We Probably Would Have Noticed

Around 40 years ago, The Guardian wrote a story about Los Alamos – which said it was the location of the first atomic bomb test.

My mother wrote a letter to the editor :

We have lived in Los Alamos a long time, and don’t remember seeing any nuclear explosions. We probably would have noticed.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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21 Responses to We Probably Would Have Noticed

  1. John B., M.D. says:

    Didn’t they build the bomb there, but explode it near Alamogordo which is far south of Los Alamos?

  2. Eric Simpson says:

    OT here, but I think relevant to the main topic of this blog, global warming, as Common Core has been indicted as furthering the educational indoctrination aims of the leftists: http://www.masterresource.org/2014/04/common-core-climate-indoctrination/

    Peggy Noonan just posted a piece in the WSJ called: The trouble with Common Core.

    My comment:

    Noonan is spot on on this, and people look to her as intelligent moderate, and here she has said what we have been saying for a long time: gets the Feds out of education! Her last paragraph is outstanding, and here it is in an abridged form:

    The irony is that the Core proponents’ objective is good. [But] why they thought the answer was federal, and not local, is beyond me. The Common Core establishment appears to be led by people who are well-meaning, but who simply don’t know enough about normal people. Also they don’t seem to know that intelligent Americans, exactly the kind who quickly become aware of and respond to new federal schemes have become very, very wary of Washington, and the dreams of its eggheads.

    • B says:

      The answer is in the name. Common Core. It’s an extension of the Prussian model of education such that everyone believes the same things about everything.

    • -=NikFromNYC=- says:

      Even my krazy kommie Upper West Side neighbors are protesting CC testing, some of them anyway:


    • Gail Combs says:

      Robin at Invisible Serfs Collar would not agree that the ” Core proponents’ objective is good.” He has been getting his hands on the primary source material and reading it for years.

      Click on the link to go to his articles on Common Core. He is a lawyer and sometimes a bit difficult to follow but his research is rock solid.
      Here are some examples.

      Substituting Human Values for Spiritual Growth Lets Education Become the Driver Towards the New World Order
      Posted on May 5, 2014

      Did you ever come across something that both intrigued and terrified you at the same time? That is how I feel about the official Baha’i materials that I have now gotten a chance to read. Especially alarming was my insight that there was nothing to keep these religious or spiritual principles from simply being renamed and then required as a component of an anti-bullying campaign, or a characteristic of an IB Learner, or as conducive to a Positive School Climate, or even required emotional competencies or Life or Soft Skills. In other words, invisibly part of Student Achievement or Growth with no tip-off to parents or a community for the kind of wholesale change in consciousness schools are now being used for….

      Educating for Radical Change and New Values in an Age of Abundance: Defining the New Kind of Person to be Produced

      Posted on May 1, 2014

      Have you noticed that everywhere we look, across time and in other countries, the consistent message is to create a new system of values? New values that form a personal core so they are available to fuel future action or fulfill future psychological needs in these times of change. It’s why certain religions are being urged to shift their belief-systems. It’s why Milton Rokeach originally created the very term Competency back in the 60s that is now with us more than ever. It lies at the heart of what Career Ready turned out to mean and embodies the personal and societal transformations the UN’s IPCC reports want to require preemptively, whatever the actual weather or temperature trends over time.

      To ground the consistency of this message I have once again gone back in time. I cover important aspects of this story as it relates to education as a weapon….

    • Bob Knows says:

      I find no evidence to assume that the objective of Common Core proponents “is good.” On the contrary. Their actions to do bad shout so loud that it was obviously their objective.

  3. omnologos says:

    Must’ve exploded in Los Alamogordo

  4. tom0mason says:

    Sorry Steve but you can’t have The Guardian break the habit of it’s lifetime and actually have them print the unvanished facts in a correction, now would you?
    If they did that would be truly unprecedented.

  5. Billy N.Z. says:

    I thought the first nuclear test was at Trinity. I have a piece of Trinitite which I believe the explosion created by melting the sand. But then,I may be wrong,living away down under.

  6. Well Trinity was in a nice little spot named Jornada del Muerto. Yes it is in New Mexico, and yes amazingly New Mexico is a state in the United States of America!

  7. Oh, maybe they think the test was done on Trinity Drive!

  8. Curt says:

    Recently, on a site like Buzzfeed, I came across a hilarious post of the results of giving Brits an unlabeled map of the US and asking them to list as many states as they could. The only things listed for New Mexico involved “Breaking Bad”.

  9. “Trinity” was one of Oppie’s enigmatic ideas.

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