Marijuana Kills Far More People Than Rifles Do In Colorado

There were about 65 deaths last year in Colorado caused by drivers under the influence of Marijuana. This is considerably more than the number killed by rifles.

13 percent of deadly crashes in Colorado involved pot.

Bill To Set Limit For Driving While Stoned Has A Good Chance « CBS Denver

About Tony Heller

Just having fun
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10 Responses to Marijuana Kills Far More People Than Rifles Do In Colorado

  1. davidappell says:

    Rifles. How many were killed by any type of gun (and what difference did it make to them)?

    • David,

      Why don’t you learn the difference between a rifle and a handgun before you start posting?

      Diane Feinstein wants to ban rifles, even though they are used in fewer murders than hammers, clubs or fists.

      A legally owned rifle (i.e. National Rifle Association) has nothing to do with the illegal handguns used by gangs. Taking rifles away will increase the murder rate.

      Gang members can not walk into a convenience store with a rifle in their pocket.

    • Ivan says:

      “what difference did it make to them”
      Did Hillary Clinton write that for you?

  2. Ivan says:

    You are actually far … far … more likely to be killed by Obamacare.
    An estimated 98,000 people in the US die each year as the result of preventable medical errors.

  3. Eric Simpson says:

    Ban pot then. And alcohol. Sodas are bad, they say. Ban it. Most doctors think beef is bad. Ban beef. And the fat and sugar in ice cream and cheesecakes is causing millions of deaths a year. Can we say… ban. It’s not about freedom of choice, because the people aren’t smart enough to make there own choices. Freedom from choice is what we want. Seriously, alcohol causes a lot of death and illness. Ban it. /

    • Me says:

      😆 Ya know Eric, the only reason I argued with ya about the car thing was because it didn’t make any sense. That’s all.

      • Eric Simpson says:

        Yet I’m not sure what the argument was then. Plus, in retrospect I agree with you. And that car noise issue was a small fry issue. We’ve got bigger fish to fry. And as far as my comment above, make sure you see the sarc slash tag thing. /sarcastic
        Once I made it clear as day that I was being sarcastic, in my “white warmist” wuwt comment, but a ton of people got real upset and didn’t understand that it was a parody. Check out the thread.

      • Me says:

        😆 Pretty much

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