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Another Glaciation Could Solve Most Of America’s Political Problems
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Here comes Popular Science with the Glo-bull warming. Arctic ice disappearing.
Thanks to successful efforts to hide the energy in cores of heavy atoms, some planets, and ordinary stars after 1945, the spirit of Stalin survived the end of WWII and left us ill-prepared to deal with glaciation or other natural changes in climate.
In 1946 George Orwell started writing his warning to us.
In 1946 Fred Hoyle said the internal composition of the Sun was changed from iron (Fe) to hydrogen (H) and was unanimously adopted without debate or discussion. See pp. 153-154.
It doesn’t go far enough south to take out DC, unfortunately.
But DC in the Ice Ages was a barren, wind-whipped frozen wasteland, even if not covered by ice. Perfect conditions for deserving politicians. Bad for cocktail parties
But the good news, according to the late Robin Williams, is that there’ll be “plenty of ice for daiquiris.”
This is looking similar to 13,000 years ago 😉
There also appears to be a low mosquito count this summer, in the S.H.!
I’m afraid they will just blame the glaciation on global warming.
Funny and true.
Solve some of our Canadian problems too.
No it won’t. We’ll have bought up all the prime southern land in the US as we get chased south by the ice.
In terms of validating Hansen’s “Manhatten under water” prediction, does ice count?
“does ice count?” only if it is rotten ice.
Nice color scheme. Most of the damage is done by the green.
Spock was quite worried about that in 1978:
“For the last billions of years whole continents were buried by ice. If the ice spreads over the continent again, it is in Northern Canada, Bathan Island, in the Canadian arctic that the mysterious process will begin. We look to this lonely outpost for warnings of a new Ice Age. Over the last thirty years average temperatures have dropped dramatically. The decent to Ice Age temperatures could take less than 200 years.”
Where’s ‘Bathan Island’? Would that be Baffin Island where the sole remaining chunk of the last glaciation, the Barnes Ice Cap, is still melting away?
Time to worry when the Barnes Ice Cap starts growing.
About seven years ago as solar cycle #23 was ending, the Sun was “going quiet” and concerns were expressed that the Sun might run out of oxygen.
I haven’t been able to find the original stories, but these links may assist:
H. Socas-Navarro and A.A. Norton, “The solar oxygen crisis: Probably not the last word,” The Astrophysical Journal 660: L153-L156, 2007 May 10
I suspect (but certainly do not know) that this finding reflects natural variation in the O/Fe elemental ratio over a solar cycle, accompanied by well-known mass fractionation variations in isotope ratios.
You forgot the new land because of lower sea level for the next 90 000 years.. It’s a win win change.
No cherry picking , yet. Too cold. -53 C -63 F
A GoreBull Warming Tipping point is a real non starter. A tipping point into glaciation is a distinct possibility. The change from the Wisconsin Ice Age to the Holocene happened in THREE years. BTW.
The solar insolation for 21 June at 65? N and CO2 for termination of several interglacials. Current values are insolation = 479 and CO2 = 400 ppmv.
MIS 7e – insolation = 463 W m?2, CO2 = 256 ppmv
MIS 11c – insolation = 466 W m?2, CO2 = 259-265 ppmv
MIS 13a – insolation = 500 W m?2, CO2 = 225 ppmv
MIS 15a – insolation = 480 W m?2, CO2 = 240 ppmv
MIS 17 – insolation = 477 W m?2, CO2 = 240 ppmv
From the 2012 paper: Can we predict the duration of an interglacial?
The paper also states Glacial inception is possible and the clue is the Bipolar Seesaw.
I think that one of the key points to watch is the growth of Antarctic Sea Ice and the wind driven Antarctic Circumpolar Current especially as it goes past Cape Horn at the southern tip of Chile. The amount of water driven by the winds up the coast of South America varies and has an effect on ENSO.
Bob Tisdale in a recent article at WUWT and on his own blog mentioned ENSO/El Nino and the Humboldt current.
The Humbolt current “is a cold, low-salinity ocean current that flows north along the west coast of South America from the southern tip of Chile to northern Peru.” -WIKI
The water going through Drake Passage at the tip of South America, is called the Cape Horn Current. “…The Cape Horn Current is a cold water current that flows west-to-east around Cape Horn. This current is caused by the intensification of the West Wind Drift as it rounds the cape….” – WIKI
The Antarctic Circumpolar Current (aka West Wind Drift) splits and part becomes the Cape Horn Current and part travels up the coast of South America as the Humboldt Current. If you look at this Sea Surface Temperature map it has a good image of a tongue of cold water from the Antarctic Circumpolar Current just before Drake Passage, headed up the coast of South America to Galapagos.
Bob Tisdale plots a very strong drop in Southern Ocean SST around 2007: bobtisdale(DOT)files.wordpress.com/2013/12/14-southern.png
Antarctic Circumpolar Current – Response to recent Climate Change
Research on Drakes Passage today: climate(DOT)gmu.edu/research/drake.php
Good plan. A new glacier could eliminate all the brain dead leftist zombies in NYC, Boston, Chicago, Detroit, Seattle, and a dozen other left wingnut cities. Go for it.
It would certainly solve Canada’s, which are much less severe and don’t need such drastic measures.