84% Of Midwest Stations Cooling During Summer

The graph below plots all 1,999,843 summer maximum temperature readings at all 191 Midwest USHCN stations since 1895, with trend lines.

Eighty-four percent of the stations are cooling. Ohio and Indiana are cooling the fastest.

The center of the histogram is around a cooling rate of 1.9 degrees F per century.

Warmer stations are cooling faster than cooler stations.

The warmest stations are in Illinois, Indiana and Missouri, and they are all cooling rapidly.

State	Station	        Average	 Trend (degrees F/century)
IL	HARRISBURG	89.3976	-2.28345
IL	SPARTA 1 W	88.4185	-1.45161
IL	DU QUOIN 4 SE	88.416	-2.89015
IL	MCLEANSBORO	88.3372	-1.57476
MO	LAMAR 7N	88.0649	-1.92598
IL	ANNA 2 NNE	87.9895	-1.25118
MO	JEFFERSON CITY  87.9181	-1.69554
IL	PALESTINE	87.6027	-1.6959
MO	LEXINGTON 3E	87.5619	-1.12669
IN	PRINCETON 1 W	87.5496	-2.29688
IL	MT VERNON 3 NE	87.5322	-4.45588
MO	MEXICO	        87.4598	-1.78494

Meanwhile, the criminals at the Union of Concerned Scientists have raised millions of dollars by lying about this.

Heat in the Heartland: 60 Years of Warming in the Midwest (2012) | Union of Concerned Scientists

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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