UN Wants To Dictate American Gun Rights

Obama wants us to get permission from the EU before we eat, adjust our thermostat or drive an SUV.

The UN wants to ban guns globally, to prevent machete massacres like the one in Rwanda which the UN oversaw and did nothing about.

History teaches us that governments are always to be trusted, and that an unarmed citizenry is a wonderful option against a tyrannical government.

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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4 Responses to UN Wants To Dictate American Gun Rights

  1. Ivan says:

    …or to prevent gun massacres like the one in Srebrenica which the UN oversaw and did nothing about.

  2. Rosco says:

    How could the armed UN peacekeepers just stand by and watch unarmed people being massacred from the safety of their armoured vehicles ??

    I have never understood that.

    I also have never understood why they bother sending peacekeepers in at all.

  3. gator69 says:

    Trees killing 22,000 Europeans annually!

    “Poplar, willow or eucalyptus trees, all used as fast-growing sources of renewable wood fuel, emit high levels of the chemical isoprene as they grow, the study said. Isoprene forms toxic ozone when mixed with other air pollutants in sunlight…. Ozone can cause lung problems and is blamed for killing about 22,000 people a year in Europe.”


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