are , American Job and Technology exporters and Sees the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade treaty as the end of US Sovereignty.
5. rid us of Obamacare.
But most important is I want someone who loves this country.
Matthew Bracken(UK) points out we have three groups. He also points out the second group (Progressives) is orchestrating the first group (islam) to wipe out the third group (nationalists, thats us) in Europe. We in the USA are next up which is why I consider Trump our last hope. It is also why I am going to read Trump’s actual words and not the slicing and dicing and smears by the professional propagandists.
After the deliberate betrayal of the USA by Walter Cronkite and Dan Rather I am not about to believe the media.
Islam’s 2016 European Offensive
I am an independent. I have a list of five issues that I consider high level. Trump is the ONLY candidate who gets a yes tick for all of them and I have gone through every candidate that polls over 1%
1. Supports the 2nd Amendment with out Yes-Buts.
2. Thinks Gore Bull Warbling is crap.
3. Support complete control of immigration, illegal AND muslims from terrorist supporting nations.
4. Sees ‘Free -trade’ Agreements for what they are , American Job and Technology exporters.
5. Sees the Trans-Pacific Partnership trade treaty as the end of US Sovereignty.
The Sovereignty-Busting Trans-Pacific Partnership
1) wants to build a wall, stop illegal immigration, and begin deportation…
2) wants to stop Common Core federalization of education…
3) doesn’t support the TPP trade deal, and puts America first…
4) wants to actually repeal ObamaCare and replace with market/consumer approach..
5.) Supports the 2nd Amendment with no Yes Buts.
Also as a businessman with a large empire he knows how to delegate and knows how to pick good people and listen to them.
Both Carson & Rubio support TPP which means they are both being bank-rolled by the Big Establishment Donors. Carson has made it clear that he is not a 2nd amendment proponent, wants to make the illegals already here legal and he said that he voted for Obama in 2008 so along with what Kent Clizbe said about the man, that kicks Carson out of the running. (Carson was initially my favorite.)
Take a good hard look at TPA which hands complete control of the Trans-Pacific Partnership to the president for six years.. HE can modify the treaty while Congress can not!
Senator Cruz voted for the Corker Bill… which just gave nukes to Iran.
Senator Cruz vote for TPA (“before he voted against it”)
Senator Cruz wants to increase H1Bs by 500% and put more Americans out of jobs…
His wife is a member of the CFR and a VP for Goldman Sachs. Heidi Cruz was a member of the CFR-sponsored Independent Task Force on the Future of North America, which was launched in October 2004. The Task Force advocates a greater economic and social integration between Canada, Mexico, and the United States as a North American region. This is the North American Union based on the Furopean Union.
Ted Cruz’s inner circle is composed of men and women of vast foreign policy experience; the problem is that their experience is in growing government, supporting surveillance, and using American troops as global peacekeepers in the quest of global hegemony.
Ignore the name for a moment and ask yourself if you would vote to elect John Doe with a record like Ted Cruz?
Gail, as usual, very well stated. The same puppet masters who blessed our country with two failed Bush puppets thought they could just ride into town and install yet a third one to do their bidding. No thanks!
Sorry, your puppet can’t get above 4% in the polls. Its time to stop your pity party and back a real candidate for a change. Someone who can actually change “business as usual” and connect with the people.
Thanks Dave, good list.
There was a time when the media were all powerful and no politician could dare “Black ball” one of the top channels. But today with the internet fewer and fewer of us our getting our news solely from these channels and as a result their power to control what we think is being totally undermined by the ease of obtaining alternative views from outside the MSM.
These days, the media are finding they have to fit in with what the internet thinks – and many of the old hags who used to be able to force their views on the populace don’t like it one bit.
So, e.g. the fact the MSM is largely anti-Trump – might once have been a death knell – but today with the internet – the MSM have a significantly reduced influence. And boy do they hate it!
It has been pure pleasure watching Trump defy MSM and their hare-brained pundits.
Who you gonna vote for if Trump wins the Republican nomination?
I’ll take Trump over the Democrats and lets face it, voting libertarian is like saying I will help put a Democrat in the oval office.
Yeah, I didn’t vote McCain the first time round as a protest so we got Obummer. The second time I held my nose and voted Romney.
This is the real problem as stated by Carroll Quigley, mentor of Bill Clinton who honnored him in his inaugural address. Quigley was a member of Council on Foreign Relations (CFR). He was a professor at Georgetown University, historian and theorist noted for his research on the Round Table movement.
Thanks, Gail. I quite agree. I want someone who isn’t bought and managed by suspect sources. That would be Trump. Admittedly, he puts his foot in his mouth fairly often!
I can forgive that. I despise the others. So hard to be perfect!!
Well Dave good luck with that….
You can’t negotiate a deal….if you can’t walk away
“Trump just fired the air traffic controllers of the republican party”
…and damn good for him!
There is a bit more to it.
Seem Hitlery was going after Trump by bring up his divorces et al.
So that spiked Hitlery’s gun as far as a direct attack goes. Enter feminist Megyn Kelly to take up the fight since Hitlery had to quit the field.
Trump of course was well aware of what Megyn Kelly and Fox were up to in trying to box him in to a ‘debate’ with her tossing the questions, especially given the religious conservatism of Iowa. I think he finessed a nasty situation very nicely when he decided to host a rally in Iowa for the non-profit group Wounded Warriors during the debate instead.
And again do not forget the ties between the Clintons, Bushs Fox News and the Saudis.
I love this comment since it captures my thoughts so well
The polls showed he won all the debates and he is top in the Iowa polls, so why let Fox screw with him just so they can make bucks and Megyn Kelly can make more of a name for herself before she moves to CNN?
What a great analogy! Perfect.
You could make similar nitpicking arguments against anyone.
And your donate picture is risible. A sort of adolescent “look – I got him”. My teenage son would find that a gotcha (I can just hear him snickering with his pals), but by the time he reaches 21 he would already have moved on.
The donation issue is not a nitpicking argument, but a serious issue. Trump has made a YUGE deal of not accepting donations. That is one of the cornerstones of his entire campaign. If it is a lie, then one of the central reasons he offers for why he can be trusted is based on a complete lie.
By itself it may seem small to you, but if you put it together with the dozens of other blatant lies that he shovels out by the wheelbarrow, the picture starts to emerge — a picture of a complete monster who is laughing his head off at his own supporters.
By the way, the most pubescent language in this entire presidential race comes not from a mere voter or commentator, but from Trump himself. If you like all of that, then you shouldn’t have any problem with what you consider to be adolescent language from others.
Let us also not forget that he has bragged at length about how easily he has bought off other politicians, and how great he thinks it is that he can do this. So no, NOT a minor argument, but one of the core pieces of evidence we have regarding his character and morals (or should I say lack thereof).
OT, anyone got that link to the graph of ARGO buoys cooling ?
Seems I lost a lot in the computer change-over. 🙁
I went looking for a link, but haven’t found one yet. … But I did find this: …
“First, I identified some new Argo floats that were giving bad data; they were too cool compared to other sources of data during the time period. It wasn’t a large number of floats, but the data were bad enough, so that when I tossed them, most of the cooling went away. But there was still a little bit, so I kept digging and digging.” (Josh Willis)
… I’m not an expert but that doesn’t make much sense to me. Why would you assume that some new Argo floats were faulty. Surely they are calibrated before they are let loose into the ocean.
There is more here :-
Peter Yates said at 9:33 am
One of my favorite links, thanks for posting.
There isn’t much in the way of climate rated metrics and data that aren’t manipulated by government funded “Scientists” who want to keep the gravy train rolling.
Tide gauge records kept by the Permanent Service for Mean Sea Level seems to be intact. I wonder how much pressure it being applied to them to correct their data?
There is a graph here, showing heat content in the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian oceans.
Interesting graph.
The relative sizes of the various oceans are listed here:
The Pacific accounts for nearly half of the total ocean area and volume. The Indian Ocean is less than 20%.
Combined with weighted volumes gives 0.042 Gj/m²/decade
Peter Yates, thank you for the graph.— a lot
Recently a paper in ‘Nature Climate Change’ by Peter Gleck et al, stated that the heat in the oceans has doubled in the last decades. I found that incredulous. and this graph certainly contradicts that.
I had contacted Judith Curry and she told me that she would post it for discussion in the next week in Climate Etc.
I think I recognize who generated the graph by its style, but Peter, would you please state where you got the graph? Thanks
darrylb …
I originally found it by using a Google Image Search for ‘ARGO cooling’. I think the image was used in a WUWT article, but I can’t find it now.
However, I have found a more extensive article at Bob Tisdale’s site here:
The section with the graph is just over halfway down the page.
… cheers
“Trump is an idiot….”
I don’t think so. Would you go to a debate on global warming against Mike Mann with Al Gores as moderator?
“A grinning Megyn Kelly led her Tuesday night edition of “The Kelly File” with news of Trump’s announcement.
She showed video of the first question she posed to Trump in the August debate….
Kelly continued, “Trump is not used to not controlling things, but he doesn’t get to control the media.”
Kelly declared, “The debate will go on … with or without Mr. Trump.”
Last Friday, Kelly put together a panel of guests to discuss an issue of the National Review dedicated to bashing the Republican front-runner, which prompted him to again question her objectivity.…..
So what is Trump’s response to Megyn Kelly’s trying to stack the deck?
Trump is NOT letting the media control him. I find that refreshing.
One commenter said:
A bit about Fox News:
Scandal Rocks Fox News Over Saudi Terror Link
Billionaire Saudi prince unloads most of his stake in News Corp
Al-Waleed stepped in and saved Fox News in 2005 from a hostile takeover and is a business partner of Murdoch.
True or not? I don’t know.
From Huff & Puff no less
1/11/2016 Prince Alwaleed’s Hypocrisy
So Fox is not exactly lily white and may have an agenda when it comes to Trump. An agenda that reaches to Saudi Arabia.
Alwaleed does own about 20% of Fox. He is also known for his investments in Citibank. He has built Islamic “outreach centers” on colleges across the Country. Harvard, Georgetown are two and some are named after him. He is also known as “Mr.Saudi Arabia” in financial circles.
A bit about the Clintons and Saudi Arabia
United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia are funding Hillary Clinton as Potential President in 2016
Especially when Wikileaks reports this:
Wikileaks: Hillary Clinton Claims Saudi Arabia is the Largest Donor to “Sunni Terrorists” Worldwide
And can’t leave Bush and Saudi Arabia out.
Remember when all flights were shut down right after 9/11 the Saudi’s were allowed to fly out of the USA including those in Florida close to one of the terrorists?
How the FBI is whitewashing the Saudi connection to 9/11
New questions about FBI probe of Saudis’ post-9/11 exodus
And the Bush brain washing moment.
It was Norquist who ushered these silver-tongued jihadists into the Oval Office after the worst attack ever on American soil. Don’t you think that the likes of Ibn Warraq, Bat Ye’or, and Wafa Sultan should have been advising the President instead of Hamas, Hizballah and the Muslim Brotherhood? But that wasn’t to be. So at that September 26 meeting Bush declared that “the teachings of Islam are teachings of peace and good.” It was a critically important, historic moment….
Note that it was Democrat terrorist czar Ricard Clarke, a holdover from the Clinton administration, that gave the order on his own to get the bin Laden family flown out. The media blamed this on Bush, but Clarke had bragged that he took the initiative to do this. The bin Laden family had officially disowned Usama years before, though there are still sympathetic (and wealthy) cousins and such.
===|==============/ Keith DeHavelle
Trump is not fit to polish Megyn Kelly’s shiny black pumps.
Agreed, and thanks for that image. 😉
No Gail, I don’t think the Donald is an idiot, just a jerk. I have known too many like him.
Various wives,, One saying that he humiliated and raped her because he was angry when a doctor she recommended to fix his balding spot did a bad job and he then pulled her hair out in the same place to show her out it feels. She changed her story later, to say he just humiliated her. Maybe you do not remember that/
Like the frat boys that crapped (literally) on drunk girls and I could go on.
–and of course his bankruptcies, which hurt people, and many public statements that he has made often about women. That is part of his history and if he says it, particularly something so pathetic as talking about a candidates face, well what does he expect.
You are probably quite libertarian, I am more conservative but with an independent slant.
I would like a Pres that I can respect and salute and not one who could finagle his way out of military service when others I know had to bleed, and are still bleeding.
As you can see I was a teacher, a coach, and a long time military person, first active, then in reserves for a total of 29 years. I simply cannot tolerate a person that would be your friend when convenient and then I feel he would toss you away with the garbage.
I have diminished a few bullies along the way, and today I would get fired. Like the NCO in Afghanistan who pulled off a local we are supporting who was raping a young boy.
He gets a dishonorable. What a pathetic mess we are in.
So Gail, we are not going to be doing the same dance on this one.
Our experience of Trump in Scotland is that he gave money to wind groups – and then undermined them by instructing them to campaign only on the issues that benefited him (which caused them to disintegrate leaving no effective opposition to wind for a while).
And then he destroyed a nature reserve for his daft Golf course – and far from supporting people’s rights to land and freedom and other constitutional rights as people seem to think he will do – he was against anyone else having any rights if it interfered with his profits. And as a result he did one of the most appalling acts I’ve seen. Mob like intimidation and harassment of those who did not wish to sell their homes and he built a massive wall around those who refused to sell to this evil man and then he cut off their water supply.
So, from what I’ve seen, I think Trump will be a very big mistake and a lot of people who support him now will be sorely disappointed with what they get.
And from my viewpoint in Scotland – it seems very likely that if elected president, he will not only continue, but increase these bullyboy tactics both at home and abroad – thus strengthening the “idiot” wing of our politics which are obsessed with the PC crap and Gorebull warming.
So we are left with a half-wit communist (Sanders) a vengeful US hating witch (Hitlery) a bunch of Globalists (most of the Rebooblican pack) and Trump the bully.
Such a great group to chose from.
Now you know why I am an Independent….
Oh, and I forgot one…. Elizabeth Warren
By “globalist” you mean not isolationist, right?
IMO, we could use a little less isolationism.
My mind is still boggled by the fact that in 2014, when ISIS was overrunning much of Iraq, and the headless bodies of our friends and allies were piling up along streets in conquered towns, and the retreating Iraqi army desperately needed American air support, Obama… took a vacation. As the ISIL blitzkrieg progressed, Obama jetted to North Dakota, where he visited a Sioux Reservation. Then it was on to a California fundraiser, and a visit and golf with some gay friends in Palm Springs. Then he weighed in on the argument over how to pronounce “gif.”
Apparently, no crisis is severe enough to make Obama take his job seriously. What could account for such astonishing dysfunction? That’s when I began to wonder whether he ever really gave up the choom.
A little less isolationism would help with our immigration problems, too. After seven years of Obama, millions of people are fleeing their homelands because their homelands have collapsed into chaos, much of which was caused by Obama’s disastrous foreign policy detachment and incompetence. That’s why all those Syrians are coming here.
I don’t guess we can blame the Mexican situation on isolationism, though. It’s criminal incompetence, not isolationism. Mexicans are coming here because they’re fleeing drug cartel violence, and/or the economic dysfunction which results from it, and that violence was worsened by thousands of guns, including dozens of heavy .50 cal sniper rifles, sold to the drug cartels through Obama’s Fast & Furious idiocy.
My first choice would be either Mitch Daniels or Tom Coburn, but they aren’t running (and Coburn isn’t healthy enough).
However, Rubio, Santorum, Jeb, Carson and Cruz are all fine men. Fiorina & Kasich aren’t bad, either.
I could even hold my nose and vote for Christie or Rand, if one of them were the only alternative to Trump, Hillary & the rest of the corrupt & crazy liberals.
I will repeat. Before you go all sweetness and light on multiculturalism read this:
and a much shorter piece:
I have a plan to destroy America [Richard D. Lamm (D), former governor of Colorado]
Hey daveburton! You say, “By “globalist” you mean not isolationist, right?”
Hmmm… By “not isolationist”, you mean interventionist, right?
There is a libertarian party I vote for–and the laws change. Our platform is online at in at least two languages. Many of our candidates are engineers, physicists and people who know the definition of energy and the dimensions of the units that measure energy.
Scottish Sceptic—typical Trump
BTW, I used to teach in a school system in which one of the towns billed itself as the curling capital of southern MN. Each year that had a Bobby Burns Night and a Miss Bonnie Lass. My wife was runner-up almost 50 years ago. Some summers they had the Highland Games and I tossed the caber among other events.
Trump is the only candidate that has balls.
The real story, as told in the Washington Post:
The Republican debates have become must-see television, in part because of the allure of Trump’s star power and unpredictable candidacy. But he said Tuesday that he thinks Fox and other television networks have been taking advantage of him by selling advertisements for their debates at a high premium.
“Why should the networks continue to get rich on the debates?” Trump told reporters at a news conference in Marshalltown. “Why do I have to make Fox rich?”
The debate is scheduled to be in Des Moines on Thursday, and Trump said he would instead host a competing event in the state designed to raise money for wounded veterans.
There is no dumber use of time than watching teevee. Turn it off, read a book, ride a bike and your mind will clear
Crickey.. this look ominous !!
no idea how to get that load to display the image.. just click on it !!
Well that heat that came out of the oceans during the El Nino had to be the cause of at least a little of that drop don’t you think?
Except that graph is N. Atlantic, and El Nino is a Pacific phenom.
Pacific SST
Generally during an El Nino the equatorial region of the Atlantic cools. During a La Nina the same area generally heats up.
BTW there is a very good record of correlation between strong La Nina years and above average Atlantic hurricane seasons. This it not just because of water temps though that is a factor. El Ninos generally result in higher upper level winds going west to east in the equatorial Atlantic and that causes sheer that inhibits development of the Atlantic storms.
When you get down to it what we call oceans are one large interconnected mass of water. The more they are connected the better off we humans generally are because of the dispersion of events and effects. It’s when they are less connected that we humans are in for climate problems.
The graphs are at Climate4You
AMO in action?
Mann surely predicted this.
“We learned from a secret back channel that the Ayatollah and Putin both intend to treat Donald Trump unfairly when they meet with him if he becomes president — a nefarious source tells us that Trump has his own secret plan to replace the Cabinet with his Twitter followers to see if he should even go to those meetings,” a Fox News spokesperson said in a statement provided to TheBlaze.
Huff & Puff: “Putin called Trump a brilliant and talented leader who is colorful and “the absolute front-runner in the presidential race.”
CNN: ” Donald Trump has said that he would “get along very well” with Russian President Vladimir Putin. The feeling is apparently mutual. “
Both are nationalistic and dislike the globalists.
That’s the way it seems.
On the home front, however, it appears he’s pretty cool with crony-capitalism. His love of costly corn liquor subsidies (ethanol) is disturbing to me. Makes me wonder how many “phenomenal” or “great” guys he’d find who own those globalist-GMO- corn farms out there.
Trump wants to expand corn subsidies, and Cruz wants to end them. Just who will be cozier with the globalists? The wheeler-dealer developer from NYC or the Tea Party candidate with the Goldman Sachs life partner, who had a change of heart on the TPP? I wish Rand Paul had more support.
I wish Rand Paul had more support.
Amen brother!
Religious fanatics support Rand Paul. These are the same people that lost to Obama twice and are expecting the Rapture to lift them bodily to Heaven any day now. There is a genuine libertarian party out there that turns votes into tax cuts and repeal with ten times the efficiency–without coercing women.
Putin like Trump. Nuff said.
Both are Nationalists who love their countries. The Globalists, like Ted Cruz and Rubio want a world government. Putin and Trump may be strange bedfellows however the enemy, of my enemy is my friend. (Remember we have Mikhail Gorbachev, good buddy of Al Gore living here in the USA)
Corn subsidies? At this point without them the Midwest goes under. The prices of food would have to go up or be imported without the subsidies. Removal was tried and it bankrupted farmers. Messing with food is not a good idea. Unfortunately ethanol is interwoven with corn and livestock feed.
The Freedom to Fail Farm Bill:
Hitler was a nationalist too. I’m not saying that Trump is Hitler, but being a nationalist is not enough to make one a good leader.
Trump is an elitist, and I do not care for elitists of any stripe. trump is also an opportunist, another thing I despise. I want a leader with principles.
Gator, At this point I want a politician that is not owned by the globalist elite.
I really wish it was Rand Paul but he is not the man his father was unfortunately. (I voted Ron Paul and got Obummer.)
Rand Paul: Let’s Compromise on Amnesty
A man with principles cannot be owned by the globalist elite
I happen to prefer Rand to his father.
A good discussion by all. IMV the global debt caused by global QE and socialism will result in a very great, and likely unavoidable, financial collapse, and that may well lead to global military conflicts. Even imagining a true conservative is elected, will he or she simply catch this sword. I so want liberal socialist elitist to catch the sword, and I hope it falls in the next 10 months, as I consider it inevitable.
Latitude brings up excellent catch 22s on the question of true conservative electability. Cruz was the only politician willing to use the power of the purse, and the Rhinos tried to crucify him. Trump is an interesting ego maniac, but his latest quip about how he could commit a horrible crime and not lose votes, as well as his more shallow attacks are very disturbing. Why did he insult all those voting for him in such a manner? Why is he afraid of a no holds bar debate with Cruz. )Cruz is a good debater)
Was Trump for Amnesty?
“He had a crazy policy of self-deportation, which was maniacal,” Trump said. “It sounded as bad as it was, and he lost all of the Latino vote … He lost the Asian vote. He lost everybody who is inspired to come into this country.”
“The Democrats didn’t have a policy for dealing with illegal immigrants,” Trump told Newsmax. “But what they did have going for them is they weren’t mean-spirited about it.”
“For people that have been here for years that have been hard-workers, have good jobs, they’re supporting their family — it’s very, very tough to just say, ‘By the way, 22 years, you have to leave. Get out,’” he said during an appearance on Fox News. “I’m one of the world’s very conservative people, but I have to tell you on a human basis, how do you throw somebody out that’s lived in this country for 20 years.”
Concerning amnesty Cruz was always a strong, build the fence first, and then discuss. IMV Trump and Cruz both have a point here, “For people that have been here for years that have been hard-workers, have good jobs, they’re supporting their family — it’s very, very tough to just say, ‘By the way, 22 years, you have to leave. Get out,'” Well said by Trump, and I happen to agree with him. So does Cruz I think, or Trump agrees with Cruz as he spoke of discussing amnesty after closing the border.
Both would likely stop Islamic immigration now. Cruz is stronger then Trump on CAGW, and more informed. I say stop all Muslim immigration, stop illegal immigration, deport all criminals and unemployed with monetary aid to native nations for the unemployed illegals to get these people on their feet. (Infinitely cheaper then keeping them here) and provide a path to citizenship for those who “have been here for years that have been hard-workers, have good jobs, they’re supporting their family” Finally, with the fence first closed, put all new immigration on a level playing field. I worked in San Diego and know many such Hispanics. We as a nation made these illegals welcome for decades. We could have shut it down any time, and choose to continue this practice to welcome illegal immigration. So I agree with Cruz and Trump on this.
“I happen to prefer Rand to his father.”
Not looking for a fight. Just curious
Ron is more than a little nutty, and I could never trust him to act rationally as POTUS. Rand has the advantage of having only a portion of his father’s genes.
David, you and I agree on almost everything…
I don’t take what Trump said the way you are….I take it as a put down to republicans, democrats, and the media that are attacking him….him saying their attacks are going nowhere, and he’s right about it
In that sense I thought it was funny…Trump rubbing their face in it again
I’m happy with someone confident enough, that doesn’t ‘need’ them, and can say that to their face
“a path to citizenship” is a scam…..they have always had a “path to citizenship” since day one….they could have become citizens at any time, they don’t want it….they don’t want to give up their citizenship from their home countries….they are here to work, make money, then retire and return home
Reblogged this on hocuspocus13 and commented:
I’m sick to death of these self riotous uppity republicans…that no one is good enough for them.
Democrats have no morals or scruples and 100% back any democrat candidate out there….
…and they win
No system of representative government will safeguard liberty if a large fraction of the voters have no principles, no ethics and no willingness to let other people run their own lives. As you say, Democrats will vote for pretty much whomever they are told. MOST Republicans will do the same as long as their candidate says the right thing during speeches. Those same Republicans seem to just shrug when they get a Repub into office and then “their guy” does the opposite of what he promised. I won’t vote Democratic because they hate liberty. I won’t vote Republican any more (I used to) because they do not keep their promises, not even when they have a clear majority.
George W. had a solid four years — FOUR YEARS! — of Republican Representatives, Republican Senate, Republican Executive Branch, and massive public support. During that time the Federal government became drastically larger and your liberty became smaller.
The way I see it, it comes down to this. Megan Kelly was out after Trump from the get go. She read too much of her own press and thought she had the horses to hang the Donalds political scalp on her pretty little belt.
Trump has thrived despite the best efforts of Kelly and much of the rest of the press to tramp him down. However Kelly made it obvious from the beginning that Trump was a personal target for her and has hung her personal rep on getting him. Donald is not playing the game and it is Fox News that is going to get hurt because of it.
RAH, I agree with your post.
I don’t agree with everything about Trump, but one thing I do agree with – he isn’t going to play their game. He’s breaking rules. This after the RNC just disemboweled CNBC over similar crap.
If one thing comes out of all this, I’d like to see the days of Candice Crowley / Megyn Kelly types of moderators getting away with trying to steer debates to be behind us. That isn’t proper moderator decorum. They’re on notice.
Trump was offered, yesterday, the opportunity of a Lincoln-Douglas debate with Cruz, (i.e. NO moderator), and responded with a characteristically slimy and childish tweet: he asked if it was going to be held in Canada. (He already knew what the venue was, but pretended not to, perhaps so his supporters would think it wasn’t a concrete offer, when in fact it was.)
The plain truth, which is now apparent with that offer and Trump’s response to it, is that Trump no longer really wants to do more debates, unless the rules are openly tilted in his favor. He seems to think that everyone should be fine with that, for what reason I can only imagine.
Could it be that he knows or believes that he could not keep the scam alive if he submits to a one-on-one with no moderators to rescue him when it gets really ugly?
An important and cogent post!
Why would he want more debates??……he’s winning
Debating Cruz at this point would only benefit Cruz….who’s stupid enough to do that?
To put an informed public above winning. To believe in himself and his policy. To win with honor.
An MMA champion who refuses to engage his nearest rival loses all respect and is eventually stepped of his title.
Why did he insult ALL his supporters?
All?…..that’s a really wide brush you got there
…and he’s still packing every stadium he goes to
Those are,IMV, valid reasons to debate.
Is every stadium packed with people who would, in Trumps own words, vote for him even if he did unspeakable crimes in the middle of the street?
You are correct, all was to broad. He said, my supporters, not clarifying, but bizzare still.
no one took that so literal…..I thought it was funny because it’s true and he made his point
but then I’m still laughing about the humidor crack too….
So, Latitude, can I get a clarification? If Trump found himself on death row before your state primary happened, would you still vote for him?
“To put an informed public above winning.”
Trump doesn’t put ANYTHING above winning. I think that’s the one thing everyone can agree on. What it really comes down to is, are you more afraid of Trump’s ego, or of the plans of those people who bankroll everyone else? Personally, I prefer someone who’s motivations are known. Trump serves Trump. There’s really nothing more to it than that. I don’t know who the other guys serve. NONE OF THEM SERVE US.
Richard….what are you talking about?
Richard says:
“Trump was offered, yesterday, the opportunity of a Lincoln-Douglas debate with Cruz, (i.e. NO moderator)”
That is against the RNC rules. The RNC sets up the debates.
“The RNC controls the debates”
The RNC does not control all debates; only those it sponsors! We haven’t fallen that far — yet!
A Lincoln Douglas style debate would attract a very large audience, and both Trump and Cruz have shown themselves not bound to the RNC.
Gail, I need to know two things about Cruz’s wife. When did she help write the trade legislation? What was her input, what did she actually write? In conjunction with that, when did Cruz support it, and when did he change his mind?
David, I haven’t found any evidence that Heidi Cruz has been involved with writing anything for the TPP. If I’m understanding Gail correctly, she’s referencing Heidi’s involvement with the former nascent SPP (Security and Prosperity Partnership for North America, sometimes informally referred to as North American Union) and its successor organization whose name I don’t presently. (Gail is calling the TPP the successor to the NAU, but the TPP doesn’t currently exist. There was another name for SPP that was adopted by the Obama administration, but at that point the organization was very much watered down from what had been planned for the SPP.)
I understand that Cruz has claimed that Heidi’s involvement with the SPP planning through the Council on Foreign Relations was intended by her as a foil, i.e. that she got herself appointed to that role so she could argue a principled position against the overall structure that was being proposed. (That “argument” is the writing that’s been referenced, though frankly it’s more of a squeak than an argument.) My research on the issue of Heidi’s role and motivations is ongoing, and what I’ve managed to find so far is a bit foggy. So I don’t want to say a lot about it right now, beyond that Trump supporters are accusing Cruz and Heidi of being NAU enthusiasts, and Cruz is saying that the opposite is true.
As for TPP, here is a fairly decent report on Cruz’ history with respect to the passage of Trade Protection (“fast-track”) authority for the TPP deal….
It indicates that Cruz’ change of position was based on the TiSA (Trade in Services Agreement) portion of the TPA bill. The TiSA portion was leaked on June 3 (the so-called “TiSA leak”), and Cruz says it would allow changes to U.S. immigration law, changes to which Cruz is opposed. It says that Cruz published his op-ed announcing his withdrawal of support for TPA on the 23d of June, shortly before a procedural vote on the second TPA bill. (The first bill had failed in the House after passing the Senate in May with Cruz’ support. That was prior to the TiSA leak, which Cruz cites as his reason for changing his position on TPA and TPP.)
Regardless of one’s position on free-trade deals (personally I’m opposed to any further liberalization of trade at this time), it’s important to note that Cruz’ change was based, not on a change in his own position on immigration, but on the fact that the information about what was being negotiated with respect to immigration became known due to a leak. So Cruz would seem to be applying the same logic or litmus test for trade policy as he always has, but applying it to what is in essence a new proposal (now that the TiSA portion of TPP has been leaked) and thus reaching a different conclusion. Some apparently consider that a flip-flop, but assuming that the situation is as the link claims it to be, I don’t see the change as a political flip-flop. It is, however, the case that Cruz was subjected to much pressure from conservatives after June 3, but did not announce his withdrawal of support for TPA until 20 days had passed. I’m not sure why such a delay would be necessary ; to me it suggests some effort behind the scenes by Cruz et al. to negotiate the removal of the immigration provisions, an effort which if it occurred, was clearly not successful.
I hope this is helpful to you in making your decision.
Oh. OT but this orchestra in Holland set to play before the Queen made it clear that their Conductor for the night was fired:
When the most liberal country in Europe pulls the plug on Islam, the world is beginning to see the light. Queen Beatrix of The Netherlands attended a concert in the capital, Amsterdam. The Conductor, who just happens to be Muslim, proceeds to give the Queen a lecture on the “beauty” of Islam. The entire orchestra got up and walked out, refusing to be associated with someone lecturing their queen. Staff at the music hall escorted the conductor off-stage and, after questioning, out of the building. Now that took courage. Good for the people of Holland. Watch the walkout. Bet you didn’t see this on your local news.
Here’s the link:
Thank you for posting that. It is encouraging to see.
Trump has changed his party affiliation at least four times in the last 16 years — an average of once for each presidential election. (RELATED: From Immigration To Abortion, Longtime Democrat Donald Trump Must Reckon With His Rich Progressive History)
In 2009, Trump enthusiastically endorsed then-newly-minted President Barack Obama.
“We have a young, vibrant, smart president who, I think, is going to do a really good job,” the leading candidate for the 2016 Republican presidential nomination said on Fox News.
For years, Trump has also zealously praised Hillary Clinton as “really a very terrific woman.”
“I think she’s a very, very brilliant person, and as a senator in New York, she has done a great job,” he gushed in 2007. “Everybody loves her.”
In 2008, Trump applauded Obama’s selection of Clinton as his secretary of state nominee. “I think Hillary is a great appointment,” he said. (RELATED: Report: Emails At The Highest Classification Levels Found On Hillary’s Private Server)
Trump has also given between $100,001 and $250,000 to the Clinton Foundation.
In 2008, Trump expressed surprise that then-House Speaker Nancy Pelosi did not attempt to impeach President George W. Bush over the 2003 invasion of Iraq. “It just seemed like she was going to really look to impeach Bush and get him out of office, which, personally, I think would have been a wonderful thing,” Trump said on CNN.
The same year, Trump called Pelosi “a very impressive person.”
In 2007, the billionaire real estate developer appeared on CNN to to excoriate then-Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice as “very sad” and to call Hugo Chavez, then president of Venezuela, “a lot smarter than” Bush. (RELATED: Venezuela, Chicago Public Schools Face Toilet Paper Shortages)
“In many cases, I probably identify more as a Democrat,” Trump said on CNN in 2004. “If you go back, it just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats than the Republicans.” (RELATED: Obama Economy Flatlines)
Trump is a pragmatist. To get business done esp in New York you better grease the wheels. Remember Maurice Strong gave to BOTH the Republicans and the Democrats as did our biggest political donor Dwayne Andreas.
Reagan and Trump
Trump is a self serving opportunist.
…and the rest are in it for……religion??
What he is obviously saying is that Trump will sacrifice conservative principles, as well as basic justice and fairness, perhaps even fundamental rights, in a fanatical obsession with serving and enriching himself. That so many are blind to this blindingly obvious fact may be the most disturbing thing about the whole Trump phenomenon.
RTF understood. Maybe for clarification I should have said that Trump exhibits a virtually unprecedented self serving opportunistic persona. Trump is possibly the least principled and most arrogant POTUS candidate I have ever seen.
That said, if needed, I will vote for him to keep the crazy hippy and the consummate liar out of the Oval Office.
Here’s the facts…
It’s easy to be a democrat…all you have to do it promise everything…and then blame republicans when you can’t deliver.
It’s impossible to run as a republican….they want some combination of a savior and my little pony…no one is good enough for them
Every republican out there has done exactly your “blindly obvious fact” already.
Does reach across the aisle sound familiar? How can a republican pull democrat votes by being a democrat lite? Trump is pulling democrat votes.
I want to beat Hillary….win….and Trump is the only one that can do it.
“That so many are blind to this blindingly obvious fact may be the most disturbing thing about the whole Trump phenomenon.”
Cruz, Rubio, and the rest of them can’t even pull enough votes….combined…to get elected janitor…………
We’ll see! If you’re right, then we’re in a lot of trouble!
But please note that Trumps negative margin (negative minus positive view) is currently 70% according to Beck. That would QUITE unprecedented, for such a person to win the general election, and it blows Hillary out of the water.
Beck can’t stand Trump….I don’t believe a thing he says any more
Lat, your logic is slipping, and your tribalism is showing. 😉
then we’re in a lot of trouble!…
What in this world are you talking about?
The other choices are people that can not win, and Hillary and Sanders
I don’t care what anyone thinks about Trump….he’s a million times better than the other choices
Lat, you don’t have to take his WORD for it …. I’m sure you can look it up yourself!
Apparently you never thought of that.
It kind of reminds of a few other personality cults that have developed over the years….
Let’s see, I’m glad you asked me what I meant, because I never would have guessed that it would go over your head.
What I meant was that, if Trump wins the election, we are in a HEAP of trouble!
(Should it really have been that hard to figure out??)
tribalism? ..take his word for it?…..what you meant is vote for people that will not win
Did you guys sleep through the past two elections?
Who was the best at self promotion? Who did we have to guess? who filled up every stadium he spoke at?….and that’s why he won
Voters want a rock star…they vote for rock stars…..rock stars win
People tend to vote straight down the party line…..we need senators, congressmen, mayors, etc….there’s more to this than just electing a president
We need someone that’s not dead in the saddle like McCain, Romney, and the rest of them…the past few elections we looked like we were grave robbers
….we need a rock star full of energy, piss and vinegar, that can win a damn election for us…and carry the rest of them that we really need
Beck can’t stand Trump….I don’t believe a thing he says any more
Tribalism = Anyone that does not like your guy is never worth listening to.
OTOH I can judge statements by researching them myself, and I have no need to censor sources, wether they agree with me or not. When Trump is right, I defend him, and when he is not I don’t.
See the difference?
Lat, you don’t have to take his WORD for it …. I’m sure you can look it up yourself!
You have been lied to by every republican you’ve elected so far. Reach across the aisle has chipped away at every moral standing you’ve had. They have all looked you straight in the face, and lied.
Apparently you never thought of that.
Latitude has something there I think concerning Beck. Beck has been against the Donald ever since he started showing strong numbers. I say this knowing he endorses my preferred candidate.
Concerning the Donald. If he ends up POTUS I doubt he will be able to get even 1/4 of what he says he’ll do done concerning his domestic agenda. He just doesn’t have the partisan backing in DC he will need. I also have to wonder about his skeletons. You know the democrats have been digging deep and they won’t pull out whatever they’ve found until after Trump gets the nomination. They don’t even have to find anything, just make plausible crap up like Rather did about Bush II. And if you don’t think Rather was actually in on that forged letter scam, I have a bridge to sell you.
If you haven’t noticed, there has been a lot of concentration on Cruz by the press and democrat machine which seems a bit much for a guy that it running a distant 2nd in the polls. You should perhaps be asking WHY?
Tribalism = Anyone that does not like your guy is never worth listening to.
gat, what in this world are you talking about?
I’m listening, I’m just not agreeing……I want to win a damn election for a change
Don’t waste you time accusing me of not listening…when you are doing the same
We’ve tried career politicians, movie stars, prissy southern aristocrats, effeminate community organizers, deviates, cowboys and ranchers…..
The one thing we have not tried, to run our business, is a very successful businessman who’s used to dealing with numbers with a lot of zeros after them……..
Beck can’t stand Trump….I don’t believe a thing he says any more
Then you are not listening, you may be hearing, but you are rejecting out of hand without reason.
I want to win an election too, and I am seeing the same tribalism we saw in 2012 that lost us that election.
Stop believing, and start thinking.
gat…you’re coming across as condescending
I know you better..I know you don’t mean it that way
Lat, your unwillingness to see the obvious forced me into condescension. You and I generally agree, and in most matters you are skeptical, but when it comes to Trump you are showing yourself to be an unquestioning zealot. No offense, I would say the same to my best friend or my brother. You are better than this.
gat…you’re confusing my wanting to win …with the wrong kind of tribalism
I’m tribal about only one thing…..I’m sick and tired of losing
Cruz and Rubio have the personality of cabbage….neither of them could pack a closet
I really want to win.
I had hoped we had learned a lesson from the last two elections, but sadly we have not, if anything we are even dumber than 2012. Instead of pulling together regardless of who wins the nomination, we are back to eating our own. If we don’t learn how to support our team, we will lose yet again. Please don’t F this up again.
Lat, you make some stronger arguments in your latest comments. But I definitely don’t accept that Cruz, Paul, or Carson have a tendency to “reach across the aisle”. Most especially not Cruz. And I think Cruz has demonstrated plenty of spunk and likeability.
Finally, I think it’s imperative not to forget or dismiss the Reagan Revolution. True, the demographics have changed somewhat, but it’s equally true that Goldwater and Reagan were cut from the same political cloth, ran in roughly the demographic circumstances, and got the opposite results. So I think we have to look a little deeper to understand the situation, and it’s obvious (to me, anyway) that Trump is a Democratic wolf in sheep’s clothing. He will turn on us if he’s elected, and it will be an utter disaster.
My advice to you is, pay attention to his past actions, and compare them to those of the other candidates. And thanks for your thoughts.
Richard, I’ve been watching him…but i”m also watching the others past actions.
I’m career republican politician burnt out….they have all lied, they have all learned the art of compromise……and being career politicians will do whatever it takes to keep their job
I know what you mean. I guess I just see Trump as also being the “career politician” mold, except even worse because of Democrat history.
Here’s how I see Trump…
An ego the size of Mars….his whole core is about being successful
He will do whatever it takes to make a profit, turn this economy around, call other politicians on their bullshit, he knows his base better than they know themselves
…and he will do whatever it takes to be elected twice, that means being popular
That is a win win for me……
His number one criticism of Cruz is that he can’t make deals with Pelosi and Schumer.
I want a president who believes in the power of the purse. Trump, by his own words, does not believe in this. In fact I think it’s clear at this point that Trump still supports the continued growth of government. You really don’t see any of this, do you?
Cruz has already fought to invoke the power of the purse. Trump derides these actions, calling them nasty and indicative of “inability to cut a deal” with the Democrats, which he proudly announces he will do.
What you claim to hate is, in essence, the cutting of deals with the Democrats, which happens because the Democrats co-opt, extort, or somehow brainwash the Republicans once they get to Washington. With Trump, we have a man who is already on their bandwagon before he gets to Washington.
I see every bit of it….I just don’t see it the way you do
Our career republican politicians have cut deals with democrats,…in the democrats favor.. and bragged on how great the deal was….while the whole time selling us out…and that includes Cruz and Rubio…the have slowing, in little increments, given away almost everything we believe in
I take what Trump is saying different than you are…..I’m also factoring in Trump’s ego, he knows winning twice means being popular
What Trump calls cutting a deal….is not folding and giving in like they have been doing
Yet R Fowlers interpretation on Trumps view of Cruz standing up to both rhinos and dems reguarding Obamacare and the budget is correct contextually. Trumps critcism here as well as his support of corn ethanol is of concern. His mocking his supporters as supporting him regardless of any sick crime he may do is over the top turn off.
His mocking his supporters as supporting him regardless of any sick crime he may do is over the top turn off.
Yes, this does not reflect well on Trump or his followers. Can you say “Team Hillary”?
BTW, Cruz went to Iowa and said the ethonal subsdies must go. Very honest, very refreshing.
David, I just don’t see Cruz or Rubio having the cajones to be taken seriously by any of the other politicians..and so far, they haven’t been..
Trump is polling high with latins and even democrats. His cockyness plays in his favor..
the ethonal subsdies must go….
and then what? more farms for Monsanto to buy out
Exactly my point, he’s polling high with Democrats because they’re smart enough to see that he still is one, and he’s polling high with Latinos because they’re smart enough to see that he’s going to do nothing substantial to restrict Latin immigration, but will give illegals a path to legalization! Plus he’s spreading the money around, which makes it easy for those with no principles to support him.
Tell me something, what kind of deals do you think Trump needs to cut with the congressional Democrats??
Cruz says “nothing”. If we win both houses, they have the option to vote no, or get on board and support us. That’s what a true conservative would do, when his party controls both houses of Congress. The only thing in the way is the filibuster, which has been so abused by Democrats at this point that a true, strong conservative would support putting some more limits on it. But instead, Trump just says, well, we have to give them some of what they want or we can’t get anything done. When’s the last time you heard the Democrats talk like that to their own people? They, and the conservative Republicans are the true strong ones here. Trump is playing us, just like Bush, Christie, Boehner and McConnell have been doing. Wake up!
..and Cruz and Rubio couldn’t drag roadkill out to vote for them
People that are as sick and tired of career politicians will sit it out, just like they’ve been doing
More tribalism from Lat. Sad.
I will vote for whoever runs against the D, and I am not alone. Not sure about Lat.
gat….you and Richard are acting like liberals
accusing people and calling people names that have another opinon
I have not called you a name. I have only ponted out that I am willing to vote for whoever opposes the D, and that you are acting in a tribalistic fashion. The same tribalism that has cost us two elections in a row.
I am a Liberal, just like Jefferson. What are you?
“….. Democrats because they’re smart enough……”
You just killed your own argument, Richard.
Really, how so?
gat…uno mas tiempo
I just want to win this election….the way the demographics are changing I think it might be our last chance
…and to repeat myself again
I’m more comfortable with Cruz….but I think he has a snowball’s chance in hell beating Hillary…
People want a rock star….Trump has the name, recognition…millions of people will pull the switch for him because of that…Trump has the cajones and can call Hillary on it…when they accuse him of being sexist, racist whatever…it just bounces off him
..and the fact that every news media I hate, every politician I can’t stand, every big shot know it all… telling me to not vote for him
Now call me tribal…Richard you twist it all…..and see if I give a flying crap! LOL
Lat, trashing those who may end up facing off against the D is not in our best interest. I have tried really hard not to trash Trump, and believe me it has not been easy, but I have done do because I know better thane to eat our own (God I pray Trump is one of us).
Count to ten, and try again.
You guys are going off on too many tangets for me to keep up…
Sorry you cannot keep up tonight. Try a lower dose of Trumphine tomorrow.
All the best!
now see how you are…
“but I have done do because I know better thane to eat our own”
I see you have lost all reason, just like the people we make fun of here on a daily basis. Zealotry of any stripe is not attractive.
PS…you gotta love it
Trump says he received multiple phone calls from FOX today….
..FOX said it wasn’t multiple….it was three…….LMAO!
and up until now we thought Bill O’Reilly was begging
..and I see you’ve resorted to name calling
..and I see you’ve resorted to name calling
Nope. Lat, I’m concerned you may be having a stroke or some other medical issue, you are not comprehending what I am saying. I did not call you a name.
As RTF observed…
But once again, you see the evidence of how Trump supporters are totally blind to things like that, and see it as the exact opposite of what it really is.
I might be having a stroke, medical reason, lost all reason..and I’m a zealot
…well at least you didn’t call me a name! ROTFLMAO
I’ve given you way too much credit over the years.
You are right, I did not call you a name. If I had said “Lat is a zealot” or “Lat is a retard”, that would be name calling. Instead, I made observations about your behavior, and not your character.
So as I stated, you are not comprehending my words, and this derangement is likely caused by your fanaticism for Trump.
Are you a sports fan?
you are not comprehending what I am saying…..
I’m glad that you are amused. I OTOH, am now concerned that people who are intelligent, who are normally skeptical, and who I thought had principles can be taken in by this showman. I have not once asked you to switch your support, all I have asked of you is to be thoughtful where this critical election is concerned, Trump may or may not be the nominee, so let’s not destroy everyone else in the meantime. Together we stand.
And again, if Trump is the nominee, I will vote for him.
gat, try to listen and pay attention
“I” don’t believe Cruz or Rubio can beat Clinton or Sanders in an election.
So what they think, believe, and no matter how FOX trashes them…..does not matter to me…I don’t care
I do not want Clinton or Sanders to win this election.
Elections come with baggage….people tend to vote straight down the party line and not split their vote.
There is a whole list of other people that we also vote on at the same time…and we need the rest of them as much or more…we need a clean sweep
I don’t care if Trump is the anti-christ…I don’t care what he’s said or done in the past….I don’t care if he debates on FOX news or not….I don’t care
Teflon Trump is the only person “I” think is capable of beating Clinton or Sanders in the election…that’s it….that simple….everything else is total BS….I don’t care
I don’t care if Trump is the anti-christ
You sound just like your idol, and he knows it.
“I could stand in the middle of 5th Avenue and shoot somebody and I wouldn’t lose voters,”
ok gator that’s it…..
Gail, such behaviour is not honorable and does not engender trust. Please consider listening to today’s G. Beck show. I think you have misunderstood Some facts on both the trade support, and amnesty.
I cannot trust Trump. Why did he insult ALL his followers?
Latitude, they must go, and Cruz talked about phasing them out. How does this relate to Monsanto.
Every farmer depends on subsidies…stopping them will put most of the family farms out of business…which will be bought up by things like Monsanto
I didn’t know he sail all subsidies??
This confusion I’ve had with Latitude over his choice of candidate is starting to become clearer to me now. Latitude, it is definitely the case that some ag. subsidies are unavoidable today. HOWEVER … we are talking about paying for MORE corn to be grown than is needed for food, and then putting it in vehicles. That is not only not necessary, it is helping to destroy our economy, and it is also giving impetus to other corporate subsidy programs in other states, which are even more dangerous. Ethanol subsidies destroy vehicles, dislocate the private sector, and drive up the cost of energy. They are one of the worst domestic disasters of the last 30 years.
Moreover, look at why Trump supports it. He doesn’t just say that it’s important for his electoral prospects (though he does say that). He thinks it’s a WONDERFUL program because it’s good for our energy supply. This is his Leftist upbringing showing through. He has not been politically converted AT ALL. He is still the wretched Leftist scum he has always been, and he doesn’t even try to hide it, probably because he’s so politically blind that he can’t even see how badly it’s all hanging out!
He is just another Obama, only with a pro-America flavor to immigration. (Not necessarily anything wrong with, except that it’s not genuine.)
Richard, the only confusion you guys are having with me is you’re really not listening.
I want to win….I do not want Hillary or Sanders….Trump will win it…..I want to win, not lose
I’m trying to listen to you. What I seem to picking up is that if it were a first term of Obama v. Sanders in the general election, and Obama had the R behind his name, you’d support him too. Sorry, count me out, and God help us all.
..and what I’m picking up is it’s painfully obvious you are trying to twist everything I’ve said
I want win….Trump will win
He who lives by the sword shall die by the sword.
No, I’m not trying to twist anything. I’m trying to show you the MEANING of your words, since you don’t get it on your own. Your words have meaning. It is imperative that you understand where your path leads to.
…and I mean it….I want to win
So basically, if I’m understanding you, you’re suggesting that you want a political centrist, and that’s what you view Trump to be. Not too hot, not too cold, but kind of just right in the middle, more or less. And you believe that hanging out there is how elections are won by Republicans.
Not Bush, mind you, no no, he’s an extremist, that is, an extreme Leftist. (Which he is!)
Same with Rubio, Christie, Kasich, etc. (They are, too!)
And not Cruz, because he is too far to the right and therefore “can’t win”.
No, not him. You want to be just perfectly positioned in the middle. Juuuuust right … just the right amount of conservatism and Leftism, blended together into a frothy, fruity, nutty … rich … bright-orange ……..eponymous …………….Corinthian … delight!
Or, is it more about polls for you? You’re looking at the polls of likely Republican voters, and since Trump has been doing relatively well there, you figure that he has the best shot at defeating the Democrats in November. Is that it?
Richard T. Fowler
“…And not Cruz, because he is too far to the right and therefore “can’t win”.
Cruz can not win because he has too much dirt dug up on him. (Checkout Here’s Why Ted Cruz Has Already Lost Iowa )
However one of the commenters at The Conservative Treehouse pointed out the real reason the Global Elite/GOPe want Cruz.
He ousts Trump (He has the best chance) then it is suddenly ‘discovered’ he is not eligible because of the Canadian mother, Canadian father born in Canada issue I already pointed out. So OH MY What should we do…. WHY we run Jeb the Twig, of course!
Voters are turned off and we get Hitlery our worse nightmare.
The globalists suckered us with McCain, they suckered us with Mit Romney and now they want to sucker us with Jeb Bush.
Latitude, what if winning entails a “republican” catching the sword hanging by a rope made incredibly thin by progressive policy. I do not want conservatives blamed for the socialistic disaster facing this world. (Despite this I will vote for anyone other then the democratic nominee.)
What’s likely going with the GOPe is that they’re throwing their support behind Trump as a way of getting rid of Cruz, who is the only realistic threat to Trump being nominated at this point. After they get rid of Cruz, they’ll turn their attentions to Trump and his numbers will decline as well.
And if that fails and they end up with Trump, well, they see that as better than having to deal with Cruz.
But the bigger picture is the Democrats who put Trump up to this. Democrat and Republican leaders both want to win, but they want to win with a team player. Neither of them like Trump because he’s greedy and he’s not a team player. But that doesn’t make him a friend of ours, either!
Richard…stop telling me what I want…I want to win
David, I’m not sure what you are saying?
Then the other choice would be to elect another democrazy, and they will still blame republicans.
The only republican candidate that could survive your scenario would the teflon Trump.
I’m not telling you what you want. I believe you when you say you just want Trump because in your view he will win. I wasn’t disputing in any way that you believe that. I’m trying to find out why you believe Trump is a lock to win. But you either don’t want to say, or you don’t really know. And that’s fine!
But at no time have I tried to tell you that you want something different. This is a big problem with this race: Trump attracts people who either can’t or won’t think for themselves beyond the most basic level, just like Obama bots. So, when I ask some questions trying to better understand why you have the belief you do … instead of friendly discourse and enlightenment — WHAMMO! I get whacked down with a nonsensical claim that I was ‘trying to tell you what you want’. No discourse, no communication, is possible with you if you’re going to be like this. I’m apparently not entitled to try to think about or understand anything that you might find uncomfortable, or that might lead to me winning the argument (since I’m not for the Leader), so all of sudden it’s “Whammo”. You see the parallel with how Trump behaves, there??
He apparently has to win, because he’s ENTITLED to win, for crying out loud! So all measures have to be taken by all of us, even his opponents, to tilt the table toward him. And if we don’t do that, why then, we’re just THE ENEMY. You see where this is headed? Here’s where it’s headed. (Whether we get there or not is a different question.)
‘Support the Leader! The Leader is never wrong! The Leader is infallible! Since we must win at all costs, it is unacceptable for you not to support the Leader. The Leader is entitled to win, so we must all let him win. The Leader is the only one who is on our side; all who disagree with him are enemies of ours!’
You’re sounding like some liberal leftest loon….
Nope, you’re just not listening to me.
roaring laughing!!!!!!!
Well, if nothing else, at least I’ve managed to be a source of entertainment for you. That’s something, I guess.
Richard, don’t take it hard
For me it’s really simple….I just want to win
What Cruz, Rubio, and even Rupaul thinks, will do, will not do……
…does not matter to me
I don’t think they have a snowball’s chance in hell beating Hillary…so I don’t care if one of them is the second coming
Now try to listen….”I” think
“you” think something else….that’s fine
Latitude says,
“David, I’m not sure what you are saying?
Then the other choice would be to elect another democrazy, and they will still blame republicans.
I am not certain what I am saying! I am incredibly frustrated. These last 7 years are like a surreal nightmare, watching everything I love about this nation crumble, forgotten like a dream. Kids in school today do not even know the founding ideals of our nation. They think CO2 is a poison.
The dreams of our founding Father’s turned into the dreams of a Marxist Muslim. The battle for individual liberty of course has been ongoing, and slowly but surely we have moved towards statist government, but the last seven years, what a dammed nightmare!
My dilemma is that I truly think global economic collapse is now inevitable, and the days of the US dollar being dominant in global trade are rapidly ending. Beyond that, history indicate wars a likely scenario. If the world must go to hell, and for a time it may, then let those who orchestrated this nightmare be in charge when it occurs, and let the tar and feathers come out. Maybe then a truly honorable real conservative can motivate this nation to once again be the light on the hill, instead of Morador on the Potomac.
It’s not a popularity contest it’s a vote for who will be best for the country. Who will get things done. Trump has a way of persuading people into getting things done quickly. The foundation for the wall will be started before inauguration, I’m wondering if he hasn’t already lined up the contractors. Illegal Muslims will disappear in weeks, most will go back home on their own starting January 20.
Trump is still an idiot. Like so many egomaniacs, he sees himself as the only choice and only he understands how the world runs. Bullocks! He tells us to trust him. That only he can solve this countries problems. He makes promises that he knows he can’take keep. How is he going to keep his promises? Trust me he says.
Instead of making the trains run on time, he’s going to build a wall and deport 13 million illegals. Sounds very Facist.
This countries problems are too great and too complicated for us dig our way out of any time soon and Trump will only make things worse.
We need a candidate who can fight the Progressives and communicate effectively to educate the electorate. Trump cannot do this. He is only effective at starting food fights.
Now, if the abortion banners and prohibitionists have wasted enough time, we could talk about climate, energy…
The most important thing in this election is to avoid nominating a known and obvious phony to run for President. Trump is not the only phony in this race, but he is by far the worst and greatest one. Trump has contempt for conservatives, including Ronald Reagan, and for conservatism. He is the greatest wolf in sheep’s clothing in the Republican race. Even his sheep’s clothing is profoundly unconvincing. There is a profound mental illness spreading across the country, which knows no partisan, and no ideological, bounds. If this is to be brought under control, step one is to defeat Trump.
God willing, the conservative voters of Iowa are paying attention to this urgent need and thinking clearly about it.
The key thing here is that unity is necessary, if the wolves in our midst are to be defeated. If that sounds like harsh language, it is, but it fits the gravity of the situation.
Trump knows how to fool a lot of people about his ideology, but he is a very dangerous man and absolutely must be stopped soon, even at the cost of making great compromises.
He is another Obama, and in some ways even worse than Obama. If he wins the presidency, most of the people supporting him now shall spend the rest of their lives regretting their decision. To Trump supporters and undecided voters, I say: Please don’t do that to us!
We need a conservative now, and this may be the last chance to choose one. There are basically three choices, as I see it, and Rubio is not one of them. Only one of those three conservative choices has a realistic chance of defeating Trump. It is therefore a moral imperative that we vote for this person, regardless of any qualities that may bother us about him.
P.s. I heard an audio clip today in which Trump, addressing a supportive audience, said that they should feel very privileged to be able to vote for the person who, if he wins, will be the greatest president in the history of the United States.
Now, for any who doubt the positions stated in my previous comment, ask yourself in what context and location we have heard that sort of language in the past?
I, personally, can think of only one.
Jeb Bush is the source of the Trump is not a Republican rumor.
POLITIFACT FLORIDA — Jeb Bush was Governor of Florida from 1999 to 2007 so take with a grain of salt.
I have never been a socialist. I rejected Marxism at the tender age of nine when my brother became infected. Yet I have also registered as a democrat because I lived in the all Democrat Boston area. It was a way to get a middle of the road socialist instead of a hard line communist running things locally. Voting in the republican primary was a complete waste of time. They didn’t have a snowball’s chance in Hades of winning so why bother. If I was registered as a democrat I could at least pick the lesser of two evils at the primary level.
Your argument is “1. I am not a Leftist. 2. I and Trump were in the same political environment. 3. Therefore, Trump is not a Leftist.”
You may not be a Leftist, but you are not Trump! So that’s a fallacy.
Trump is most definitely a Leftist, and the source for that is his own words, not anything Jeb Bush put out.
And you know what else? Trump has been so outspoken in his support for Leftism, I do not believe that you are ignorant of that. I think you’re just pitching in to help shovel the baloney, because you’re afraid of an authentic conservative winning the nomination.
In other words, I think you’re supporting Trump for the same reason Jeb Bush has opposed him: an irrational belief that an anti-conservative must at all costs be nominated.
Leftists want us to believe we are all Massachusetts now. You are far too quick to endorse that doctrine.
Richard, I am waiting until I get the books written by Trumpbefore I make a final decision as I said before.
First I have ZERO trust in the MSM.
Second I have not watched TV since 1974
Third I haven’t listened to radio except very occasionally for the last twenty years which is also when we dropped the subscription to Barrons and the Wall Street Journal.
Richard if we had a REAL CONSTITUTIONAL CONSERVATIVE to vote for I would drop Trump so fast it would make your head spin. Is Trump a trojan horse leftist? Heck if I know which is why I am BUYING AND READING HIS DARN BOOKS!
I outline my biggest concern, loss of US sovereignty via the Trans-Pacific Partnership , a few minutes ago HERE:
Rand Paul was my first choice because I really like Ron Paul and voted and campaigned for him.
Unfortunately Rand Paul is very pro- Free trade and thinks trade with China is great. See:
Paul is also pro-amnesty:
Rand Paul: Let’s Compromise on Amnesty
So much for Rand since those plus 2nd Amendment are my top no compromise issues.
Carson supports giving guest-worker status to millions of undocumented immigrants without criminal records.
Dr. Ben Carson Signals Openness To Obamatrade’s Pacific Rim Trade Deal
So Ben gets a zero out of three. He is the real socialist in a republican sheepskin.
First Cruz just recently gave up his Canadian dual citizenship and someone dug out that both his parents were registered to vote in Canada when he was born — NOT GOOD give the Birthers in the Republican ranks. I am sure the DemiRat would LOVE to through it in our face.
The real killer though is Cruz wife is a CRF member who helped craft that damn Trans-Pacific Partnership when it was called the North American Union. Cruz also wants to expand H1B visas by 500% thus gives high paying US jobs to foreigners. My husband and his friends in the computer industry had to train their lower paid Indian replacements before they were fired. So excuse me if I hate the H-1B visa con with a passion.
Ted Cruz wants to increase H-1B visas from 65000 to 325000 annually check out Corinne’s comment for more info.on Heidi Cruz and her five years as a member of the CFR-sponsored Independent Task Force on the Future of North America aka the North American Union that morphed into the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Heidi Cruz and the North American Union
Cruz Opposes unreasonable and burdensome gun restrictions So Cruz gets a thumbs down.
Rubion is pro free trade and globalization Develop policies that embrace reality of globalization… We should adopt the free trade agreements
The Ugly Truth About Marco Rubio And His Gang-of-Eight Amnesty Bill
Rubio was caught with his hand in the til.
CNBC bias allowed Rubio to skirt financial misdeeds: ‘Marco just flat-out lied to the American people there’
Marco Rubio used his influence to help his convicted drug-dealer brother-in-law
A felony conviction especially indicating dishonesty, fraud or whatever within the last ten years makes it difficult to impossible to get a Florida license.
So tell me Richard who else is there who meets my criteria and is running for president.
Gail, you say that one thing you don’t like about Cruz is that he “opposes unreasonable and burdensome gun restrictions”, and you provide a link. Your meaning is apparently that he only opposes those he considers to be “unreasonable and burdensome”, which we both agree would be bad, if it’s true.
The fact is that that quote is referring exclusively to Cruz’ authorship of the amicus brief in D.C. v. Heller, a brief which authored on behalf of many states and which took a bold and dramatic position in favor of the Second Amendment.
The webpage says Cruz “has led the way in defense of our right to keep and bear arms,” and in support of this, it says he “•Argued against unreasonable and burdensome gun restrictions” . That is referring to D.C. v. Heller. This means that the author agrees with us on the Second Amendment, but chose a somewhat clumsy and ambiguous wording to show what Cruz had done.
I’ve looked at the Court’s opinion in that case, and from what I could tell from a quick reading, it largely parallels Cruz’ arguments. It was a very good opinion and a great victory for all of us who believe in and support the Second Amendment, which you and I both do. Cruz’ participation in the case was a major blessing for all of us who value liberty.
The words “opposes unreasonable and burdensome gun restrictions” are not Cruz’ words, but simply an unintentionally ambiguous attempt by the website author to characterize what Cruz did for gun liberties. The author clearly understands that Cruz was not supporting any kind of gun restriction with that brief.
I am unaware that Cruz has ever sided with any measure or proposal that would uphold any gun restriction, nor am I aware that anyone (besides yourself) has ever suggested that he has. The words you’re quoting are ambiguous and were clearly not meant in the way you’re suggesting they were. They were not the best wording, but it was clearly an honest mistake. In this particular matter, it looks like you were rushing your analysis and, as a result, missed important context that completely changes the meaning. Perhaps a bit of confirmation bias showing, there.
SIGHHhhh, I have to break this up.
Richard, I am waiting until I get the books written by Trumpbefore I make a final decision as I said before.
First I have ZERO trust in the MSM.
Second I have not watched TV since 1974
Third I haven’t listened to radio except very occasionally for the last twenty years which is also when we dropped the subscription to Barrons and the Wall Street Journal.
Richard if we had a REAL CONSTITUTIONAL CONSERVATIVE to vote for I would drop Trump so fast it would make your head spin. Is Trump a trojan horse leftist? Heck if I know which is why I am BUYING AND READING HIS DARN BOOKS!
I outline my biggest concern, loss of US sovereignty via the Trans-Pacific Partnership , a few minutes ago HERE:
Rand Paul was my first choice because I really like Ron Paul and voted and campaigned for him.
Unfortunately Rand Paul is very pro- Free trade and thinks trade with China is great. See:
Paul is also pro-amnesty:
Rand Paul: Let’s Compromise on Amnesty
So much for Rand since those plus 2nd Amendment are my top no compromise issues.
Carson supports giving guest-worker status to millions of undocumented immigrants without criminal records.
Dr. Ben Carson Signals Openness To Obamatrade’s Pacific Rim Trade Deal
So Ben gets a zero out of three. He is the real socialist in a republican sheepskin.
First Cruz just recently gave up his Canadian dual citizenship and someone dug out that both his parents were registered to vote in Canada when he was born — NOT GOOD give the Birthers in the Republican ranks. I am sure the DemiRat would LOVE to through it in our face.
The real killer though is Cruz wife is a CRF member who helped craft that damn Trans-Pacific Partnership when it was called the North American Union. Cruz also wants to expand H1B visas by 500% thus gives high paying US jobs to foreigners. My husband and his friends in the computer industry had to train their lower paid Indian replacements before they were fired. So excuse me if I hate the H-1B visa con with a passion.
Ted Cruz wants to increase H-1B visas from 65000 to 325000 annually check out Corinne’s comment for more info.on Heidi Cruz and her five years as a member of the CFR-sponsored Independent Task Force on the Future of North America aka the North American Union that morphed into the Trans-Pacific Partnership. Heidi Cruz and the North American Union
Cruz Opposes unreasonable and burdensome gun restrictions So Cruz gets a thumbs down.
Rubion is pro free trade and globalization Develop policies that embrace reality of globalization… We should adopt the free trade agreements
The Ugly Truth About Marco Rubio And His Gang-of-Eight Amnesty Bill
Rubio was caught with his hand in the til.
CNBC bias allowed Rubio to skirt financial misdeeds: ‘Marco just flat-out lied to the American people there’
Marco Rubio used his influence to help his convicted drug-dealer brother-in-law
A felony conviction especially indicating dishonesty, fraud or whatever within the last ten years makes it difficult to impossible to get a Florida license.
So tell me Richard who else is there who meets my criteria and is running for president.
Gail, I could not agree with you more…..100%
None of the candidates meet your criteria, Gail. I thought my point was clear, that Trump is by far the worst of them all. Was there some part of that that was not made clear to you?
Gail I also have not made up my mind. I have a different perspective on Cruz and the trade deal. But I need more detail on his wife’s writing of said legislation and specifics on her input, when and what.
Richard T. Fowler says:
“None of the candidates meet your criteria, Gail.”
I am well aware of that Richard. ONLY Trump says he is anti- iilegal immigration and anti-‘free’ trade. All the rest are FOR both of those items and that makes them RINOS whether you understand that or not.
I am sorry Richard, but I am very very serious when I say Trans-Pacific Partnership is the end of US sovereignty. The Trans-Pacific Partnership is the WTO on steroids without the protections placed in the WTO.
With the WTO this was the reality:
Yet we had the FDA completely ignore that provision in the WTO:
The result of this con was the food safety modernization act that will drive what farmers we have left off the land.
Who was the Co-Author? Richard Burr (R) of North Carolina. Before I voted for that son of a syphilitic weasel I called his office and asked for his stand on this bill. I was told he was very much opposed to it. And then that sleazy son of a dog sold US farmers out to the international Ag Cartel aka the WTO.
The provision in the Food Safety Modernization Act
“No limit on Secretarial Authority” What the F….??!!!! No limit!!!!
What you have not understood yet is that the U.S. lost its sovereignty a long time ago, and conservatives have just been fiddling around the edges ever since. But Trump says what? He doesn’t say he doesn’t want trade deals. He just says he’ll do them “better”. Your problem is you automatically trust him, because you don’t understand the culture he’s coming from. He’s coming from a pro-Globalist, anti-American standpoint. But because he chooses to define his beliefs as “pro-American”, you fall for it hook line and sinker. I expected better of you, but considering how powerful his propaganda is, and how dumbed down people have become, I can’t say I’m too surprised.
One thing I know, you WILL learn the truth. But will it be in time to reverse yourself before the result is set in stone? That’s the question.
I lived in New York City and Long Island for a total of about eight months, and had a lot of friends and acquaintances amongst the Leftists of Queens and Nassau. I got to know that culture pretty well. In fact, I even married one of them, which has made for a pretty interesting 16 years. (We’re still fighting about it all, but she’s starting to come around!)
The point is that these folks knew Trump very well (this was back in 2000), and he was one of their HEROS. So the question is, was he lying to THEM, or is he lying to us. THERE CAN BE NO QUESTION HE IS LYING TO US. Because back then, it wasn’t just talk. He LIVED it. All of his closest friends were of that persuasion. All of his closest business partners were of that persuasion. And say what you will, THOSE PEOPLE ARE NOT STUPID. If he had been lying to them, THEY WOULD HAVE KNOWN, and they would have destroyed him. That’s how they are.
I know what I’m talking about with this, and you ignore these observations at your own peril (AND mine!) Time to wakey wakey. If you haven’t studied his past in detail yet, to learn about what I’ve just told you, you have waited WAY too long. And you’ve got plenty of company.
The Ted Cruz OOPSIE!
Ted Cruz’s Mother Was On Official List Of Canadian Citizens Eligible To Vote
Ted Cruz only renounced his Canadian citizenship in 2014.
The following question is what this primary election comes down to, for those who are having to decide between Cruz and Trump.
Suppose it’s Germany 1932, and suppose we voters have to choose between Hitler, who we believe to be eligible for the office of Chancellor, and someone else who many believe is not eligible under the existing laws. But we have one piece of information to contend with: Hitler’s many pronouncements about his political beliefs and what he intends to do if elected. As it comes down to the wire, all other candidates/parties are performing too poorly to have a realistic chance of defeating Hitler.
Here’s the question. If you vote Hitler, there is no question what you’re going to get: you’re going everything he says you’re going to. He has no reason to lie about that.
If you vote for the other guy, and wins, you get no Hitler, and no Nazis. But you believe the other guy to ineligible.
What do you do?
That is the question we face now, and I would LOVE to know your answer at this time.
And may I add, this question is where we separate the men from the boys, and unfortunately, it is apparent that there are a WHOLE LOT of boys on our side right now.
“That is the question we face now”
I would disagree that that is the question. To me, the question is more like this:
You have two people running for office. Neither is suitable to hold the office. Neither is willing to be constrained by the highest law of the land. Neither is trustworthy. Neither can be judged based on what he says. One of them may or may not be eligible, with eligibility being based on the very law which neither of them will obey anyway.
One last condition — you are a person who has given his word to support and defend the highest law which they have already shown they will not obey.
Which of the two do you vote for?
If one of them is a Hitler-like person, I would absolutely vote to defeat him, because I have the benefit of history to instruct me. The law is not the be-all and end-all of our existence. Or to put it another way, when lives are on the line, we sometimes have to put the spirit of that law above the letter of it. As Christ put it, “Judge not according to the appearance, but judge righteous judgement.” He was specifically referring to the law when he said that.
Hey Richard, “If one of them is a Hitler-like person, I would absolutely vote to defeat him,”
I think that you are meaning “if one of them is a Hitler-like person AND THE OTHER IS NOT, I would absolutely vote to defeat him.” If that is the hypothetical, then yes, I would agree.
We still have the trickier issue of whether either, or one, or both, of them are actually Hitler-like in the real non-hypothetical world where we really vote one way or the other.
Well stated, sir!
Of course, I’d submit that the situation we face is clear enough, but unfortunately some of my peers seem not to agree.
You have, on the one hand, Cruz, who successfully defended Texas in the Medellin case, in which he based his decisions on his strong objection to the notion that the U.N. could make law that was binding on Texas. The Republican establishment opposed him and opposed Texas on this case, and tried to get the U.N. forcibly applied in Texas. Six Supreme Court justices agreed with Cruz, sending the feds and the U.N. packing.
According to your reading of the situation, this was not Cruz’ true belief and position, but just a lie promulgated to cement his relationship with the TEA party.
After all, if his action was genuine and not just a pretense, then he himself is a genuine conservative. And you’ve implied that you don’t accept that he is, so therefore you’re also implying that his action in that case was just the pretense of an Establishment Republican with his sights set on higher office.
You also have the situation with health care. Trump states that the best health care is a mandatory universal single-payer system, which is a complete Communist takeover of the entire health services sector. This is not rumor or inference; this is what HE SAYS he believes in.
Cruz, on the other hand, not only disagrees verbally, but went to the Senate floor and fought to invoke the power of the purse to end mandatory national health care.
If you’re right and I’m wrong, that means Cruz is a secret health-care Communist a-la Trump; this means that his action was nothing more than a ruse formulated by a Nazi globalist intent on the destruction of the U.S. for the benefit of the other countries and global elite, and he did it just to curry favor with the TEA party so he could seek their vote later.
Wouldn’t there have been some simpler ways of going about that??
You see what I’m getting at? There’s no middle ground with this. Most of Cruz’ actions have been so bold, and so good for our side, and in the case of Medellin and some other things, so damaging to the other side, that there’s no way to argue that they are the half-hearted attempts of a milquetoast Republican afraid of his own shadow. So there are only two options remaining: either Cruz is another Bush/Christie/Fiorina/Obama/Trump style, America-busting, cyborg, Pelosi-nuzzling, Obama-worshipping anti-conservative Terminator .. or he’s pretty much what he says he is.
Do I disagree with him on many things? Yes, including free trade! The problem is that Trump is all talk on trade, and there is abundant reason to think he’s lying through his teeth about. Some of which I’ve already alluded to above.
And if you know me well, you’ll know I also have some major areas of disagreement with Cruz on foreign policy, and in some ways I’m actually closer to Trump’s stated positions on that. But nevertheless, looking at the big picture, Trump is definitely serving the anti-American globalists, who are Nazis, and there is good reason to believe that he will turn violent toward conservatives and tea partiers if he is elected President. By contrast, I see NO credible evidence of such a risk with Cruz. Even if he is a closet Globalist, he still has deep ties to the community that sent him to the Senate, and a deep respect for our values and our way of life.
If Cruz is a Globalist, he is a very “lite” or “low-cal” Globalist. Whereas Trump is hard-core, as he makes clear in issue after issue, and also in his public statements about his past business deals. (Look for example at the countries where he’s chosen to build, and what kind of relationships he has cultivated in those countries. He has a preference for secular-humanist and Muslim cultures in his choices of where to do business, and he seems to shun conservative Christian communities.) His gushing praise for the openly Leninist Putin should be the reddest of red flags to you. Again I have to say it boggles my mind to find myself having to make such arguments to the best of the best among us. These things should be instinctive for us. We shouldn’t even need to be having a drawn-out debate over them within our own ranks. That should be reserved for the rest of the world. Trump’s been in the race for over six months. Most of what I’m writing on this page is months-old information. How can what is so blindingly obvious to some of us, be so utterly obscure and uncertain to others??
Hey Richard! Just to be clear, I am not a Trump supporter nor a Cruz supporter. I do not think that either of them will uphold the Constitution. Have I set an unreasonable standard? If you answer “no”, then we have no disagreement. If you answer “yes”, then think for just a moment what that implies. Have we really reached such a position in our national government that the rather minimal demand that our politicians uphold their oath is considered unreasonable? If that is the case, I refuse to be part of it.
I respect your view on that, however I do think that this is an extraordinary situation we’re in. The dam is breaking, and we don’t have time for Queensberry rules right now. Perhaps some day you’ll come to agree with me about that.
Hey Richard! I may very well change my mind. At present, though, what I see is this. The reason why we have to suffer through such wretched choices of unsuitable candidates is because far too many people in the past have “held their nose and voted for the lesser of two evils.” Both parties have learned that they will not lose by putting up candidates that violate the law, lessen our liberty, leave our children with greater debt and increase the already huge footprint of government. All each party has to do is to convince the rank and file that the other party is even worse. Not only does lesser-of-two-evils voting always put evil into power, it is a slope that gets more and more evil each round. The only way I see to break the cycle is to state some standard that we voters will not violate, and then follow that standard. This is not a matter of Queensberry rules; this is a matter of what works — and what doesn’t work is violating our own standards.
We have seen a steady lowering of what we will accept — relentlessly, monotonically, lowering for at least a half century. I can imagine an election sometime soon where one candidate says “My honorable opponent in this race eats babies!” and the response will be “Yes, but I only eat babies under the age of six months! My colleague across the aisle eats babies all the way up to toddlers!” Well, I certainly can’t justify voting for someone who eats toddlers, not when I could put a six-monther into office.
Richard, I accept that you are an honorable person, and I would add a very bright person as well. You are already in the top 1% just by virtue of the fact that you realize that you are discussing a serious issue that will affect hundreds of millions of people. I appreciate your time and your sharing of what you think.
Thanks, Jason. That argument you just made is one I’ve made myself a number of times in the last few years. I kind of examined myself in the last couple weeks and decided that the preservation of life supersedes my former reasoning in this one case. But I can certainly understand your view on that, also. Until a few days ago, it was my own, as well.
Must go to work all. Good discussion, keep it respectful.
WIKI: Independent Task Force on North America
Council on Foreign Relations – Independent Task Force on North America
Has PDFs
chairmans statement:
Published Task Force Report #53 entitled, Building a North American Community (May 2005)
Carville is partners with Stan Goldberg who is the propagandist for CAGW. They are globalists who helped get politicians elected in 60 different countries including Tony Blair and Bill Clinton the pushers of the Fabian Socialist Third Way.
Richard may not trust Trump but I certainly do not trust Cruz at all.
I don’t trust him either, I simply say that Trump is far worse, and Cruz at least has a conservative we can look at. If Trump weren’t running away with the race, my arguments would be different. But as of right now, he IS running away with it.
^ “conservative record”
When I consider what I think I know, what I know I don’t know and how much there is of what I don’t know I don’t know, I have to come down on Gator’s side of this primary dilemma.
There must be a Gatorade versus Kool-Aid joke somewhere in there! 🙂
The thing we’re all tap dancing around here is probably the main reason for Trump’s popularity. He’s a straight, white, Christian(ish) male, and he doesn’t apologize for it. The entire democrat platform has devolved to, “THAT OTHER GUY IS EVIL”. The only thing holding them together is a mutual hatred for whomever they deem to be more “privileged”. And when they scream sexist/racist/trans-ist/ageist/ableist/Islamophobic Nerf herder, almost every republican politician bows his head in shame, and begs for forgiveness. The basic idea promoted by the entirety of current American culture is that if you don’t hate white men, you must hate everyone else. That’s utter bullshit, and we all know it. But very few politicians are willing to risk being labeled as some kind of “ist”. Trump doesn’t play their game. If he’s elected, we’ll find out which game he is playing. But a lot of people are so fed up with the current game that they’re willing to take the risk.
We have one party that’s explicitly against a huge portion of the population, and another that refuses to call them out on it. I really wish a less flawed candidate were willing to stand up to the bullshit, but Trump is what we have. And that bullshit is getting deeper by the day. Just last week, the Olympic committee declared that having testicles is no longer a disqualifier for competing as a woman. When we can’t even agree on the definition of a woman any more, it’s time to clean house. I don’t know that Trump will do that, but I see every other candidate as less likely to do it. I’m just playing he odds. Playing nice hasn’t worked, and I see no reason to keep trying. Maybe an arrogant jackass can succeed where better men have failed. Trump is a wild card. There’s a very real chance that his ego is more powerful than whatever threats have kept other politicians in line for so long. I think everyone understands that. Where we differ is on whether or not to gamble on him. As I see it, the country is falling apart either way. I don’t see how he’d do much worse. But with his randomness comes a chance that he’d do better. That’s why I’ll probably roll the dice on him. My God have mercy on us all.
^^ MAY God have mercy on us all. ^^
Well argued, I’d just point out that that is PRECISELY the argument that was made in favor of Hitler in 1932.
Oh and it’s hardly fair to say that Cruz has been ‘playing nice’, seeing the entire Establishment hates him far worse than they ever hated Trump.
I can’t deny the parallel with Hitler. I’d like to think today’s Americans wouldn’t put up with that level of evil, but I’m really not convinced of it. Hitler was a product of the circumstances in 1930’s Germany. He was more a mirror of German society than a leader of it. Looking back at his speeches today, we’d laugh at the cheesiness of his message, if it weren’t for the millions who died because of it. A healthier people would never have tolerated him. If Trump acts like Hitler, Americans will either stand for it, or we won’t. If we’re so beaten down that we’ll accept our own Hitler, one will rise. Trump or no Trump.
Another factor….I have no problem with someone having a career…paying their bills, and supporting their families
but there’s massive amounts of baggage that goes with that…pay nice or you don’t get the appointments, they turn against you
People have to make sacrifices to keep their jobs.
And career politicians is what we have.
Trump doesn’t need the job or money…
Richard T. Fowler says:
Well argued, I’d just point out that that is PRECISELY the argument that was made in favor of Hitler in 1932.
I think I now know where you are getting the Trump is Hitler crap.
It comes from an Anti-American islamist… (I won’t insult a female dog). Who is the puppet of the Martin Sorrell, chief executive of WPP is perhaps the single most powerful marketing firm in the world. WPP is a critical component to the largely Middle-East funded Climate Change movement and Sorell himself has long been aligned with the Clintons and Al Gore.
Muslim activist Nabela Noor. Noor has publicly condemned Donald Trump and likened him to Adolph Hitler and she condemns the United States as a racist nation that suffers Islamophobia which is largely responsible for inciting terror attacks against it.
She was invited to the last debate to ambush Trump. Who set him up? Rubio
The Fox Executive, Bill Sammon presides over scripting the debate questions is the father of Rubio’s Campaign Press Secretary.
However Fox News and Rubio are lackeys.
Globalists meet in Davos wondering what is to be done about the problem known as Trump.
REPORT: Global Elite Fear Donald Trump Presidency
With all due respect, I’ve given you about 20 different ways in which Trump is like Hitler, and you come back with the idea that I’m just regurgitating an unsupported conclusion by this person? (who by the way I’ve never even heard of, and I don’t generally get my opinions by trolling the Internet looking for people to tell me what to think. That you think I do … well, just wow.)
My sources are the words of Trump and the personal observations I’ve cited. If you don’t care enough to actually seek out primary sources of information, then it’s small wonder you don’t know what’s going on right now.
How about responding to my statement that that is the argument that was used to justify voting for Hitler? That is totally the case from the historical accounts I’ve read, and even though you put it at the top of your comment as if you were going to respond to it, you totally ignored it.
Let’s see, how insane is it for you to say that I oppose Trump because I secretly think the American people are racist and Islamophobic? I suppose you are now thinking I am pro-Muslim, and that’s why I dislike Trump?
Are you also saying I support a Leftist candidate like Rubio?
Do you have anything else you want to make up about me, or are you done?
Richard T. Fowler says:
“..My sources are the words of Trump and the personal observations I’ve cited. If you don’t care enough to actually seek out primary sources of information, then it’s small wonder you don’t know what’s going on right now….”
Richard I have just reread this whole thread.
#1. I have said more than once I have ordered a couple of Trump’s books to read before I make a final decision. I do not know how you can get any more primary source than that.
#2. I have said more than once.
………a) I have not watched TV since 1974 and I do not own a TV
………b) my computer is old and will not support videos
………c) I rarely listen to the radio and I don’t think I have ever even heard Glen Beck’s voice. However after reading this, I am not sure I want to: Here’s Why Ted Cruz Has Already Lost Iowa – Glenn Beck Lying Version… Beck tossed Rand Paul under the bus for cutting a deal with Senate Minority leader Mitch McConnell but lets Cruz off scott free for cutting the SAME DEAL AT THE SAME TIME!
You can watch the video for me…
#3. Your evidence seems to be living in NYC for less than a year. Hate to tell you but I was born in NYC Most of my family lives in NYC. My aunt and cousins live on Long Island and my Uncle was a VP at a fortune 500 company. My Brother is a billionaire. I also lived in Boston (and than makes NYC look conservative)
Did Trump ‘fit in’ of course he did. He had to. So did I. Does that mean he was not able to SEE what is happening to this country? Does it mean he does not care what is happening?
These and the other books he wrote tells me he cares:
Why We Want You to Be Rich: Two Men, One Message – October 9, 2006
Trump Never Give Up: How I Turned My Biggest Challenges into Success — January 18, 2008
The America We Deserve – January 1, 2000 (I am waiting delivery on this one)
Donald Trump points out problems and offers sensible, practical solutions. To help him formulate his ideas into well-researched and workable policies, Donald Trump has secured the support and counsel of a group of domestic and foreign policy advisers, all with White House or senior policy experience.
In The American We Deserve, Donald Trump lays out his concerns and solutions, virtually a platform on the major political issues facing our country. But this is not a dry, public-policy book. This is Donald Trump taking on the issues in his no-nonsense, unvarnished manner.
Again, I will wait to READ HIS WORDS before I make up my mind. However the other choices we have are Rand Paul and Cruz PROVEN to be on the RINO GOPe Leash. A crook (Rubio) a Democrat (Carson) and the Twig who will have all the independents running away screaming.
Gail….thanks to you I ordered his books too tonight
..and thank you for posting things I could have never found on my own
thanks a million
I’ve been trying to watch that video since I saw you link about an hour ago, but there’s something about that conservativetreehouse site, that pages keep reloading and ultimately hang on me. Probably my system configuration.
Anyway, I’ll keep looking out for more information to the best of my ability. I never denied here that Cruz was controlled; in fact I’m sure he is. I don’t believe that was ever at issue here.
As for my understanding of the culture, you’ll note that I told you I married a New York Leftist and have been fighting out these and similar issues with her for 16 years. The other people I was talking about are people I’ve met through her, with whom I’ve interacted, on and off, for much of that time. And of course, just living and working there, and being situationally aware, availed much understanding of the culture.
There is a radical Leftist New York culture which hates us, and which Trump was and is a product of, and which had been admiring of Trump and to a great extent still is (presumably because they know that he’s lying about his beliefs right now.) And I didn’t mean to suggest that you are ignorant of the existence of that culture, but that you weren’t understanding that those people don’t like to fraternize with those who are not like them, and they don’t tolerate dissent, and they retaliate against outsiders, just for being there and trying to associate with them, and that that is the culture which produced and shaped Trump into what he is. That’s what you seemingly were not understanding. (You’re trying to defend him, in part, by saying that yes, he moved in their circles, but he was never really a part of them, he was really just pretending, and he was really secretly a good conservative the whole time. Kind of the inverse of what you’re saying about me!)
Have now watched the video. It’s not really world-shattering for Cruz. According to the CTH website’s research, it seems as if Cruz took some money from McConnell in exchange for agreeing not to campaign for other conservatives in Republican primaries back in 2014. That would seem to imply that they do view him and Paul as a major threat to their plans. So while it’s certainly not laudatory for Cruz, it was obviously naivety and poor judgment on his part, and not him knowingly conspiring with them to defeat conservatives. If he on board with that, no one would see the need to try to cut a deal with him to keep him on the sidelines during that election. He made a tactical judgment call, and I would say, made the wrong call. That’s very unfortunate, but as I said, it’s not going to mean very much in the long run. Now where the website is going off the rails is when they say that Cruz’ being the Vice Chairman of Grassroots Organization for the National Republican Senatorial Committee implies that he had a hand in the campaign against Chris McDaniel in Mississippi or somehow supported it. That’s just ridiculous, and frankly they should know better than that.
The video also contains some very damaging facts about Trump, which I won’t bother repeating here, except to say that those things are much worse for Trump’s prospects than the Cruz-McConnell deal is for Cruz’ prospects. So, not surprisingly, Conservativetreehouse completely ignores them.
And when they say that Megyn Kelly was unfairly letting Beck carry on unchallenged, that’s ridiculous because she spends plenty of time pushing back on him, and making arguments that Trump has made or that he might make in response, which is her job. So it was an even-handed interview. Megyn’s pretty smart, and she knows that it could be professionally harmful for her to go all in against Trump at this point, after the way he’s attacked her. But once again, you see the evidence of how Trump supporters are totally blind to things like that, and see it as the exact opposite of what it really is. There’s only one way that a person gets to be that way, and that’s through strong brainwashing and propagandizing by a hardcore Leftist. Which is what Trump very obviously is.
Be sure to revisit all his past words.
Gail, since I thought it might be of interest to you, (and also because I know how frustrating it can be to have everyone talking about a video that one cannot view), I have completed a transcript of the seven-minute video on that CTH page, which contains Glenn Beck points about Trump that were ignored by the Treehouse author….
[Intro , clip of Beck endorsement at a Cruz rally in Iowa :]
I can’t believe I actually have to say this , but for the first time in a long time , the press was right . I am here to announce that I am officially endorsing Ted Cruz to become the first Hispanic President of the United States !
Megyn Kelly :
Breaking tonight , Ted Cruz getting an historic endorsement from one of the most iconic conservative voices in the country : Glenn Beck , taking to the campaign trail in Iowa Saturday , throwing his support behind a presidential candidate for the first time in nearly 40 years of broadcasting .
And with most experts suggesting the GOP race may be down to just two candidates , in particular in Iowa , Mr. Beck’s endorsement of one of those men came with a lengthy and repeated warning about the other ….
[clip of Beck :]
Mister Trump is saying over and over again , on the road , “I will make America great again .” “I will make America great .”
That’s not true ; it’s not even possible ! Each of us , as individuals , living our own dreams , making our own way , charting our own course , that is what makes America great ! [applause]
Anything else , anything else , is faith in self , and it is empty , it’s the human ego , and it is arrogant , and it is dangerous !
MK :
Glenn Beck is the founder of The Blaze , and a number-one New York Times bestselling author of The Immortal Nicholas.
Glenn , it’s great to see you . so why now , after 40 years , did you feel compelled to come out and endorse a candidate ?
Glenn Beck :
[A] couple of reasons , uh , Megyn . Um , I’ve never , uh , I’ve never endorsed anybody for any office at all , mainly because half my career , nobody cared ! The second half , I’ve never wanted to put my name on somebody . My credibility , I’ve worked hard for , and I don’t , I don’t — I’m not going to put my name on some guy and then have him go to Washington and not be that guy .
Um , Ted Cruz I have watched , and I told him , you know , four years ago when he went into the Senate , I said , you know , I don’t know if I trust you ; you say all the good things . But, um, if you go to Washington , I’m going to be your worst nightmare if you start to be a weasel . And I’ve watched him closely and he has not ! He has done the tough thing . He has been , you know , David against Goliath — in his own party , against the other party , in the media — NOBODY will stand with this guy , and yet he’s never backed down from the fight ! he says “I believe it, this is what I said I would do , I’m going to do these things !‘
MK :
But you know , his detractors , including Donald Trump , see that as not necessarily a positive .
Trump calls him a nasty guy who can’t get along with anyone —
Beck :
That’s not true !
MK :
— calls him a whack job , says he tells lies —
[Beck scoffs and shakes his head .]
— and is using his , you know , “inability to get along with people in Washington” as a negative in terms of getting things done .
Beck :
Here’s the , here’s the part : Donald Trump said this weekend that he is going to , um , “Look , [I have] to cut deals and we have to be part of the Establishment “, I’m quoting him , “I’m going to have to be a part of the Establishment in order to get things done .”
Well , that’s the problem ! That’s what stopped me with Rand Paul ! I love Rand Paul , but when he made a deal with , um , Mitch McConnell , I didn’t know if I could trust him ! People are tired of deal-making , especially when it’s not rooted in something !
So , the second reason I decided to endorse Ted Cruz , is :
A) I believe him , but the second thing is :
I really truly believe in , and I have a very long record , and people made fun of me when I said the caliphate was coming , they said it was absurd and it would never happen , and Megyn , I tell you , I feel as strongly about this , that there are a lot of great people in the Republican Party that you could vote for , a lot of them , and that I could vote for . Um , Donald Trump is not one of them ! And the next guy who comes into office is [either] going to finish the fundamental transformation that was started by Woodrow Wilson andaccelerated through Barack Obama ….
We’re going to — we’re headed for real trouble, Islamic trouble , economic trouble, and civil unrest in the next four , five years. This next President is either going to finish , and we’re going to become a nation where the pen and the phone are the way to rule , or we’re going to have somebody who has the Constitution in their bones and they’re going to re-point this cornerstone and set it right and give us a new , a new start .
MK :
But why , why do you , you know , obviously Donald Trump is the front runner by a lot . and so , conservatives are backing him to some extent , moderates are backing him to some extent , and the country , the GOP , does not feel the way you do .
How , how did you get to this sort of divide , uh , where you’re over here and most of these Republicans are over here ?
Beck :
‘Cause I’ve always been that guy ! I mean , I’m , I’ve , you know Megyn , when I was working there [at Fox], I was always kind of the guy who’s out , um , you know , and —
MK :
Aww. But we loved you ! [Meaning she loved him]
Beck :
I know , and I’ve always loved you . But I’ve always been the guy who’s kind of going and marching to my own , uh , tune .
And I’m , you know , and — the one thing I do know are Progressives . If there’s anything I know , it’s a Progressive . And this is a very dangerous thing , and I warned — when I was on Fox , I did several episodes on the fact — this is why I’ve only been , I’ve only spoken at CPAC one time , and they never invited me back , because I said , “The progressive … cancer … started from the Republicans … and it is in your own party !”
And I tried to warn on Fox , I did a show , the biggest one , you could remember , is I did the one with the pendulum — and I said , here’s Barack Obama . He’s pulled it back so far , and it’s going to swing the other way , and unless you root yourself in the Constitution, when that swings back , you’re going to have another guy with a pen and with a phone , and he’s going to do bad things !
MK :
Why would you believe that about Trump ? I mean , all he — what he says is I’m a deal-maker , I’m an executive , I’m worth several billion dollars , and I have a history of proving I can get things done — that I win , as he puts it .
Beck :
But , but that’s not — but that’s great for a CEO , but that’s not the job of a president . The President does — first of all , the President does not create jobs. He doesn’t jam things down your throat ! The President is not supposed to rule by dictate or edict or “executive” power ! He is supposed to make sure that the government acts and behaves the way it’s supposed to . It — his — when he raises his hand , “I will protect and defend the Constitution of the United States” — when we head into trouble — and trouble is coming ! — you want a guy who says , “Look ….”
I mean , look , let me say this . We have Lindsey Graham on record saying — “I don’t have a problem with the NSA spying, because , you know what , we’re at war . We have , I think it was John McCain , who said , um , “You know , I love freedom of speech , but there’s times when that has to be curbed .”
You have , um , Barbara Mikulski talking about the Second Amendment , and she said just last week ,”Don’t talk to me about this Constitution . Let’s get this done !”
MK :
Hah! It is irritating at times , isn’t it ?
Beck :
You’ve got to be rooted in the Constitution!
MK :
All right wait , I want to me stop you there , because we have much more to discuss with Glenn , as you can tell , including the attacks that have come down against him since this announcement became public , and his thoughts on another endorsement that occurred this week , that of Sarah Palin for Donald Trump . Stay tuned .
[Outro , clip of Donald Trump at a podium : ]
Glenn Beck , quote , “[My] show , be on my show , be on my show.” Every time I see him, he’s a weird guy ! He’s always crying ! He’s always crying , he’s al– he’s a weird dude !
Donlad “Flip-Flop” Trump strikes again…
Republican frontrunner Donald Trump once complimented Fox News host Megyn Kelly for her performance moderating a GOP debate in 2011.
Trump spoke to Kelly in 2011 about his frustration with candidates refusing to participate in a debate he was set to host with NewsMax. The businessman implied the Republican candidates declining invitations to attend his debate lacked “courage.”
He then heaped praise on Kelly.
“Do you really think you’re a better moderator than I am?” Kelly asked.
“No,” Trump promptly replied. “I could never beat you. That wouldn’t even be close. That would be no contest.”
The billionaire added, “You have done a great job, by the way. And I mean it.”
Yeah, we can trust him.
I would just like to point out that sometimes people vary over time. Kelly then is not Kelly now. People can do well sometimes and other times do not so well. Remarking on their varying performance is not flip-flopping. Find something else of Trump to complain about.
The businessman implied the Republican candidates declining invitations to attend his debate lacked “courage.”,/b>
Flip-flopping coward in his own words.
Don’t support Trump. He has no principles and will sell us out to the warmists the second he’s sworn in.
You are a fool.
The only thing that seems to drive the science of climatology on this site is politics. The science is ‘Trumped’ by politics. But this thread also makes it clear that the political ideology is ‘Trumped’ by hatred of science.
The ‘science’ must follow the most conservative ideology possible. And at the same time, the politics must follow the strictest anti-science possible.
Good luck, you guys. Your future will always be the same as your past as long as you run in circles.
You think you’re immune to the gory side of politics because you chose the side you believe will be the long-term winners. You chose based on results rather than principles. (You probably don’t realize it, but you did. To choose Leftism is that choice.)
But you are wrong, on both counts. Your side also has its “gory” reality that must be endured as part of the process, and moreover, your side is not a winner for anyone who chooses it, because life has no value over there, and everyone is expendable. While your movement will live on, individuals are sacrificed to the false gods in which they have placed their trust. You wish us luck, but you are the ones who can never have peace in the life you’ve chosen, because it’s always about the results for you, and the results will ever disappoint you. For conservatives, what matters is not the results but that we were on the right side and did our very best. For we know that we answer to a higher authority, and that willful abandonment of the correct principles is not excusable on _any_ grounds.
Therefore, you are also in need of the mercy you facetiously wish for us.
Well said, as usual.
mogur, would you be kind enough to explain what makes something “anti-science”? Can you give an actual example to illustrate what you mean?
Anti-science is when the atoms you’re studying are built from antiprotons and positrons.
Glad I could clear that up.
Hey Ted! Maybe mogur will say that anti-science is when you change data for unexplained reasons by unexplained amounts, far beyond the original error bars. 🙂
Antiscience is anything which contains prescience or conscience .
Islam : Islamist :: Science : Scientist
Pro-science : protoscience :: ancience : anti-science
Uncertainty : anticertainty :: nonscience :: antiscience
Certainty : science :: truth : nonsense
An anti-science elemnet has been discovered, and mogur’s heroes are the source…
A major research institution (MRI) has recently announced the discovery of the heaviest chemical element yet known to science.
The new element has been tentatively named Governmentium (Gv). Governmentium has 1 neutron, 12 assistant neutrons, 75 deputy neutrons, and 224 assistant deputy neutrons, giving it an atomic mass of 312.
These 312 particles are held together by forces called morons, which are surrounded by vast quantities of lepton-like particles called peons. Since governmentium has no electrons, it is inert. However, it can be detected as it impedes every reaction with which it comes into contact.
A minute amount of governmentium causes one reaction to take from four days to four years to complete when it would normally take less than a second. Governmentium has a normal half-life of three to six years; it does not decay, but instead undergoes a reorganization in which a portion of the assistant neutrons and deputy neutrons exchange places.
In fact, governmentium’s mass will actually increase over time, since each reorganization will cause some morons to become neutrons, forming isodopes.
This characteristic of moron-promotion leads some scientists to speculate that governmentium is formed whenever morons reach a certain quantity in concentration. This hypothetical quantity is referred to as Critical Morass.
When catalyzed with money, Governmentium becomes Administratium, an element that radiates just as much energy as Governmentium since it has half as many peons but twice as many morons.
Anti-science is then the Demoncraps spend $30 billion to get fake science papers published in phoney science journals, and you don’t agree with them.
“But this thread also makes it clear that the political ideology is ‘Trumped’ by hatred of science.”
Can you give any examples? The only tie I can see between politics and science in this thread is Gail insisting that she wouldn’t vote for someone who uncritically accepts AGW theory. That’s one person, drawing a line you disagree with, on a single subject. And that was only one item, in a list of Gail’s deal breakers. How do you go from that, to everyone here votes for whichever candidate hates science more? Even accepting your premises, it’s still a complete non sequitur. To draw such a conclusion suggests that it’s you who views this site through a purely political lens. The rest of us have been discussing policy and integrity issues.
If you want to insult us, at least insult us for things that have actually happened.