Vicious rumors about Barack Obama’s birthplace were started by racists wanting to impugn Mr. Obama’s integrity. The first one of these evil people was this man in 1991, who curiously has the same name and face as Barack Obama. I have nothing good to say about the people behind the vicious “Born in Kenya” rumors.
Born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii’
Seven years later, Mr. Barack Obama continued his efforts to undermine Mr. Barack Obama.
Kenya’s largest newspaper joined in these efforts to smear our first congenitally lying future president.
Kenyan-born Obama all set for US Senate
This evil birther who shared Barack Obama’s name and face, continued to spread the birther lie right up until three weeks before he announced his candidacy for president.
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But just in the nick of time he stopped spreading these rumors which would have kept our first communist president out of office.
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Obama declares he’s running for president –
Sadly though, African newspapers continued to try to smear our first anti-American president right up until election day.
Nigerian Observer Online Edition
As Gavin Schmidt would say, if you don’t like the facts in Africa – simply change them.