The Mooney Cult

Chris Mooney and the White House say that the US is burning up

ScreenHunter_358 May. 12 06.05

7 Scary Facts About How Global Warming Is Scorching the United States | Mother Jones

The actual US is experiencing near record cold.

WaterTDeptUS (22)

WaterTDeptUS.png (688×531)

Before government data tampering and cherry picking, the US cooled nearly a degree over the past 85 years.

ScreenHunter_359 May. 12 06.14

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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11 Responses to The Mooney Cult

  1. PaulB says:

    Reading the comments on the Mother Jones link is just precious…one cannot stray from the orthodoxy a single iota or thou shall be flamed…..

    • rw says:

      The article itself is priceless: “we simply do not live in the same America any more, thanks to climate change. It is a different place, a different country.” Well, it certainly is.

  2. theyouk says:

    The list of people on Earth whom I hold in complete disdain and outright loathe is a very, very short list (arguably charitably short); however, it does include Chris Mooney. (Note: A simple “I was wrong and was inexcusably cocky and smarmy; I’m sorry” would take him off that list.)

  3. Andy Oz says:

    I wonder when the next Mooney group wedding will be? Perhaps in mid summer at the North Pole. They might lose the brides in all that stuff our kids will never see.

  4. joshuah says:

    Don’t forget the part that spreads alarm about the number of Americans living within four feet of sea level rise when we’re on pace and even forecasted to only rise about a foot by 2100! That’s about as relevant as worrying about how crowded we would be if we all lived to be 400…

    And never mind the wildfire alarmism that pays no heed to fire suppression or human-caused fires.

    At least they didn’t try to bring (non-trending) tornadoes or hurricanes into the mix.

  5. Notice no delta range is given for the first graph. I bet it was taken between sunrise and high noon.

  6. dmmcmah says:

    “Alaska is becoming unrecognizable”

    Has Mooney asked anybody living in Alaska about this?

  7. dmmcmah says:

    “projected to spend $5.6-$7.6 billion repairing infrastructure by 2080”

    That is a laughable line. Really over the next 66 years they are ONLY going to spend up to $7.6 billion on their infrastructure? Sounds like a bargain.

    • Gail Combs says:

      Some cities still have wooden pipes as part of their water distribution system!

      Katrina and the Levees showed the hidden political rot.

      ….A revised partial settlement has been reached in a class action lawsuit about the alleged failures and overtopping of levees and other flood and water control structures during Hurricanes Katrina and Rita. Revisions to the settlement include a claims process and a plan for how payments will be calculated.

      The lawsuit alleges levees and other flood and water control structures failed and/or were overtopped as a result of Hurricanes Katrina and Rita because they were not properly designed, inspected, or maintained, and that this failure caused property damage, personal injury and other losses…

      Katrina And Why The Levees Broke: Mark Schleifstein: Lack of commitment to public infrastructure to blame for Katrina flooding

      After the Army Corps of Engineers’ levees broke during Katrina, the residents of New Orleans, and the whole country, found out that we cannot trust the Corps to properly design and build levees.

      Louisiana residents voted for a new paradigm of levee board governance better suited to a major marine terminal like New Orleans. The Southeast Louisiana Flood Protection Authorities East and West were formed. But now, the historic legislation, which put Louisiana on the cutting edge, may be gutted by proposed bills by Senators Robert Adley and Bret Allain…..

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