When spring snow cover was declining, climate scientists said they predicted it all along – and it was proof of global warming. But now that spring snow cover is increasing, and Greenland had record spring snow pack, scientists say they always predicted the increasing snow cover.
Sanderlings, red knots and ruddy turnstones failed to breed this year along the Arctic island’s east coast due to record snow cover
climate change models predict increased springtime snow
Late Snowpack Signals a Lost Summer for Greenland’s Shorebirds – Scientific American
Global warming causes both more and less spring snow.
spring snow cover has declined rapidly. Scientists agree, human-caused global warming is the dominant cause
But never mind the fact that snow cover is increasing, melt is way down, and scientists predicted it all along – scientists also say we are still going to have many feet of sea level rise due to melting snow and ice.
Whatever these people (climate scientists) are doing, it has nothing to do with science.