Obama Prefers Your Family Dead

Obama says that it would be better for your daughter to get raped and murdered than for you to use a gun against a psychopath who threatens your family.

As a state senator in Illinois, President Obama opposed legislation providing an exception to handgun restrictions if the weapon was used in the defense of one’s home.

Obama’s vote would have maintained the status quo, which made it a violation of municipal gun ban law to use a firearm to save your own life in your own home. But the bill was passed anyway without his support.

Obama Opposed Gun Ban Exception to Defend One’s Home | The Blog on Obama: White House Dossier

What if a psychopath attacked a school?

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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7 Responses to Obama Prefers Your Family Dead

  1. Me says:

    That’s easy, you see it in real time on the LSM news.

  2. Presumably then he will take the moral high ground and disarm the secret service.

  3. Robertv says:

    REAL Assault Rifles vs Gun Grabber Myths


  4. Pathway says:

    The problem is that a psychopath has attacked the nation.

  5. Andy DC says:

    Yes, Obama should tell the world that he is disarming the Secret Service. I doubt if so, he would last 30 seconds.

  6. John Silver says:

    What if a psychopath attacked Obama in his home?

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