Trees Grew In Greenland When The Vikings Lived There

During the non-existent MWP, trees grew in Greenland. Mikey says it is much warmer in Greenland now, because it is too cold for trees to grow.

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And during the last ice age, trees grew further north in Alaska. Hinting that the ice age was likely due to a persistent weather pattern similar to the past winter – i.e. warm in Alaska, cold in the midwest and eastern US.

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CHANGING CLIMATE INDICATED IN ARCTIC – Professor Griggs Traces Fate of Lost Norse Colonies to Increasing Greenland Cold. TREE ROOTS PIERCE BODIES

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to Trees Grew In Greenland When The Vikings Lived There

  1. Rosco says:

    More proof that the alarmists lie about unprecedented recent warmth –

    The trees weren’t uncovered in 2008 when I was there.

    Absolute proof that over 1000 years ago it was far warmer than today – the glacier would have to retreat much further for a long, long time for trees as large are being revealed to grow.

    How many times do their lies need to be shown to be completely wrong before governments and the MSM wake up it is all BS ?

    • Ernest Bush says:

      Governments and government money are most of the problem here. They are well aware of the truth except for a few stupid politicians. Governments, including the U.S. are interested in AGW as an excuse to increase control. Welcome to modern times.

  2. coldwarvet says:

    Explain the ancient leaves discovered in the permafrost on the northern slope?

    • Perry says:

      coldwarvet says:
      May 4, 2014 at 2:01 am
      Explain the ancient leaves discovered in the permafrost on the northern slope?

      They can’t, so they sweep them under the carpet!

  3. Pathway says:

    When continental glaciers form in the east the west gets up to 300 inches of precipitation per year. Mountain glaciers extend down to 6000 feet and large lakes, such as Siever and Utah cover large portions of Utah and Nevada.

    • Send Al to the Pole says:

      Lake Bonneville: Utah Lake is a remnant of a much larger pleistocene lake called Lake Bonneville, which existed from 75,000 to 8,000 years ago. At its peak 30,000 years ago, Lake Bonneville reached an elevation of 5,090 feet (1,550 m) above sea level and had a surface area of 19,800 square miles (51,000 km2), which was nearly as large as Lake Michigan.

      I used to drive every weekend from SLC to Wendover to see my girlfriend. In the spring, the salt flats would be covered with 6 inches of water. This evaporates each year, leaving behind the salt.

      When you look at the Utah landscape today, it’s hard to imagine how such heavy vegetation grew there to form the coal seams which can exceed 8 feet in thickness.

  4. Morgan says:

    Some climate experts admit that Greenland was warmer during the MWP, but they say the warming was only local. They deny that all the heavy oxygen isotopes in the ice cores came from the whole hemisphere, they say it only came from Greenland itself, which means they have no idea how the isotope proxy even works.

    I know how it works….the government gives you money and you say it’s only local.

    • Phil Jones says:

      Right, there was just one teenie warm spot in Greenland for the Vikings… That explains this Inconvenient Truth… This Anamoly … Now let’s move on with more disaster predictions and Government funding… Lol!!

  5. gator69 says:

    If a tree grew in Greenland and no alarmist was there to see it, did it ever exist?

  6. GW says:

    So the $64,000 question is what caused (causes) the pattern to lock in for millenia, when in present times it only appears a handful of times per century ???

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