Fox News Does Math

Twenty is now larger than forty.

Data from Environment Canada shows that ice cover amongst all the Great Lakes for the week of April 16 is nearly 40 percent, which is the highest level since 1996, when ice cover reached nearly 20 percent.

Current Lake Superior ice cover is nearly 20 times more than last year | Fox News

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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6 Responses to Fox News Does Math

  1. Phil Jones says:

    Can I still go skating out there with all this heat??

  2. jdseanjd says:

    Desperation time eh? Why?

    Breaking news:

    Catholics V Banksters? At the death of fiat currency, & vast coming political change, a PR battle?

  3. Mike D says:

    While trying to figure out when the ice was actually that high before, found this 2012 article from Think Progress saying “Great Lakes Ice Cover Down 71% Since 1973”. The 2014 article cheering the return of the ice should be posted any day now.

  4. philjourdan says:

    The new Common Core math. I guess they get a gold star. 😉

  5. Desert Rat says:

    Actually their math is better than your 40/20 would have use believe: 3.6% * 20 = 72%, not 60%, I guess they rounded off 3.6% to 3%.

    From the article: “Images captured this week by NASA’s Aqua satellite show that Lake Superior is still nearly 60 percent ice covered, according to the NOAA Great Lakes Environmental Research Lab. The ice is an average of 8.9 inches thick.

    Around this time last year, only around 3.6 percent of the lake was covered with ice, and in 2012, ice was completely gone by April 12, NASA said in a statement.”

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