“Missing A Ton Of Snow”

““Once snow goes off a cliff, it accelerates off a cliff,” Mankin said.”

“From what I’m seeing so far, it doesn’t appear to be a pattern that will completely wipe out snow drought conditions,” McEvoy said.

“Their research suggests many Northern Hemisphere basins are nearing quick losses that could reshape water supplies for more than 2 billion people.”

The U.S. is missing a ton of snow — even with recent storms

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A snow gauge west of Laramie has recorded more than four feet of snow over the last two days.

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NOHRSC Interactive Snow Information

There is a significant positive anomaly in the amount of water stored in snow in the Northern Hemisphere.

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About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to “Missing A Ton Of Snow”

  1. Terry Shipman says:

    It is 8 F above this morning here at my house in Arkansas. I have three gas space heaters in these three downstairs rooms I mostly use in this two story house, not counting the bathroom and my upstairs bedroom. I only have two of the three running. It is warm enough in the kitchen that I don’t need to turn on the space heater. Where I am sitting it is a comfortable 78 degrees on the wall thermometer. I dripped water all night and had no freeze-ups. My wall space heater in this room looks so nice right now. It is drafty in this 122 year old house but it is liveable. Looking at the Entergy power outage map I see no major power outages. If the power goes out my space heaters will continue to soldier on. About five miles away Entergy’s two-unit coal fired plant is running nicely. It is a shame Entergy agreed to shut them down by 2030.

    The Arkansas Democrat-Gazette this morning has an article that says, “Clean Energy Out Of Reach For Many.” Naturally it is from the New York Time and relates how Cindy Camp would love to have solar power and a heat pump because of the high cost of heating her single family home in Baltimore. She says it is costing her upwards of 900 dollars a month. I would ask her if she voted for Joe Biden or Donald Trump in the last election. I always have to pay several hundred more a month during cold snaps like this but nothing like 900 a month.

    I will just drip water and keep my space heaters running and be thankful I don’t face blizzards here in Arkansas. I will be thankful for my coal-fired electricity and natural gas. Fossil fuels are so nice and affordable in this Red state. No Democrats needed here.

  2. arn says:

    Off Topic :

    The finally succeeded in killing Gonzalo Lira.

  3. Scissor says:

    Seems like the snow isn’t listening. Eldora received 20″ in the past 24 hours.

  4. toorightmate says:

    Why not just put an advert in the local newspaper “Lost and Found.

    LOST 1 tonne of snow.
    Please return to North America if found.

    I am sure that some eagle-eyed person will spot it.

  5. Joe in Wyo says:

    I live in centennial and can attest to the fact that we have received a ton of snow over the last couple days. So much so that I left centennial and came to Laramie today to save myself lots of shoveling tomorrow morning as I need to be heading to Boulder for work in the morning…. Winter was going along so nicely and then not so much….. haha
    We love snow!!!

  6. Chris says:

    It’s a little late in Idaho, but we’re catching up to normal.

  7. conrad ziefle says:

    I’m booking Park City today!

  8. Joe says:

    “Missing A Ton Of Snow”
    Geez, if snow cover & temperature isn’t exactly at the average all winter, the press whine about it.

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