Daily Archives: June 25, 2019

Nature Not Cooperating With The Press Scamsters

Last week I called out the Washington Post and Fox News for lying about Arctic sea ice and Greenland glacial ice, which they said were melting at a record rate. The exact opposite is happening. Arctic sea ice is the … Continue reading

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Hurricanes Don’t Lie, But Climate Scientists Do

June hurricanes used to be fairly common in the US when CO2 was below 350 PPM, but there have been none since CO2 reached the 350 PPM threshold. In 1886 the US was hit by seven hurricanes, including three category … Continue reading

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Enemies Of The People

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No Need For Rational Thought In Climate Science

NASA shows land temperatures rising sharply from 1880 to 1899, and they show ocean temperatures falling during that same twenty year period. graph.png (1130×700) Does anyone actually believe there could be a divergence like that  for two decades? But no … Continue reading

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An Eight Year Long Nightmare

Barack Obama: Nasa must try to make Muslims ‘feel good’ – Telegraph

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