Gavin Continues To Diverge From Reality

GISS shows April as 2nd warmest on record globally.

ScreenHunter_27 May. 14 08.40

Satellite data shows April as 11th warmest since 1979, and just above the median (red line below.)

ScreenHunter_25 May. 14 07.52

GISS is diverging from RSS at a rate much faster than the GISS claimed trend. The surface temperature record is now meaningless propaganda*.

ScreenHunter_26 May. 14 08.30

* Mosher says GISS is golden

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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12 Responses to Gavin Continues To Diverge From Reality

  1. Password protected says:

    Seems the correction is greater in cool years and less in warm ones, as though a predetermined increase slope was the goal.

  2. _Jim says:

    re: French Foreign Minister: ‘500 Days to Avoid Climate Chaos’

    Can we start a clock or something on this? Update it each day?

  3. Andy DC says:

    The Government has absolutely no credibility.

    • Mike D says:

      In spite of all the clear lies and fraud historically, there’s still a huge share of the population who still believes government needs to do more. But hey, some people stay in abusive relationships for years, so I guess many people are just being consistent.

  4. Whatever happened to UAH?

  5. How long before they tell us that the satellite data is unreliable?

    • -=NikFromNYC=- says:

      Who better than “NASA” to let us know that we are failing to “empower” Muslims who suddenly en masse nationalized our Arabian oil rigs? Gavin Hussain Mohammad to our rescue. A Paradise based on virgin brides explains why 911 pilots went to strip clubs beforehand…to motivate themselves, as horny apes.

      Alas, the Internet is helping foment a culture war since very much *unlike* the real melting pot of Manhattan, there is a severe lack of body language and tone of voice that healthily represents 85% of human communications. Normally, differences add up synergistically to create better teams. Not on the Internet, no.

      Collectivists merely form bubbles, while individualists get banned from each others blogs. And that’s just the introverts. The extroverts are all in politics now, feeding off the online Balkanization of culture.

      I miss Brietbart, who had big enough balls to love everyone, including injective outspoken Hard Love, aimed in *person*, purposively recorded on relatively high sensory bandwidth video, as he appreciated the oddity of Occupy Wall Street filth and ultimate confusion.

      • _Jim says:

        the Internet is helping foment a culture war since very much *unlike* the real melting pot of Manhattan, there is a severe lack of body language and tone of voice that healthily represents 85% of human communications. Normally, differences add up synergistically to create better teams. Not on the Internet, no.

        One man’s opinion, observation; individual compartmentalization/isolation is just as alive, well and plentiful in Manhattan as everywhere else. Maybe even more so, since you have so little personal ‘space’ to start with …

  6. rw says:

    Where I was in the States in April it was 15 degrees (F) below average. It only warmed up (to average) early in May

  7. An Inquirer says:

    Ice this morning in the suburbs of the Twin Cities!

  8. Truthseeker says:

    “Mosher says GISS is golden”

    It is the goose that lays golden eggs …

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