New York Times Says One Foot Of Sea Level Rise By 2016 “Appears Certain”

Published: February 18, 1986

MANY scientists are so sure that the sea level will rise visibly in the coming decades that they are advising planners to adopt new strategies now. A predicted rise in sea level of one foot within the next 30 to 40 years will drive much of the Atlantic and Gulf shoreline inward by a hundred feet and some of it by more than a thousand feet


About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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14 Responses to New York Times Says One Foot Of Sea Level Rise By 2016 “Appears Certain”

  1. tom0mason says:

    More egg-on-face prediction fail.
    Almost as poor as the prediction Hansen said about New York sea-level rise. Complete cr@p as usual.

  2. wulliejohn says:

    How else will you be able to buy a cheap storefront property?

  3. daveandrews723 says:

    “Crying wolf” is not becoming to scientists or journalsts. It is amazing how so many otherwise intelligent people abandon all logic when it comes to this issue. They seem desperate to believe the nonsense. Scary.

  4. philjourdan says:

    It is certain. The question is when.

  5. 1957chev says:

    Do the Alarmists ever get tired of being completely wrong, and looking absolutely stupid?

  6. Centinel2012 says:

    Reblogged this on Centinel2012 and commented:
    The thing is that back then it wasn’t a consensus now that it is it’s more certain then ever we only have 2 more years till it happens … lol

  7. New York’s Battery gets a foot of sea level rise every time the Staten Island Ferry pulls out of the slip.

  8. Zebo says:

    Maybe this is the wrong article and i am far off topic,
    can anyone tell me why the US government is not using cloud seeding to let it rain in california.
    (btw i don’t belive in global warming just because always the opposite of the official story the us government tells is true.No matter wether we speak of war,economy or global warming)

  9. darrylb says:

    First you stated NYT– that says it all, and it was 1986, a whole decade after the same paper was predicting the next ice age.
    What we need is a method, perhaps a little public humor matching their predictions with the observations

  10. James the Elder says:

    I want 165 feet of rise. That puts me at beachfront. I already sit on an ancient sea bed; I just need the water.

  11. Ben Vorlich says:

    That prediction was 30 years ago which shows just how far off the mark it was. I was just wondering if there is any where in the world which has shown the effects of the average sea level rise which I think NOAA say is just over 3mm pa. In 30 years that will be about 100mm or 4″. If one foot in 30 years drives much of the Atlantic and Gulf shoreline inward by a hundred feet and some of it by more than a thousand feet then 4″ will be up to 100s of feet. That should be detectable in the data for somewhere where the land mass is stable should it not?

  12. AWC says:

    Reblogged this on Angrywoodchuck's Blog and commented:
    Too bad we will also have to wait until after America fades away to realize the truth.

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