I can only find three Argentinean stations in the GHCN/GISS databases with contiguous temperature records going back to the early 1940s.
Junin Aero is a rural station which shows 1940 warmer than now.
NASA has cleverly cooled the past there to hide the 1940’s warmth.
Data.GISS: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis
Santa Rosa Aero also is a rural station which shows no warming since 1940.
NASA has erased the 1940’s warmth there too.
Data.GISS: GISS Surface Temperature Analysis
Both of these stations agree with RSS satellite data, showing about 0.5C warming since 1979.
The third station is located in the middle of Buenos Aires, and shows about 3C warming since 1910, with current temperatures almost 2C warmer than 1940.
The only reason anyone believes that the world is warmer now than 1940 is because of Urban Heat Island effects like Buenos Aires, and junk science by NASA, NOAA, Richard Muller, Zeke and Mosher.