Daily Archives: January 25, 2024

Anti UHI Adjustments

Salta, Argentina has a population of 1.4 million people and is the 7th most populous city in the country.  Their population has increased 10X over the past 70 years. NOAA creates a non-existent warming trend there by cooling pre-1949 temperatures … Continue reading

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Record Breaking 1931

“MINNEAPOLIS—(AP)—Minnesota in 1931 broke all yearly records for heat, producing the warmest weather in the records of the federal weather bureau here, which has been keeping yearly data for the state since 1886. The mean temperature was 46.94 degrees as … Continue reading

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1926 Flood In Lithuania

“?19 March 1926 Catastrophic Flood Threatens Capital Kovno.—The population of Kovno, the capital of Lithuania, is suffering greatly from a Hood caused by the overflowing of the rivers Niemen and Vilya. The flood, which started a few days ago, now … Continue reading

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Peer-Reviewed Science On Twitter

While academia is spending billions of dollars of taxpayer money doing worthless science based on superstitions about CO2 and fake government temperature graphs, there is some actual science being done on Twitter. “In 2023, the 3-year frequency of global major … Continue reading

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